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 Rep: 485 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

Neemo wrote:

slash says in his book that the horns were his idea

 Rep: 217 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

Mikkamakka wrote:

Correct me if I'm wrong with the Slash quote, but as I remember the horn section was Axl's idea, but it was Slash's idea to have an all-girl horn section.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

Neemo wrote:

i dunno....i lent my book out so i'm going off my terrible memory 16

 Rep: 768 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

Axlin16 wrote:

No what it was is, AXL wanted the horn section and all that shit, but it was SLASH's job to put it together and hire the people, because the band would have to work with them. I guess it was Axl's way of meeting Slash in the middle. Slash is the one that felt GN'R fans would want chicks for backup singers & horns and asked Teddy to find the hottest horn players, and so Zig Zag in a way was actually the man that hired them.

-D- wrote:

Yeah, all the GNR dudes were pretty spineless BUT, Axl changed fucking clothes 3 times during Civil War! LOL So maybe he really thought Axl was changing clothes and maybe he was just against the direction GNR was headed

So u tell me

Slash is the sell out for being against the big band, the horns, the wardrobe changes, the turn to electronica and nothing but ballad music?

To me, Slash quitting the band, shows he has some pretty big time integrity. Cause if he was a sell out cash grab, he would've just stayed in GNR and made way more money than he has made not being in GNR.

Way to avoid the argument D. You can believe what you want, i'm not saying Axl didn't do costume changes, but Slash was being a snide prick about it, and taking jabs at the man while he was off-stage. This is obvious through his tone and inflection, and then he gets scared when Axl called him out live.

What you're not seeing while defending Slash no matter what, is that this is actually a prime example of why the band was dying at the time. Even with Slash, there was a building animosity even then, that was destined to boil over.

I think it's egos. Slash wanted to do it his way, Axl wanted to do it his way, and Slash's giving in made Slash disrespect himself, so now he holds that against Axl forever.

But after Scott's situation with VR, I don't think Slash is any better. He's an arrogant, Eddie Van Halen-attitude of a guitar player that looks at singers as 'employees', and I think Axl views guitar players that way. Looking back on all of it now, they BOTH should've NEVER been in a band. Both are too diva. They both should've been solo artists, Slash rolling around like Malmsteen, and Axl wanted to be Elton John II.

 Rep: 5 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

Paxcow wrote:

that was fucked up. i love all the members of gnr though. past and present. i defend axl alot on here, but i never talk shit about the other members. i don't know those people. i won't do it.

 Rep: 22 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

Axl has made it clear in the interview there was no point in hoping anything concerning Slash and himself, so why dwell on it ?

 Rep: 423 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

buzzsaw wrote:

Because it's what the majority of people want.  You may not want it, Axl may not want it, but that's ALL the general public wants.

 Rep: 268 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

Olorin wrote:

First time I have seen that.
"Clothing change", could have been a passive aggressive remark or just a throw away comment. Its hard to tell, I dont hear any snideness in his tone though.
It does seem like there was something bubbling between them though the way it almost kicked off.
Slash did shit himself when Axl got in his his face, that whole argument was awkward to listen to, like being caught in the middle of a domestic. But Slash doesnt seem like he is much of a fighter to be honest, I doubt he has ever been in a proper fight.
He probably was scared of a physical confrontation with Axl, who had been in many a scrap in his life and could be quite explosive. People who have never had their head kicked in properly tend to shit it from people they know have a history of violence.
It reminds me of that last ever picture of Axl and Slash, Slash looks shit scared of him in it 14

I dont think the "gay" remark about including the keyboards was a dig at Axl though, I think it was more that they were getting stick in rock magazines from fans about the over blown stage show and it was a self mocking remark about that coverage. GN'R were being voted "lamest band of the year" by rock fans in some magazines by 92, the switch from the Appetite set up turned off a lot of traditional rock fans who liked em best without the "gay backing singers and keyboards and shit".

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

Sky Dog wrote:

the general public doesn't only matters what Axl and Slash want. For fuck's sake.

 Rep: 53 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

elmir wrote:
madagas wrote:

the general public doesn't only matters what Axl wants. For fuck's sake.

there...i fixed that for you....

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