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 Rep: 485 

Re: Lost: Season 5

Neemo wrote:

what a crazy couple episodes last night holy shit... I cant believe that Hurley turned himself in to the cops 16 Ben was pissed

Hurley's description of the events on the island was awesome too 14

what the fuck is up with Locke? is he not really dead? I'm assuming that once he gets back to the island he'll be alive?

Time travel? that lost me 10

 Rep: 664 

Re: Lost: Season 5

James wrote:

I have yet to see even one episode of this. After I finished The Sopranos, I considered diving into this series. Watching Party of Five at the moment, but after I finish season two I think I'll check out the first season of this show.

 Rep: 59 

Re: Lost: Season 5

jorge76 wrote:
Neemo wrote:

Hurley's description of the events on the island was awesome too 14

I thought that was hilarious because it was like someone at abc had a camera on me when I was trying to describe Lost to someon who had never watched it a year or so ago.

James Lofton wrote:

I have yet to see even one episode of this. After I finished The Sopranos, I considered diving into this series. Watching Party of Five at the moment, but after I finish season two I think I'll check out the first season of this show.

I don't know how you feel about sitting and watching shows on the computer screen, but has all four seasons up and available to stream in HD.

 Rep: 57 

Re: Lost: Season 5

supaplex wrote:

did they answer why they were on the island in the first place? i got bored this fall and stopped watching all the soap-operas like lost, heroes and prison break

 Rep: 485 

Re: Lost: Season 5

Neemo wrote:

kinda supaplex...there is some special properties of the island which caused Darma to go there for research, there was already a group there and then the island pulled the oceanic people there for seom unexplained reason..fate i suppose

James this show is amazing, but its 4 seasons in, still the complexity of the story is insane, and you get so wrapped up in everything (at least i do) its very well done and if you like the conspiracy theory type of theme then this will be an interesting series for you for sure....i recommend starting at the beginning...

I almost went and bought the entire series on DVD the otehr day...$40 a season i thought was pretty good price

 Rep: 57 

Re: Lost: Season 5

supaplex wrote:
Neemo wrote:

kinda supaplex...there is some special properties of the island which caused Darma to go there for research, there was already a group there and then the island pulled the oceanic people there for seom unexplained reason..fate i suppose

i know about the others and pregnant women and bla bla bla... 16

i was wondering if they explained what dharma was doing on the island and how it started.
i stopped watching in the beginning of season 4. but they drag it along with no purpose whatsoever in these last seasons.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Lost: Season 5

Neemo wrote:

there is some force that can somehow manipulate time on the island

one of the flashbacks this time was actually the doctor dude in the orientation videos...and it was at the beginning of dharma before the stations were even built

the premise this seasons seems to be getting the oceanic 6 back on the island while sawyer and julia and locke are lost in some sort of time warp

 Rep: 57 

Re: Lost: Season 5

supaplex wrote:
Neemo wrote:

there is some force that can somehow manipulate time on the island

one of the flashbacks this time was actually the doctor dude in the orientation videos...and it was at the beginning of dharma before the stations were even built

the premise this seasons seems to be getting the oceanic 6 back on the island while sawyer and julia and locke are lost in some sort of time warp

and then capt. picard will come on-board enterprise and save them all 19

i'll resume watching later when i can get a whole season through. it's boring to wait one week for another tid-bit

thanks for the info 5

 Rep: 59 

Re: Lost: Season 5

jorge76 wrote:
supaplex wrote:

i'll resume watching later when i can get a whole season through. it's boring to wait one week for another tid-bit

Lost is especially horrible about that too.  ABC has an odd tendency to just throw in the occasional re-run instead of just letting the season run it's course every week.

I think this show also suffers from something that I've thouht for a long time was a problem for Sopranos.  They introduce a lot of interesting characters, but don't have time to abandon the main story to really flush them out.  So they spend an episode or a couple on someone, then they die, or the show just goes on to focus on someone else.

 Rep: 57 

Re: Lost: Season 5

supaplex wrote:
jorge76 wrote:

I think this show also suffers from something that I've thouht for a long time was a problem for Sopranos.  They introduce a lot of interesting characters, but don't have time to abandon the main story to really flush them out.  So they spend an episode or a couple on someone, then they die, or the show just goes on to focus on someone else.

you might have something there. in the first season they had the 12 main characters and they developed all their stories and you could get attached to them.

starting from season 2 they brought out many characters and didn't bother with back-stories and started killing them off.

Hidden Text:

i'll never get over taking charlie out. he was an awesome character

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