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 Rep: 268 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

Olorin wrote:
faldor wrote:
Intercourse wrote:

again no worse than Izzy said..

They've all said bad things about each other.  That stuff happens.  I'm not so sure why people are getting so bent out of shape about Axl talking shit about Slash.  Slash has done his fair share.  All is fair in love and war.

Just wondering where the intense, unyeilding distaste for Slash in particular comes from. Seems the other former members are now considered not so bad in comparison.

NY Giants82
 Rep: 26 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

NY Giants82 wrote:
Olorin wrote:
faldor wrote:
Intercourse wrote:

again no worse than Izzy said..

They've all said bad things about each other.  That stuff happens.  I'm not so sure why people are getting so bent out of shape about Axl talking shit about Slash.  Slash has done his fair share.  All is fair in love and war.

Just wondering where the intense, unyeilding distaste for Slash in particular comes from. Seems the other former members are now considered not so bad in comparison.

Like I have said, as well as others, we know very, very little about what went down during the break up, and afterwards. We might know 1% of what has acutally transpired between the two.

 Rep: 268 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

Olorin wrote:

I'm sure if we put our heads together we can get it up to about 3% by the time that Better video is released smile

 Rep: 227 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

Will wrote:
Intercourse wrote:

again no worse than Izzy said..

The Mick Wall interview sticks out like a sore thumb being the only interview where Izzy attacks Axl. Read Izzys other interviews from the same time period (2001) and his responses to GNR questions are lighthearted. Makes me question whether the Mick Wall interview, usually the interview that fans reference, was purposely slanted to make Axl look worse.

Just found an interesting tidbit from another '01 interview :-

Guitar & Bass Magazine wrote:

Q: Didn't you listen to something of new Guns N' Roses?

Izzy: No, I just saw a report on them in Q, in England. There was a photograph where Axl was not really to his advantage, he was large and puffed up. I hope he sounds better than he looks. Axl called me when he had the plan to play Rock In Rio. I don't believe that he hoped to reform the group as a whole because I am the only one that he called, but, in any event, I declined the offer. Maybe he estimated that his group was not good enough, all the same they had rather positive reviews on the whole. Axl is really a special type, he's [just] too hard to manage.

That could have been to take Huge's place, isn't it documented that he hated live shows? Wonder if Izzy was first choice over Fortus after Huge was gone.

NY Giants82
 Rep: 26 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

NY Giants82 wrote:
Olorin wrote:

I'm sure if we put our heads together we can get it up to about 3% by the time that Better video is released smile

That actually made me laugh! 16

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

Smoking Guns wrote:
Intercourse wrote:

For anyone, regardless of opinion:

Slash jammin' and always on the money... … re=related

Now that was awesome.

 Rep: 231 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

-D- wrote:

Yeah, Slash is the fucking man, nothing will ever change that in my eyes or ears.

Finck just doesn't have that style

Finck has a real choppy/sloppy style that I just don't like. It isn't anything personal, I just really never liked his herky jerky, spastic finger style.

slash makes u feel it like a great lyric or melody

 Rep: 231 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

-D- wrote:
Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

Smoking Guns wrote:

Again, Axl wrong, Slash right... Jeez..

 Rep: 768 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

Axlin16 wrote:

Once again, Axl RIGHT. Slash wrong.

Come on guys, I know you want to defend Slash forever, but come the fuck on. The "let's do it GAY", and "costume change" comments by Slash were obvious digs directly at Axl, and Axl's preferred 1992 touring lineup with Dizzy, Teddy, the horns & backup singers. Axl refers to the video, all i've got is the audio, and I know how it went down.

Then when Axl confronts Slash, and calls him directly on the "costume change" comment, then Slash tries to backout with it just being a joke, 'cause he told the audience that Axl was fucked up and cut his hand to the bone.

I'm not trying to defend Axl, but that was BLATANT passive-aggressive behavior by Slash. A fine example of what drove Axl over the years to his justified hatred imo.

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