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 Rep: 768 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Axlin16 wrote:
Gunslinger wrote:
axlcrazy wrote:

What indicates that GNR is gonna suddenly start doing more promo for this album?

Who watches videos anymore & how is that gonna have much effect on sales? (ok, maybe that was 3 questions):P

1. Axl's word.
2. The people who warrant countdowns on VH1 and MTV I would assume.  The fact that Billboard has a chart for videos might signify there is an audience as well.
3. Not all that much by itself but coupled with promo it could go a long way.  How do you think Britney, Jonas Brothers, etc sales records?  It's certainly not their massive talent.  Now I'm not saying this will make the album HUGE all of the sudden I just think it will spark interest enough to "maintain" the cds longivity on the top 100.  That is the key to success...not taking a HUGE nosedive but rather hovering around the 50k mark for a little longer then tapering off slowly with small rises and falls in between.

Why would that mean anything?

Not calling Axl a liar by any stretch of the imagination, but somehow, someway to his misfortune, alot of what he says never seems to come to fruition. Look at the track record.

Blame bad luck I guess. But let's not start pulling out "Axl's word" as a defense. Because when it doesn't come true, instead of people saying "what happened, to make it not happen"... they'll turn around and say "boy Axl.. what a lying, cheating, no good egg suckin' chicken stealin' piece of gutter trash".

Like they always do. roll

 Rep: 341 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

bigbri wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

"boy Axl.. what a lying, cheating, no good egg suckin' chicken stealin' piece of gutter trash".:

Why you gotta bring the innocent chickens into this?

Hey, maybe there's the "bad blood" between Bucket and Axl.

 Rep: 5 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Paxcow wrote:

maybe bucket can't handle the fact that axl eats chickens. 16

 Rep: 664 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

James wrote:
mickronson wrote:

Why a video for Better now? its been out for a while now, even tho you wouldnt of thought so by airplay (lack of)...
why a video now.. videos accompany singles, not come along after the fact when they can be bothered..
If it helps Better get more airplay then i`m all for it, as i thought this was the holy grail of C.d and would make or break the album as far as the impatient 3m10s disposable pop single lovin public goes.
I still think a re-release at a better time for the album would do it wonders also.

I agree. Put this album on the back burner for awhile. Aim for a position on a soundtrack next summer for its final push. Maybe unleash a single after that wears off.

Shitting out these low key/low promo singles isn't doing it any justice. Better was wasted as a single.

Bright Eyes 2005
 Rep: 27 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

James--I was beginning to think you were hiding in undisclosed Area 51 Bunker!!  LOL!!

One just wonders what on earth is going through Frontline and UMG's heads right now?  Either they are putting the finishing touches on their 2009 plan to move some units, or they have decided to let to just let it wander through the forest on it's own and see what happens.  If they were going to release a video for Better, though, why not this past week--prior to the largest shopping day of the year, which is tomorrow. Who knows?  Should we care?  Most bands releasing albums twenty years after their first successful release would be thrilled to sell over a few million albums in a month.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Don't even worry about all that other stuff.

I said it before - it's done. Finished.

Better was the best chance they had a hit, catchiest, radio-friendly track they had, and it no one cared. Hell CD was a bigger hit, and that's only because people were curious, and DJ's across the country were playing it to death in the first week, simply for the curious-factor, but it quickly faded after that.

I think Axl just likes his hardcore fan base these days, and that's it. The people that'll stick by him, let him make the kind of records he wants to make, and go out and buy them, and go out to shows. I don't think he's looking for mainstream success anymore. He doesn't care imo.

I think they will focus on this album for awhile, maybe tour the world (not the U.S.), and by next summer, they'll start prepping the second album for release.

Bright Eyes 2005
 Rep: 27 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Axlin08 wrote:

Don't even worry about all that other stuff.

I said it before - it's done. Finished.

Better was the best chance they had a hit, catchiest, radio-friendly track they had, and it no one cared. Hell CD was a bigger hit, and that's only because people were curious, and DJ's across the country were playing it to death in the first week, simply for the curious-factor, but it quickly faded after that.

I think Axl just likes his hardcore fan base these days, and that's it. The people that'll stick by him, let him make the kind of records he wants to make, and go out and buy them, and go out to shows. I don't think he's looking for mainstream success anymore. He doesn't care imo.

I think they will focus on this album for awhile, maybe tour the world (not the U.S.), and by next summer, they'll start prepping the second album for release.

If that is the case, I hope it works, because that is totally cool, and a very good place for an artist to be--success provided freedom.  Most bands that take that route, have much freedom and release albums or EP's almost annually, and offer much content online for free to their fans.  The only problem with that is, I am pretty sure I read GNR just re-did their contract with UMG, and I would imagine there are some sort of commercial expectations.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:

Based off this album alone, I don't think I would buy the next album.

 Rep: 107 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Furbush wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Based off this album alone, I don't think I would buy the next album.

whatever few misgivings i have about this album.. it will NOT stop me from buying the next one. There are waaaaay more positives than negatives and i am a sucker for more material...

 Rep: 768 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Axlin16 wrote:
Bright Eyes 2005 wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Don't even worry about all that other stuff.

I said it before - it's done. Finished.

Better was the best chance they had a hit, catchiest, radio-friendly track they had, and it no one cared. Hell CD was a bigger hit, and that's only because people were curious, and DJ's across the country were playing it to death in the first week, simply for the curious-factor, but it quickly faded after that.

I think Axl just likes his hardcore fan base these days, and that's it. The people that'll stick by him, let him make the kind of records he wants to make, and go out and buy them, and go out to shows. I don't think he's looking for mainstream success anymore. He doesn't care imo.

I think they will focus on this album for awhile, maybe tour the world (not the U.S.), and by next summer, they'll start prepping the second album for release.

If that is the case, I hope it works, because that is totally cool, and a very good place for an artist to be--success provided freedom.  Most bands that take that route, have much freedom and release albums or EP's almost annually, and offer much content online for free to their fans.  The only problem with that is, I am pretty sure I read GNR just re-did their contract with UMG, and I would imagine there are some sort of commercial expectations.

Considering the fact that CD is the best GN'R album since AFD imo... i'll definitely be in line day one for the next album. GN'R is still making good music.

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