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Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:
tylerdurden wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Based off this album alone, I don't think I would buy the next album.

whatever few misgivings i have about this album.. it will NOT stop me from buying the next one. There are waaaaay more positives than negatives and i am a sucker for more material...

I will buy the album, but not because of CD, but because of his collective body of work.

 Rep: 231 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

-D- wrote:

CD isn't as good as the UYI's.

I have had this album for not even a month and the only songs I listen to right now are :Madagascar, Sorry,Scraped,Catcher and Prostitute

The album is ok.......... but I think it really really lacks

There isn't anything close to November Rain, Estranged, You Could Be Mine, Civil War, Coma, Locomotive,or Don't Damn Me on here.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Don't Damn Me is MASSIVELY overrated by the diehards.

Other than weaker tracks like Scraped & Riad, CD is solid, and pretty much the rest of the tracks smoke the rest of those albums.

That was one of the questions I was curious to ask Axl, looking back on the Illusions.

Those albums produced some of the best in GNR's catalog, several of which surpassed alot of AFD's material, such as Don't Cry, November Rain, Coma, Civil War, Locomotive, Estranged & You Could Be Mine. But albums as a whole, they're very good, but not as strong as albums as a whole, imo, that AFD & CD are.

I've always found that perplexing, and even more so now with CD's quality. As albums, AFD & CD stand out, as a collective listen. But as far as singular tracks go - the Illusions have the stand outs.

 Rep: 217 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Mikkamakka wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Based off this album alone, I don't think I would buy the next album.

I don't think it would have been that bad. It's not great, but an enjoyable album with its ups and downs. I've never understood those who wrote off VR, since they were good enough to worth buying their records. We're all have 'GN'R-ears' and it was close to that, although not the same experience. Same goes for CD. I cannot get the 'real deal', so it's good enough for me, better than nothing, and better than 97% of the music out there.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:

Do you really want a CD part II wich would be like a UYI Part 4?  I do enjoy the album, but its because I know how great Axl can be that I will buy the next album.  I guess what I mean is, this album probably won't make a lot of new fans... AT ALL..  There are good songs, but its not captivating to me at all.

 Rep: 88 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Gunslinger wrote:
mickronson wrote:

Why a video for Better now? its been out for a while now, even tho you wouldnt of thought so by airplay (lack of)...
why a video now.. videos accompany singles, not come along after the fact when they can be bothered..
If it helps Better get more airplay then i`m all for it, as i thought this was the holy grail of C.d and would make or break the album as far as the impatient 3m10s disposable pop single lovin public goes.
I still think a re-release at a better time for the album would do it wonders also.

I think if it were out now (the keyword definitely being now) it would help but time is passing quickly and it looks like once again we are going to see another blown opportunity.  You can only blow so many until it's too late.

I think you may be right about a re-release as well.

Good post.

 Rep: 217 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Mikkamakka wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

I do enjoy the album, but its because I know how great Axl can be that I will buy the next album.  I guess what I mean is, this album probably won't make a lot of new fans... AT ALL..  There are good songs, but its not captivating to me at all.

It won't, I agree, that's why the 'UYI Part III' and 'second only to AFD' talk is wrong. Both AFD and UYI made a lot of fans, but what this new album lacks, maybe the most, is  the appeal for the general public. Only GN'R fans intersted in this and nobody else.

I don't know why is this, really... I mean, there are good songs and a few great ones... but if anyone likes This I Love, that surely likes old GN'R works. Same for's different, but close to the old band. Unfortunately the songs that are not GN'Rish seem to lack the appeal, except Better, but as I see it, even Better is on the verge of failing on the charts. hmm

 Rep: 485 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Neemo wrote:

I never understood the whole UYI III business

CD doesnt even sound like the UYI band....asiode from Axl...why dont we call AFD UYI 0 or lies we could call UYI 1/2

can someone explain the comparison of this album to the UYI disks please?

 Rep: 118 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

mickronson wrote:

I wish i knew.. Illusions are superior in most aspects but they are 15 yrs removed from this latest effort..Which i`d guess the reasoning behind some opinions expressed pertaining to songs like Scraped and Riad being somehow better than anything on UYI.. the new songs do have the "new" shine to them afterall, and comparing them to something by a different bunch of people a lifetime ago isnt fair or excusable. To some i guess its an attempt to justify the name.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

monkeychow wrote:
Neemo wrote:

can someone explain the comparison of this album to the UYI disks please?

I think the idea is that AFD is an album full of rockers. Put the disk in and hit 'random' and you know you will get a 'rocker'.

UYI sees a more diverse range of have songs like YCBM that would have worked on AFD, then you have songs like Estranged or NR that are more epic in flavour or ballad baised. There is accoustic stuff like You Aint the First, or Full on guitar assaults like Don't Damn Me. Lots of great music in lots of great styles...but the point is....they arn't all the same flavour - unlike AFD.

In this regard CD is also more varied than AFD in terms of styles. There is are the long ballads again...TWAT...or Prostitute.....but there are rockers...CD...there is a slightly more industrial stuff like Riad..or Shackler....or songs that are somewhere in the middle like Better or Maddy and then something that sounds a bit like an awesome showtune in This I love...all great songs...but not all in the one style. hit random and you can't guarentee what kind of song will come out.

And that's why people consider CD to be more like UYI3 I think as they both feature diverse range of styles in the songs. If AFD was the orginal sound of the band, then UYI was an evolution into expanding generes, then CD is the continuation of that process.

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