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 Rep: 108 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

war wrote:

a person who's drunk doesn't remember things properly when he sobers up because he wasn't sober when it happened

a person's who's paranoid remembers events like anyone else would cause they are of the same frame of mind 10 years after the event/s.

someone very close to me suffers from paranoia and she has a better memory than anyone i know

 Rep: 194 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

tejastech08 wrote:
DCK wrote:

The thing is, Axl's viewpoint was and is skewed by his extreme paranoia. That is a mental/psychological problem which can be just as problematic as drug/alcohol use when it comes to telling a story.

How would you know?

Ever listen to "Out Ta Get Me"? 16

 Rep: 194 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

tejastech08 wrote:
war wrote:

a person who's drunk doesn't remember things properly when he sobers up because he wasn't sober when it happened

a person's who's paranoid remembers events like anyone else would cause they are of the same frame of mind 10 years after the event/s.

someone very close to me suffers from paranoia and she has a better memory than anyone i know

But his perspective on the events is skewed as hell. He thought he was going to be fired and THAT was his reason for legally getting control of the name. He was ultra paranoid, afraid that everyone was out to get him.

 Rep: 207 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

DCK wrote:

He was ultra paranoid, afraid that everyone was out to get him.

Yep, sounds like you listened to Out Ta Get Me.

Fact is, you have no idea. Neither do I. I'm just saying Im trusting the paranoid guy (as you call him) before the drug addict.

For all we know, they might not be any of those things we call them.

It's stereotyping, going the "Axl is mental" and "Duff was drunk" way. It's pretty shallow.

We can discuss it but in the end we have no clue.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

tejastech08 wrote:
DCK wrote:

He was ultra paranoid, afraid that everyone was out to get him.

Yep, sounds like you listened to Out Ta Get Me.

Fact is, you have no idea. Neither do I. I'm just saying Im trusting the paranoid guy (as you call him) before the drug addict.

For all we know, they might not be any of those things we call them.

It's stereotyping, going the "Axl is mental" and "Duff was drunk" way. It's pretty shallow.

We can discuss it but in the end we have no clue.

We know Duff was a drunk. There's evidence of it in his public appearances at the time. And Slash himself has written about his own drug use so there's proof on that. You are right that we don't know for sure what was up with Axl or what's up with him today. I have already said that I lean towards believing the guy who was sober at the time over the two addicts who were wasted out of their minds.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

buzzsaw wrote:

We also know Axl isn't quite sane.  Perhaps we don't know exactly what's wrong with him, but insanity of some sort is his only explanation.  There is plenty of evidence of that as well.  I'm not saying he doesn't recall things better than the others - he probably does, but what he recalls may be very different than what actually happened.  The mind can play terrible tricks on you if you let it.

 Rep: 207 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

DCK wrote:

Yes exactly. While I don't believe any of them, I have to admit Axl is sitting on the best prof that he is right. His rethorics are very good and when he says he can prove it, I'll take his word for it.

 Rep: 108 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

war wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:
war wrote:

a person who's drunk doesn't remember things properly when he sobers up because he wasn't sober when it happened

a person's who's paranoid remembers events like anyone else would cause they are of the same frame of mind 10 years after the event/s.

someone very close to me suffers from paranoia and she has a better memory than anyone i know

But his perspective on the events is skewed as hell. He thought he was going to be fired and THAT was his reason for legally getting control of the name. He was ultra paranoid, afraid that everyone was out to get him.

but he still remembers what went down hmm

 Rep: 217 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

Mikkamakka wrote:
DCK wrote:

Yes exactly. While I don't believe any of them, I have to admit Axl is sitting on the best prof that he is right. His rethorics are very good and when he says he can prove it, I'll take his word for it.

It's a well-known fact that those who have mental illness seem to be honest and sincere, 'cause they're so crazy that really believe everything that exists in their fantasy. They are honest when they are telling their stories, even a lie-detector (that's how it is called?) cannot show it's not the truth they're saying. Cause in their mind it is - but in the reality, well, not necessarily.

 Rep: 108 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

war wrote:

while their reality may be different than the real one they are still capable of lying like anyone else.

i also have a friend who is a schizo, honestly

he is a really big liar.  screws people over a lot. and all of these things he does by design not because he is ill.

not talking about axl here just adding info

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