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 Rep: 108 

Re: Lars Comments on "Better" Video

war wrote:

i enjoy most of bumble's covering parts on the album but it's his contributions, creatively speaking, that i dig the most (other than the solo on riad). His solo on shacklers is awesome but you would never hear me trash on bucket's contributions or put a label over someone's head for liking him more than others do. as an individual i prefer bucket but i see lots of good from both on the album. axl had many chances to releases the album long before bumble even came around and he chose not to. although the reasons as to why this kept happening to axl are probably multiple, we know he was still not completely happy with the album as late as early '07. before you say "he still isn't"  he did finish enough music that he was satisified with enough to turn in to the record company for release at some point, many years after it was supposedly finished. i tend to just trust axl's decisions when it comes down to how he makes his own visions come to fruition and embrace what the final piece of artwork becomes. don't get me wrong, it could be better in some spots but axl's way of pulling everything together in good times and in bad is what makes the album cool.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Lars Comments on "Better" Video

Axlin16 wrote:
Neemo wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Bumblefoot is a cool dude, a talented artist, and been very open with information, but some these Bumble fans are quickly starting to resemble Richard Fortus fans. last i checked ron contributed to every single track on the finished album....he apears on more songs than anyone with the exception of robin, pitman and Axl....yet you are pretty much saying his contributions to the album mean nothing, obviously axl thinks his contributions are important enough to the album to have him record somethign for every single song

fortus appears on a handful of songs and is buried in the mix to boot....i dont get your angle here hmm a fan of bumble has just as important of say as a fan of bucket....and why the hell does it have to be som damn competition anyway? i enjoy the contributions from all of this some kind of high school pissing match or something?

It's not a competion, and I certaintly haven't tried to make it that from the get. I like Bumble, and support him. I'm not James or some of these others saying pencil me in for "Not interested".

I'm very interested, because I liked the album.

But i've went over and over and over the leaks, and the final album, even with a mixer, and i'm telling you, unless i'm deaf, or Ron's buried way way down in the mix, I don't hear anything original. Just re-recordings of material that even Mr. Magoo could figure out Bucket wrote and recorded, and considering his material in places stayed on the album, I don't understand the re-records at all.

I see virtually no contributions to this album that CHANGES it's landscape from the man. That's why I think, unless everything were CD sessions, and the next three follow up albums are all going to be material that's been worked since the late 90's, we might still getting re-records. But if they kind of are moving on, no one will know the contributions of Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal until the next record. Same with Frank Ferrer & Richard Fortus.

This isn't some high school pissing match. I was totally throw aback by your 'talking out of your ass' comment, when I was actually PRAISING Ron.

WTF? 10

Axlin08 wrote:

Problem is, I think no one can get a real idea for his ability, because all he's doing is copying material written by Bucket, the best he can. He does it well, very well considering Bucket's talent, but no one can really sit back and say the amazing BBF contributions.

What's incorrect about that statement? It's not a Bumble bash, it's actually a defense. No one will know what Bumble's contributions are 'til we truely get AWAY from the Bucket sessions.

 Rep: 109 

Re: Lars Comments on "Better" Video

Saikin wrote:

I find one big problem with your last post Axlin. 

You said that all Bumble did was re-record Buckethead's parts.  But the problem with that statement is that we have not heard Shackler's or Catcher in the Rye with Bucket on them.  I'm willing to bet the rhythm parts added to CD were not re-recorded Bucket parts.  And the solo on Riad certainly doesn't sound like he was copying Bucket.  It's his own solo. 

I'm fairly certain Bbf did not re-record Bucket's parts.  If he did, he deserves a lot more credit than a lot of people give him.  And he does damn good replicating Bh's exact tone and use of the killswitch.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Lars Comments on "Better" Video

Axlin16 wrote:

Okay, i'll give you Catcher & Riad.

But i'd lay good money down that any demo-form of Shackler's out there, would be the same exact song.

Bumble's work on Shackler's is sorely underrated, and many who didn't have the liners or at least read them, run around giving credit to Bucket. It's obviously written by Bucket, but if ANYONE needs to know Ron's ability - check Shackler's. Damn fine guitar work.

Still a Bucket piece though. Yeah I know, I don't know, I don't know. Funny, I didn't see 'Thal' under writing credits.

Once again, I give Ron all the credit in the world. But we still aren't going to know what he brings to the table, 'til we get away from the Bucket-era, studio-wise.

And as far as the rhythm goes, i'm not even gonna touch that one. Who would fuckin' know? For all we know, Ron could be re-recording material, recorded by Richard Fortus, originally written by Paul Tobias. 17

 Rep: 485 

Re: Lars Comments on "Better" Video

Neemo wrote:

well November Rain and Estranged are purely Axl "works" yet without Slash's contributions both songs are nothing

 Rep: 217 

Re: Lars Comments on "Better" Video

Mikkamakka wrote:

Slash even complained about not getting credit for those songs, cause his contribution was major.

 Rep: 13 

Re: Lars Comments on "Better" Video

strat0 wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Okay, i'll give you Catcher & Riad.

But i'd lay good money down that any demo-form of Shackler's out there, would be the same exact song.

Bumble's work on Shackler's is sorely underrated, and many who didn't have the liners or at least read them, run around giving credit to Bucket. It's obviously written by Bucket, but if ANYONE needs to know Ron's ability - check Shackler's. Damn fine guitar work.

Still a Bucket piece though. Yeah I know, I don't know, I don't know. Funny, I didn't see 'Thal' under writing credits.

Once again, I give Ron all the credit in the world. But we still aren't going to know what he brings to the table, 'til we get away from the Bucket-era, studio-wise.

And as far as the rhythm goes, i'm not even gonna touch that one. Who would fuckin' know? For all we know, Ron could be re-recording material, recorded by Richard Fortus, originally written by Paul Tobias. 17

I disagree somewhat. If we ever find a demo of Shackler's I do think PART of the solo would be the same. the first part does sound like Bucket. Then the fretless kicks in.

And although I like Bumble I think what alot of people are bitchin at are the fretless solos. Take the solo on Rhaid. great solo. But, I don't like the part where the fretless kicks in.

As For Shacklers....We'll have to see if we get a demo. There's a huge part of me saying that Bucket's solo is taptastic.

As for Catcher...I LOVE Ron's contributions. I think the song fits with the nervous/restlesness of the book better than the old one did.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Lars Comments on "Better" Video

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 386 

Re: Lars Comments on "Better" Video

Bono wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:

Slash even complained about not getting credit for those songs, cause his contribution was major.

Why would Slash complain about that? he got tons of credit for those songs especialy Estranged where Axl gave a special thanks to him in the liner notes of the album as well as talking about how much he appreciated it on the making of videos.

 Rep: 227 

Re: Lars Comments on "Better" Video

Will wrote:
Bono wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:

Slash even complained about not getting credit for those songs, cause his contribution was major.

Why would Slash complain about that? he got tons of credit for those songs especialy Estranged where Axl gave a special thanks to him in the liner notes of the album as well as talking about how much he appreciated it on the making of videos.

Wasn't that "Special Thanks" just Axls way of avoiding having to give a full songwriting credit, thus no royalties for Slash on the tune?

I have no source for this, just seem to recall reading it somewhere. (Probably in Slash' bio 16)

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