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 Rep: 386 

Re: GNR go Gold

Bono wrote:
Bono wrote:

Cause to me a lack of wicked guitar shredding solos or scretching wails by a singer doesn't mean wimpy.

Neemo wrote:

It does to me 9

That's gay tongue

According to Bono, "Beautiful Day" is about "a man who has lost everything, but finds joy in what he still has."[citation needed] In recent interviews, Bono also mentioned that "Beautiful Day" could be seen as a modern Christmas song.

Neemo wrote:

GAY 22

Obviously when he said the Christmas Song garbage it was tongue and cheek. The song is about what he origially said. That's anything but gay.


Neemo wrote:


Discotheque : Bono has written a song or two in the past about heroine. I've heard  that Discotheque is about Ecstacy, a drug found commonly in Discos during the 70s. The lyrics, you take what you can get point towards the desperation of drug addicts, with the addiction further being shown in 'cause it's all that you can find. You can reach, but you can't grab it paints the picture of an ecstacy user who can't get the drug they craves. You can push, but can't direct it shows the effects drugs can have....the more you take, the less predictable the effects. You get confused, but you know it describes the craving for ecstacy. Finally, You just can't get enough of that lovey dovey stuff is an obvious line of lyrics pointing at the unbelievable addiction some feel for drugs. Also look at the video for Discotheque, you will see that the atmostphere of the video is very spacey and almost surreal....the same feelings you get by taking the drug.

Sweetest Thing was allegedly written by Bono as an apology to his wife Ali Hewson for forgetting her birthday during The Joshua Tree sessions.

Neemo wrote:

Whipped 16

"Numb" and "Hold Me Thrill Me Kiss Me Kill Me" are prolly the 2 most recent cool songs by the band 22

As for The Sweetest thing yeah that's why he wrote it. It was originally a "b-side" never to be released but when they put out their 1980-1990 greatest hits they dug it up and used it as the "new" single to promote the album. Don't we all wish we could write songs off the cuff as an apology for when we screw up. I'm sure he got him off the hook 16
that's cool.

And by saying Numb and HMTMKMKM are their only most recent cool songs I have to assume you've never actually heard the entire Pop album. Pop was a dark album with some serious subject matter camouflaged in glitz of the Popmart tour and an album title that suggests otherwise. Alot of non fans write that album off for that reason and that reason alone.......

Anything said about their last two albums though is whatever. Not even U2 fans really agree on those so....

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much. I've managed to turn a Gn'R thread into a U2 thread. My work here is done 16


Re: GNR go Gold

Sky Dog wrote:

I love Staring at the Sun.....great song.

 Rep: 386 

Re: GNR go Gold

Bono wrote:
madagas wrote:

I love Staring at the Sun.....great song.

Madagascar that's the song that turned me into a U2 fan. Before that the only song I'd ever taken notice of was Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses but Starring at the Sun was the song that made me buy a  U2 album. That album was Pop and if what so many say is true( that album sucks) how is it  that was the album which turned me into a big fan of a band that up to that point I thought were lame? Weird eh.  I honestly believe Pop is an album that had self sabatoge written all over it. First of all the name of the album doesn't help. Secondly the name of the lead single "Discotheque" doesn't appeal. Then add in the visuals of the video for  Discotheque and you've got an album that's doomed right from the get go.  I mean who really wants a U2 where all the guys are dressed like the Village People dancing in a mirror ball? 16  I really believe this was an album that only the hardcore fans bought and then was simply ignored by the general public.  I mean really; they came out with an album called POP in 1997 at the height of the Backstreet Boys and Spice Girls movement. It's easy to see the general public turning a  blind eye to it based on perception. If grunge didn't hurt U2 in the early 90's then maybe  Spice Girls did in the late 90's 14

Re: GNR go Gold

Sky Dog wrote:

Intransigence is all around... military is still in town
Armour plated suits and ties... daddy just won't say goodbye
Referee won't blow the whistle
God is good but will HE listen
I'm nearly great but there's something missing.

I love the vocal delivery on that verse. As for the album, I think it is as good as the last 2. My personal opinion is that the public got tired of the tongue and cheek bombasity of U2 that started with Achtung. ZOO TV was an incredible concept and had a masterpiece album to support it, but the POP thing took it too far.

Please, Miami, The Playboy Mansion, and Gone are my other favorites.

 Rep: 386 

Re: GNR go Gold

Bono wrote:
madagas wrote:

Intransigence is all around... military is still in town
Armour plated suits and ties... daddy just won't say goodbye
Referee won't blow the whistle
God is good but will HE listen
I'm nearly great but there's something missing.

I love the vocal delivery on that verse. As for the album, I think it is as good as the last 2. My personal opinion is that the public got tired of the tongue and cheek bombasity of U2 that started with Achtung. ZOO TV was an incredible concept and had a masterpiece album to support it, but the POP thing took it too far.

Please, Miami, The Playboy Mansion, and Gone are my other favorites.

I totally agree with that assesment. I think the album may have had a chance untill people saw the video  for Discotheque and then people were like "enough already"  The Popmart tour got a bad rap too. That was freaking amazing and I think most everyone who saw it in person would agree but again I think you're right. It was like the spectacle was becoming more important than the music. The music was great but it had become overshadowed and basically pushed aside.  That opens up another discussion which is All That You Can't Leave Behind was such a success as well as the Elevation tour but on the flip side U2 took alot of criticism from fans and even non fans for playing it safe and sounding too much like U2 and doing a back to basics tour. 16 Such is life if you're U2 I guess.  Criticized for sounding and acting like U2 and criticized if you don't.

I never liked Miami for some reason. I really dig Mofo and  love If You Wear that Velvet Dress. As for Pop now that I've had a few years to digest the last two albums I think it's better than both to be honest.

 Rep: 664 

Re: GNR go Gold

James wrote:

That vid blows away at least half the bands we discuss here.

Madagas, didn't realize you were such a big U2 fan.

 Rep: 386 

Re: GNR go Gold

Bono wrote:

Nice James. As does this from 1989
and this from 1992
and this from 1997
and this from 2001
and this from 2005 - crowd participation in this one is key … re=related

16  Just all examples of why I've never understood the opinion that U2 is wimpy or that they're even boring. Oh well.

By the way I heard CD went Gold. Cool 16

 Rep: 768 

Re: GNR go Gold

Axlin16 wrote:

U2 is the epitome of a rock band, and what it should be. They are their own creature. They are simply a natural progression of Beatles, Stones, Zeppelin, Queen, etc. They carry on tradition. They are bigger than life, and their songs defy classification.

Guns N' Roses, you know, the real one, that 'big' 1992 band, had a chance at being that, and they fucked up. The Cult did too imo, but a lack of direction and a stable band lineup, also fucked up their chances.

I would've loved to be able to see old school Guns, that Queen/Stones GN'R of the UYI tour out there kickin' ass and being bigger than life... but that just isn't what happen.

You go U2, you embody everything rock n' fuckin' roll is about.

Re: GNR go Gold

Sky Dog wrote:

this is what made me a U2 I was 18 when this went girlfriend taped it and we watched it over and over again....still my favorite U2 song.:beer:

Re: GNR go Gold

Sky Dog wrote:

I just got teary eyed watching it........literally.

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