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 Rep: 217 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

Mikkamakka wrote:

I wasn't talking about everyone, obviously. But some guys are in that cathegory, for sure.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

buzzsaw wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:

I wasn't talking about everyone, obviously. But some guys are in that cathegory, for sure.

Word of advice: when insulting someone's intelligence, use spell check.

 Rep: 341 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

bigbri wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:

Guys, you are pretty ignorant when it comes to Slash. I don't bother listing again the numerous songs in different genres he played and wrote. Of course, Izzy, Duff, Axl, Steven, Gilby, Dizzy and Matt are more diverse musicians. You are right.

Ha, ha. I see how it is. When the Axl hate flows, everything is all good, but when it goes against Slash, everybody is ignorant.

Weren't you one of the "not ignorant" ones trying to diagnose Axl's mental condition? That's the smart thing to do?

I'll wait for those "numerous songs in different genres."

 Rep: 43 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

gnfnraxl wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:

Guys, you are pretty ignorant when it comes to Slash. I don't bother listing again the numerous songs in different genres he played and wrote. Of course, Izzy, Duff, Axl, Steven, Gilby, Dizzy and Matt are more diverse musicians. You are right.

It's all a matter of opinion of course.  But since Slash has left GNR, he hasn't done anything that is very good in my opinion.  So he can play many genres all you want but if it all sucks then what's the use?

 Rep: 217 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

Mikkamakka wrote:
bigbri wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:

Guys, you are pretty ignorant when it comes to Slash. I don't bother listing again the numerous songs in different genres he played and wrote. Of course, Izzy, Duff, Axl, Steven, Gilby, Dizzy and Matt are more diverse musicians. You are right.

Ha, ha. I see how it is. When the Axl hate flows, everything is all good, but when it goes against Slash, everybody is ignorant.

Weren't you one of the "not ignorant" ones trying to diagnose Axl's mental condition? That's the smart thing to do?

I'll wait for those "numerous songs in different genres."

You can live in your anti-Slash fantasy land. I agree with you: Neither Can I, Beggars, Jizz Da Pit, Lower, Serial Killer, Been There Lately, Slither, Headspace, Superhuman, Don't Drop That Dime, Obsession Confession, Always on the Run, Baby You Can Hold My Hand, Messages, Fix, Vocalise etc. are all very close to each other. Very, very close. They all prove that Slash is not versatile. 22

Axl is crazy, several things imply this. Nothing proves the opposite. It's not hate, it's fact. But denying Slash's versatility is simply based on hate, ignorance and bucket mania.

 Rep: 217 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

Mikkamakka wrote:
gnfnraxl wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:

Guys, you are pretty ignorant when it comes to Slash. I don't bother listing again the numerous songs in different genres he played and wrote. Of course, Izzy, Duff, Axl, Steven, Gilby, Dizzy and Matt are more diverse musicians. You are right.

It's all a matter of opinion of course.  But since Slash has left GNR, he hasn't done anything that is very good in my opinion.  So he can play many genres all you want but if it all sucks then what's the use?

I think 5 O'clock has better guitar work than the UYIs. Not impressed by the VR albums though. It's called opinion, taste, how you like it. I do not have a problem with those who think Slash was much better in GN'R. That's their opinion, good for them. But denying Slash's versatility is another story, it's one of the HTGTH-based Axlite legends and simply untrue.

You can call Slash's post-GN'R work weak and I'll respect you, but disagree. But as soon as anyone tells that Slash is a one-dimensional player, his/her thoughts about music becomes irrelevant for me, as the person is deaf or driven by his hate.

 Rep: 341 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

bigbri wrote:

There you have it folks. Axl is crazy: fact.

And I hate Slash because I've eaten the same ol' meal he serves me year after year. Paid a pretty penny for it too. I have a weird way of showing my hate. Buying his music and such.

Why bring Buckethead into it. You don't really want that do you? I'm just leveling the playing field here.

Axl/GNR hate here goes unchecked while evryone else gets a free pass.

Those examples are pretty weak as far as diversity goes. Playing the same way at different speeds isn't exactly "diverse" or risky or challenging.

 Rep: 341 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

bigbri wrote:

So, you would respect my opinion if I thought Slash was weak? Sorry, I don't. He's a great player but doesn't stretch his abilities.

You can be satisfied with him if you like. I'd like to see him reach even greater heights. I'd like to see him blow my mind. Make me shake my head in disbelief. Put my jaw on the floor.

I guess I'm just an ignorant hater with an irrelevant opinion though.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

James wrote:

One of the reasons a lot of people don't consider Slash 'versatile' is because it all sounds the same. To take a line from Cheech, "different but the same". His playing has a very specific tone, and you notice it immediately. He plays rock and pretty much his standard solos on his ballads. He has an impressive resume( ) that just happens to be in his comfort zone.

Recognizing this doesn't make anyone "ignorant".

If I were to build a 'dream band', Slash is the last person I would want as my lead guitarist. I would have no desire for a Yesterdays solo, and he would start shaking in his boots at the thought of being pushed in other directions.

 Rep: 217 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

Mikkamakka wrote:

If you think that the songs I mentioned is just "Slash playing at different speed", then yes, you've just lost every credibility for me when it comes to music. No offense, and I know it's not a big deal for you. It doesn't have to be, I agree. You wrote the same for me, when I said that Slash is a more important guitar player than Neil Young.

Had you read my posts, you would have probably seen that I'm not satisfied with Slash's VR work. I love 5 O'clock, but since then he rarely reaches the same heights. For me. Sometimes his playing "made me shake my head in disbelief. Put my jaw on the floor" though. I think the songs I'd name didn't do the same for you. I was luckier.

I mentioned BH, cause... I like the guy and think he's extremely talented, but some BH fans always try to drag Slash down as a 'one dimensional player' and a 'one-trick pony'. I feel it's their way to admire BH more or something like that. When it comes to BH, I always feel something's missing. For you, it's different. You are luckier.

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