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Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

Sky Dog wrote:
Olorin wrote:

I wonder if Interscope will use their right to reply and come clean on what has actually happened over the umpteen years Axl took to make a record.

there not going to bite his hand because he still holds alot of power over the back catalog and that is a CASH COW.:P

 Rep: 281 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

faldor wrote:
madagas wrote:
Olorin wrote:

I wonder if Interscope will use their right to reply and come clean on what has actually happened over the umpteen years Axl took to make a record.

there not going to bite his hand because he still holds alot of power over the back catalog and that is a CASH COW.:P

Good point.  In that sense I guess Axl's in a pretty safe position to spout off at them.

 Rep: 268 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

Olorin wrote:

Time will tell. I dont expect this latest rant to go unanswered.

A couple of other things I noticed:

"The opinions expressed or "jumped" on publicly regarding promotion seem to be [about] my or our involvement with mainstream media -- talk shows, rock magazines and dot-coms -- which have generally held negative public stances toward myself or the band for years, [and they] unfortunately have not been resolved. Efforts are being made to understand the relationships and evaluate how best to proceed."

I think this boils down to the same shit he tried back in 92, trying to control what the media says about him. Get over yourself man.

"In regard to our promotion, it was based around certain agreements with Universal, Interscope, our management and legal [teams] that unfortunately never happened."

I'm really confused about these statements about things apparantly being place for promotion before the release and not materialising. What exactly could these things possibly have been if no videos were made, no band pictures or good individual pictures are available, no interviews and no articles have been made and even worse, there is no fucking band at all? Finck, Richard, Pitman, Bumblefoot, Brain are all off doing solo stuff and Buckethead quit 5 years ago. Plus they have the worst band website in the industry, only beaten to the title of "worst band website of all time" - by their old one.

 Rep: 341 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

bigbri wrote:

I think it's sad Axl has the views he has, but c'mon. He's totally right about the media negativity toward him and GNR. Yes, I understand if he didn't take so long, it might be different. But if someone is constantly, continuously dissing you PUBLICLY, you're gonna get sick of it.

I don't think it's a pathetic life at all. I mean, what's pathetic is that "fans" carry a torch for a reunion that Axl and Slash extinguished years ago. This guy's a millionaire living life as he wants. Artistically frustrated, yes, but otherwise living the dream.

Anyone think that Brain post is anymore real or fake now?

 Rep: 281 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

faldor wrote:

I thought the Brain post was (if legit) just a comment in passing.  Nothing concrete to be taken seriously.  I mean it's possible he could've been in contact with Axl and they discussed touring in the future (summer).  But I never took it as, dates are finalized and the announcement will come out next month.  So it doesn't make it any more real or fake to me.

 Rep: 268 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

Olorin wrote:

Axl is stirring the cup of bitterness that he mixed for himself. Time to move on give his critics something sweeter to taste.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

James wrote:

If a second push is coming, it will be accompanied by a tour or he'll see identical results as the first push. We no longer live in an era where you can sit back and watch millions of your records fly off shelves with no effort. You have to get in the trenches.

Whatever he plans to do, he should announce a solidified line up as soon as possible. Like Olorin said, there's nothing to identify this band for the general public. I realize its basically NIN now, but he wanted the name and he's got it. Take advantage of it instead of keeping the general public in a mass state of confusion.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

buzzsaw wrote:
bigbri wrote:

I think it's sad Axl has the views he has, but c'mon. He's totally right about the media negativity toward him and GNR. Yes, I understand if he didn't take so long, it might be different. But if someone is constantly, continuously dissing you PUBLICLY, you're gonna get sick of it.

I don't think it's a pathetic life at all. I mean, what's pathetic is that "fans" carry a torch for a reunion that Axl and Slash extinguished years ago. This guy's a millionaire living life as he wants. Artistically frustrated, yes, but otherwise living the dream.

Money doesn't buy happiness.  If you think Axl is happy, you need to reread EVERYTHING the man has said for the past 20 years.  He is not a happy person at all, and I'd argue he NEVER has been. 

I don't see how fans who loved a very successful band that no longer exists wanting it to get back together is pathetic.  If it is, where do you place the BH fans that want him back in a band that was never successful?  Other than a couple thousand crazy internet people, nobody cares about this Guns N' Roses.  It's not me saying that, CD says that.  If there were to be a reunion album, it would outsell CD in a week (maybe a slight exaggeration, but the point stands).  Everybody knows that.  So what's pathetic is carrying on with something that nobody cares about, arguably including the only original person still in the band, just to try to prove he didn't need somebody that he obviously needed.

As for being dissed publicly, I'm not sure what reaction you would expect people to have.  Maybe if he had done something positive or said something positive or even said something that actually ended up happening, people wouldn't give him shit all the time.  When you set yourself up to be attacked, you can't be surprised when the attacks come.  All of this is his fault.  He either created or allowed the situations that still haunt him today to continue to haunt him.  Shit, he still thinks Slash is doing things every day to make him miserable.

 Rep: 341 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

bigbri wrote:

I think it is pathetic that fans want the old band back together and will beat that drum all the time at a web site devoted to the new version of the band. I think it's very pathetic, and nothing anyone says will change my mind of that. I do not want BH back in the band, I'm very clear on that. He's better solo. I heard him on CD, and it wasn't the Bucket I know and love, but do you see my pining for his return. No. Some, maybe. But that's for them.

I could give two shits about how much a reunion album would sell. I want to see the band evolve. If that means, it's just Axl and a computer, so be it. Let's hear it. Bucket plays with just himself and an iPod all the time and it owns.

Axl tries to slam the door shut on a reunion whenever he "talks" publicly, but some are too thickheaded to take it in. He's trying to tell us all something, but we don't listen. Or we don't choose to listen. Go on and keep preaching how old GNR was better, how this would be so much better with Slash, how GNR will never be as successful as it once was. You know what? You're mostly right.

The difference is, I chose to move on. Others cannot, will not or simply do not want to. Good for you. Like I said. I think it's pathetic they hang out here for the sole purpose of denigrating Axl and this band. It's like a badge of honor to hate Axl and GNR, it's a badge of honor to only like two songs on the album, it's a badge of honor to think CD sucks.

Hooray for you. You've made it effectively impossible to have a positive conversation about GNR. Not just here, I understand that James, but everywhere. You guys have made a difference.

It certainly says something about GNR "fans" that the best conversation I can have about CD is over at, a place that HATES, absolutely HATES, Axl and GNR. But guess what? They talk about the music. About the present. Not about the past. And that's fucking refreshing.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

PaSnow wrote:

"The opinions expressed or "jumped" on publicly regarding promotion seem to be [about] my or our involvement with mainstream media -- talk shows, rock magazines and dot-coms -- which have generally held negative public stances toward myself or the band for years, [and they] unfortunately have not been resolved."

'Everybody darling sometimes bites the hand that feeds' --- comes to mind.

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