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Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Sky Dog wrote:

I think I would rather see Axl do nothing than completely admit commercial failure and reunite with a cash cow. Like Zeppelin, sometimes you should just leave certain things untouched-old Gnr has that rep now. Chinese took the bar down from a sales standpoint, so I would prefer to see Axl release records HE wants to release than to take the easy way out....that is just MY opinion. wink

 Rep: 768 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Interesting points there Maddy. To be honest I was kind of 'ehhh' at Zeppelin's reunion and Roth reuniting with Van Halen.

I'd love to see Axl put out new music, I enjoyed CD, but I think this album is a goner. I don't think a re-release will really get it going. I think he might want to just forget the weight of CD, and move on to a fresh 'era' with a second album.


 Rep: 664 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

James wrote:

I agree with that. Now we actually have a chance for a slightly unconventional record. He knows millions aren't waiting for a record so he can take the gloves off. If he aims for anything at this stage in his career, it should be critical acclaim and not looking for acceptance from a massive fan base that no longer exists.

The fan base is scattered and in different factions. Pleasing them all is impossible.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

faldor wrote:
James Lofton wrote:
madagas wrote:

Both Better and Chinese Democracy have fallen out of top 20 on the Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks chart.:(

In other words.....

Time to put single #3 on the launch pad.


Although if they're not gonna do a video, just forget about another single.

I wonder IF the idea of a re-release is real, IF they'll bother releasing another single before then.  Assuming the Best Buy deal is for the rumored 6 months, that'd give it till the end of May when the re-release to ALL music outlets would take place.  Not sure exactly what went down between Best Buy and GNR to cause no band promotion to take place but it's possible they want to wait.  At least releasing 2 singles is SOMETHING for Best Buy, while not much obviously.  Pure speculation, who knows?

EDIT:  I guess I'll have to rework this after Axl's interview was posted last night.  Apparently there is no rift with Best Buy, it's more with Universal.  So I guess they're not waiting for the exclusive to end, more for some backing from the record company or if it gets to the point where they just take business into their own hands.  Best Buy apparently asked for a video though, so I'd assume we will get one.  If not, then there'd probably be a rift between GNR and Best Buy on BB's end.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Axlin16 wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

I agree with that. Now we actually have a chance for a slightly unconventional record. He knows millions aren't waiting for a record so he can take the gloves off. If he aims for anything at this stage in his career, it should be critical acclaim and not looking for acceptance from a massive fan base that no longer exists.

The fan base is scattered and in different factions. Pleasing them all is impossible.

Totally. I think alot of the time, people get burdened down with generalizations of just the phrases Axl-Slash or Axl-Bucket.

Axl's said it before that this album was the one the record company wanted. Maybe all along the CD sessions are so far out there (think Silkworms), that UMG didn't want to touch it with a 10-foot pole, let alone try to market it as "GUNS N' ROSES".

In reality, continuing on to a second or more albums is a win-win for everyone. Loyal fans, specifically those who enjoyed CD, get new music, Axl gets to do his thing, and he keeps his honor by "not giving in".

I like it. 22

 Rep: 231 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

-D- wrote:

Anyone ever watch the Dukes Of Hazzard growing up?

Well, they replaced the extremely popular and awesome Bo and Luke Duke with two carbon copy looking dudes named Coy and Vance

They still called the show The Dukes Of Hazzard but it just was never the same.

I feel this way with GNR. Had Axl just released it as his name, I think it would be different.

when u put GNR on it and u have guys kind of mimicking Slash in some ways........... it just comes off wrong in a lot of ways.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

misterID wrote:

Bullshit, dude. If the band name has an impact on how you hear the music and judge it, then, no offense, its impossible to take your opinion serious.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Axlin16 wrote:
D-Machine wrote:

Anyone ever watch the Dukes Of Hazzard growing up?

Well, they replaced the extremely popular and awesome Bo and Luke Duke with two carbon copy looking dudes named Coy and Vance

They still called the show The Dukes Of Hazzard but it just was never the same.

I feel this way with GNR. Had Axl just released it as his name, I think it would be different.

when u put GNR on it and u have guys kind of mimicking Slash in some ways........... it just comes off wrong in a lot of ways.


Interesting point. At least they had some familiar faces. I think an even more accurate example was "Airwolf". Where they replaced the ENTIRE cast at the end of the show. You walked out of one season with the originals, and into the next with totally new people from top-to-bottom, lol.

I do think this does apply to the casuals. Alot of people would've probably given it a second chance if they originals were there.

But at the end of the day, the music speaks for itself. I think it's great. I think it's a "Guns N' Roses" record. In my mind and ears, it sounds like something GN'R would do, and stands up to the other albums, even if it's GN'R: 21st Century, in a sense.

The music is either good or not, and really, no matter what the naysayers say, this album is enough of a MIXED bag for enough people, that I call it a critical & fan success. There's alot of people that like it. There's alot that don't. BUT, there's not 100% of people that don't like it, and that's why this music will survive.

I've said it before. It'll be the Halloween III of GN'R albums. Misunderstood, underappreciated, and will have a cult following among fans in 10 years.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

buzzsaw wrote:

Not a chance.  It's too cluttered to ever be appreciated by the masses.  If by fans you mean a few people online, then yes, maybe you have a point.  If by fans you mean people that have always loved GnR, there's no chance in hell.

 Rep: 231 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

-D- wrote:

To Clarify my posts

I try to post from a wide scope. I can put my feelings for CD aside and look at it with an objective eye. That offends people but I don't really care cause I am just saying what i feel is the truth and people just don't want to admit it could be true.

This album is a GNR album made by new guys trying to "sound" like GNR and it comes off that way IMO

its still a good album but I would enjoy it more if that didn't stick out to me.

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