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 Rep: 108 

Re: Best Buy exclusive dramatically limited 1st week sales!

war wrote:

bigbri is right
i have been there three times since cd's release and the place was a grave yard each time

actually, there were more people at the grave yard the last time i was there than were at best buy   lol

Re: Best Buy exclusive dramatically limited 1st week sales!

Sky Dog wrote: … s_retail_1

long article on the Best Buy effect

 Rep: 768 

Re: Best Buy exclusive dramatically limited 1st week sales!

Axlin16 wrote:

Wal-Mart is king. Once they finally slayed K-Mart years ago, they owned the mountain.

People go into Wal-Mart everyday to buy GROCERIES. This is an item everyone needs. They buy food, milk, eggs, OJ, soda, bottled water, frozen pizza, candy, etc...

That's not counting the fact you can buy an entire outfit there, with hat & sunglasses for about $75 bucks. Shirt, Jeans, Hat & Sunglasses.

People go there to get the oil changed in their car, or new tires (Tire Lube Express).

People go daily in droves to the Pharmacy for their medication. Wal-Mart has got it all, in a sense.

Not trying to promote them, but the point is, any natural idiot on the street should've known that Wal-Mart would mean more album sales. Just by the fact of more customers.

All I can guess is that Best Buy threw the money at GN'R to beat out Wal-Mart, and Axl needed to clear his debt, and this was the only way to get out from under it. Even if it meant slitting one wrist of the album.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Best Buy exclusive dramatically limited 1st week sales!

PaSnow wrote:

That's a good article. Damn, 950 stores to 4,200, that is pretty drastic.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Best Buy exclusive dramatically limited 1st week sales!

Axlin16 wrote:

And it still did 261k opening week.

I'm actually seeing this a bit differently after reading that article.

Wal-Mart has over THREE TIMES the stores Best Buy has.

If they'd put CD in Wal-Mart, coupled with WM's promo, it might've did better than Black Ice, if not went instant-platinum, and #1.

 Rep: 88 

Re: Best Buy exclusive dramatically limited 1st week sales!

Gunslinger wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

And it still did 261k opening week.

I'm actually seeing this a bit differently after reading that article.

Wal-Mart has over THREE TIMES the stores Best Buy has.

If they'd put CD in Wal-Mart, coupled with WM's promo, it might've did better than Black Ice, if not went instant-platinum, and #1.

That has been my opinion (though unpopular it appears) since the beginning.  It's simple mathematics.  Best Buy hurt the sales, period. Of course the lack of significant promo, videos and Axl didn't help any but the music is NOT the problem.

 Rep: 217 

Re: Best Buy exclusive dramatically limited 1st week sales!

Mikkamakka wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

And it still did 261k opening week.

I'm actually seeing this a bit differently after reading that article.

Wal-Mart has over THREE TIMES the stores Best Buy has.

If they'd put CD in Wal-Mart, coupled with WM's promo, it might've did better than Black Ice, if not went instant-platinum, and #1.

I think it's a daydream. If people had been so interested in Axl's version of Guns N' Roses, they would have managed to go to a BB or ordered it online.

Re: Best Buy exclusive dramatically limited 1st week sales!

nugdafied wrote:

Why would WalMart want to do business with fakeGNR? fakeGNR was lucky to ripoff BestBuy & everyone should be happy with that. WalMart does business with people they know they can make money off & fakeGNR is not a moneymaker. Not when they can land the AC/DC's & Garth Brooks of the world. The REAL heavyhitters in the music business.

Would GNR probably sold a few more albums to the public without the BB exclusive? Probably. Would they ever of made the money they got from BB upfront like they did? Doubtful. So it worked out well for fakeGNR & people should be happy with that.

 Rep: 207 

Re: Best Buy exclusive dramatically limited 1st week sales!

DCK wrote:

I think it's a daydream. If people had been so interested in Axl's version of Guns N' Roses, they would have managed to go to a BB or ordered it online.

Only huge fans would drive places or make an effort to get an album. If it wasn't at Wal Mart, why not just go online and download it?

It hurt sales. Period. How much? No one knows. Anything from 10k to 600k

 Rep: 205 

Re: Best Buy exclusive dramatically limited 1st week sales!

PaSnow wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

And it still did 261k opening week.

I'm actually seeing this a bit differently after reading that article.

Wal-Mart has over THREE TIMES the stores Best Buy has.

If they'd put CD in Wal-Mart, coupled with WM's promo, it might've did better than Black Ice, if not went instant-platinum, and #1.

I think it's a daydream. If people had been so interested in Axl's version of Guns N' Roses, they would have managed to go to a BB or ordered it online.

I agree. The BB deal impeded it slightly, but I wouldn't go so far as to say it would have solde 4x's as many. Alot of it could be regions where Walmart outnumbers BB 2-1 or 3-1, but there still could be a BB within 30 minutes away. Granted, there's some areas where it's 1-2 hours, but I still don't think 75% of Americans don't have a BB nearby. Myb I'm wrong. It also still doesn't have anything to do with the lack of interviews, promotion, publicity, videos, or radio airplay.

Anyway, Axl made this bed, now he's got to sleep in it.

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