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 Rep: 205 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

PaSnow wrote:
Neemo wrote:

as for the eagles...they should get rid of McNabb IMO while he has any value left

Yeah, he's got a few years left in him, and would be better fitted with a more running style offense (Minn), but with many recent injuries and and high salary the next few years his value probably isn't going to all that high (probably not a 1st or 2nd rounder). Regardless I think he's done here after this year.

 Rep: 664 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

James wrote:
PaSnow wrote:

I wouldn't call the NFC wildcard wrapped up, I think it's totally up in the air actually. And since Philly beat Detroit, we are only 1/2 game behind them, so if both have the same record, we win the tiebreaker & get in. Minn could make a run as well, it really depends on teams schedules and I think I hear Detroit has a really hard ending to their schedule. Arizona really could have taken the lead by beating SF, but they blew that opportunity.

As for my NE post, I guess I didn't mean we shut down NE offense, but we did for Moss & pretty much Stallworth. I guess that's how you play them, pick 2 guys make the 3rd guy beat you. The next team should shut down Moss & Welker & try & see if Stallworth can do it.  I still don't understand NE running game, I though Mulroney was pretty good!? Why didn't he play, is he hurt or just bad.

I didn't mean the whole thing was wrapped up. I was more referring to division titles, and was pretty much looking at things if the season ended today.

As far as NE goes, I'm not sure. I have not watched all their games so I don't know if this abandoning the run shit is becoming a pattern or not. With how high some of their scores get, I would say its happening quite often. Its definitely stupid though. What happens if they get in a shootout with Cleveland in the playoffs, or the Colts? Gonna be hard to change the tone of the game.

hell i told you guys they should got Quinn in last years draft, but whatever

The funny thing is, they could still get him. The Browns organization was stupid and drafted Quinn without even analyzing the talent they already had. They are playoff bound, and Quinn hasn't taken one snap. If I was the Browns, I would trade the guy and try and move up in the draft.

and I think Eli's about at the end of his rope too....hes just too inconsistant for my tastes

Eli has to go. I'm not much of a Giants fan, but that team is going nowhere in an Eli era. Time to either look for a veteran(they were morons for getting rid of Warner), or just look to the draft again.

as for the eagles...they should get rid of McNabb IMO while he has any value left

He doesn't really have any value left. Everyone knows he has nothing left in the tank. Only question is there a team out there willing to take a risk on him or desiring an inconsistent veteran as a backup.

 Rep: 205 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

PaSnow wrote:
Jameslofton wrote:

hell i told you guys they should got Quinn in last years draft, but whatever

The funny thing is, they could still get him. The Browns organization was stupid and drafted Quinn without even analyzing the talent they already had. They are playoff bound, and Quinn hasn't taken one snap. If I was the Browns, I would trade the guy and try and move up in the draft.

Actually that would be a pretty wise move for both the Browns & whoever goes for him. Sure the Browns gave up this years 1st rounder & probably another pick or two in last years draft, but they wanted a good QB. They got him. Only it's not the QB they were thinking it was going to be.  Still, Derek Anderson looks like the real deal, & sometimes the best QB's do come out of nowhere (Warner, Romo) as opposed to 1st rounders who are busts about 50% of the time. For the team getting Quinn, you get a young QB for the future with pro potential,  with 1 year experience of learning in practice & on the bench, who can start if not opening day, maybe by week 8. Worth trading a mid-late first round pick for. We'll see. Remember the Chargers had Drew Brees & Philip Rivers. Rivers is ok, but I don't think he's mind-blowingly better than Brees is, so it wouldn't have been a terrible move to trade Rivers without him ever playing and keep Brees.

 Rep: 664 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

James wrote:
Gunslinger wrote:

I don't dislike the Pats I just get sick of the Brady being overrated crap.  He is NOT at the same level as Peyton Manning, sorry but he isn't...period.  Brady is a very good QB with a stacked deck, clear and simple.

I disagree. Brady is a genius. He is approaching Montana territory. The guy can audible at the line unlike any QB in the league. He is a big reason for the success of this team. He can expose any weakness in an opposing defense. He's the most dangerous player in the league, and the scary thing is that his career has pretty much just started. This guy could have 7 to 10 SB rings by the time he retires.

I'm not even a Pats fan, but this guy is as close to Joe Montana as the league will ever get.

 Rep: 485 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

Neemo wrote:

and Brady has incredible poise and is unbeliveable under pressure....put too much pressure on Manning and he chokes every time

If manning can stay on his game hes great to be sure, but if he gets shaken up hes done

NY Giants82
 Rep: 26 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

NY Giants82 wrote:
Jameslofton wrote:

Before I break down these standings a bit, am I the only person who thinks Eli should be a backup QB? Giants should offer him as trade bait at the end of the season while he still has a bit of value.

Oh please. Give me a fucking break. You're smarter than this James. He had a bad game, it happens to the best of them ya know. I think I remember Peyton having a 6 INT game this year, his 11th season! It happens.

The game yesterday was a team loss. On offense, the line wasnt blocking for shit, Eli had no time, he made mistakes, there were at least 5 drops, our number 1 reciever is playing on one ankle, our top two RBs were out of this game. This loss does not go soley on Eli, there is enough blame to go around.

The Giants can recover from this. I remember a VERY similar game in 2005, where Eli threw 4 INTs against Minnesota. They lost that game, and rebounded. They even won the division that year. I'm not saying they are going to win the division, cause that would require a catastrophic collapse by Dallas, but they are in fine position for the wild card spots. They can beat Seattle or Tampa. They will be fine.

 Rep: 205 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

PaSnow wrote:

Minn & Arizona both have pretty easy schedules the rest of the way. Wouldn't surprise me if one of them got the final wildcard spot.

NY Giants82
 Rep: 26 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

NY Giants82 wrote:

Philly is a real possibility as well. They impressed the hell out of me last night.

 Rep: 205 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

PaSnow wrote:

Yeah, it's gonna be tough still having to play Dallas & Giants again.  In addition Seattle NO & Buff. Could go anywhere from 4-1 to 2-3 or something. But yeah, they played a heck of a game last night, and have talent. I'm just not ready to annoint them as 10-6 like some people here are thinking that they'll win out.

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

NE is looking a little weak. An effective blitz will keep that offense under 30. The problem is when teams like the Bills blitz, they don't get close. But Philly cut down on Brady's pocket time and without a running game to worry about the Pats struggled. And their defense, at times, is very average. A confident team could put up 30 and run the clock given the right conditions.

Arrogance and one-sided offense almost ended their dream, and soon you can add weather to that list of negative factors.

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