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A Private Eye
 Rep: 77 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

I got Farcry 2 for christmas, not played it loads but so far it's amazing. You've literally got a whole 50km country to explore as you wish with missions dotted around ala GTA, except you're in Africa and there's a war going on.

I'd say get a PS3 Tommie, I've had mine a year now, no problems (except on Assassins Creed but that's the games fault) and as everyone else has said in a few years it'll be doing things Xbox can only dream of. You can buy the 80gb ps3 and two games for 250 pounds, which is a great buy imo.

 Rep: 67 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Tommie wrote:

During the x-mas season I was able to grab ALOT of overtime.  I used the money to buy a PS3.  I love it.  I bought Fight Night Round 3 and Mercs 2 when I bought it.  I rented Drakes Fortune, but for the life of me I couldnt get into it.  I grabbed the demo of MGS4, but I feel like I'm missing out on all the backstory because this would be the first one I played. 

The PS3 is definitely the more forward thinking console.  Be it how I can install my own hard drive, or offering full games as a digital download.  I'm picking up Burnout Paradise from their store right now (they also offer GT 5 Prologue).

Any other games you guys can recommend? 

Also, I really dig how when I get my big screen eventually, I'll already have a Blu-Ray player.

A Private Eye
 Rep: 77 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Tommie wrote:

I grabbed the demo of MGS4, but I feel like I'm missing out on all the backstory because this would be the first one I played. 

The PS3 is definitely the more forward thinking console.  Be it how I can install my own hard drive, or offering full games as a digital download.  I'm picking up Burnout Paradise from their store right now (they also offer GT 5 Prologue).

Any other games you guys can recommend?

Unless you've played or can play at least MGS2 and 3 I wouldn't bother with MGS4 it's too complicated a story to just dive in at no.4. If you google MGS though you can read the whole story bit by bit if you wanted to do that up to part 3 and then play MGS4 although it's not quite the same 16

As I said previously I'd recommend Farcry 2 I can't stop playing it right now. I'm lsing about 4/5 hours a day to it at the moment, it's fantastic.

 Rep: 5 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

myillusions wrote:

Killzone 2

Coming February 27th 2009 baby!!! I can't wait! 22

 Rep: 664 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

James wrote:
A Private Eye wrote:

everyone else has said in a few years it'll be doing things Xbox can only dream of.

14 That's what Sony and its nutswingers say with every console. Then when the thing known as reality hits, everyone realizes they were swindled and here comes the next PS console to drool over and make you forget about the previous one.

Ps2 was supposed to destroy everything. Sure it had the massive sales, but not only could it not beat XBOX, it couldn't even beat Dreamcast which only survived about 2 years.

I will never buy a Sony console again. I'm sick of being lied to by those douche bags. To all you ps3 lovers, did you know that in the first year of that console they considered turning all your consoles into a virtual server for other companies? You had just paid 600 bucks for that, and they were about to write it off as a loss and start making money by having the consoles be servers.

So while XBOX users would have been playing exclusive levels of GTA and Wi users were playing Sesame Street shit, you Sony lovers would have been playing launch titles just so your console could make Sony money through your console being used by doctors offices, telemarketers,etc.

That should tell you all you need to know about what Sony thinks of its consumers.

The ONLY reason this console didn't die is because Blu Ray survived the HD war.

 Rep: 633 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 664 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

James wrote:
russtcb wrote:

I haven't played much of anything since playing through GTAIV then playing it a ton online.

Hopefully they're getting a new installment ready sooner than later.

XBOX360 will soon have exclusive levels to play.

Sony will not.

 Rep: 212 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

BLS-Pride wrote:

GTA 4 will have new msssions and a new main character froma biker gang in a online update. I think both XBOX and PS3 will have it.

 Rep: 633 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 485 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Neemo wrote:

it'll prolly be like the StarWars game (Force Unleashed) each platform had its own unique PS3 you could download a new level, the Wii had Lightsaber Duel Mode and i dunno what the XBOX had (but it was different from the other 2 platforms)

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