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 Rep: 485 

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

Neemo wrote:

we wouldnt ban you olorin, but sorry, we can not allow copyrighted material to be posted on the forum

 Rep: 43 

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

gnfnraxl wrote:
Olorin wrote:

So  did anyone else get the magazine? I got it last night, its quite a good interview, he talks a little about Great White as well. There was quite a few things that we havnt heard about before. He reveals the location of the missing million dollars that Izzy freaked out over, "it was in an escrow account, it was to be released when Guns booked a tour of a certain size or had recouped the other $1.5 million they had already recieved as an advance against merchendise sales."

Zakk Wilde has an interview in the magazine with Axl and Slash mentions, he calls Slash a sweetheart and Axl a beautiful guy.

There is a small interview with a band called "The Trews" who say they supported GNR, I've never heard of them.

"We were told not to talk to Axl and not to look at Axl or we'd get kicked off the tour. We wernt even allowed within 300 ft of him. It was fine because he's Axl Rose and we were nobodies. One night we were supposed to play for 45 minutes, and when we were playing our last song the road manager is motioning us to - like stetch it out, keep playing - because Axl had decided he wasnt going on stage until midnight"

They are a Canadian band.  Saw them when I went to see GNR in 06.  Really good band.  Their best known hits are "not ready to go" and Tired of waiting".

 Rep: 231 

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

-D- wrote:

what if u guys let him post it for like 2 hours in this thread and then deleted it? LOL

 Rep: 11 

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

Coma wrote:


 Rep: 287 

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

Aussie wrote:

Some chick on mygnr justed posted the full article: … 0&start=30

 Rep: 231 

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

-D- wrote:

Read the article

niven is a douche.

I'm sure some of the stuff he says may have some truth to it, but the guy came off like he was "THE REASON" gnr were huge. Dude took way too much credit that just seemed ridiculous.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

Axlin16 wrote:

Agreed. All he did was back up what Axl was saying imo. As time goes on, Axl seems to be getting vindicated a bit, regardless of how 'un-popular' his opinions and outlooks are.

Niven didn't say... anything. Axl provided a well-thought out constructed argument, and talked about specific points. Although Niven brought a couple things up, his retort to Axl was pretty much "boo fucking hoo. It was always something. Poor Axl, the rest of us are responsible for his life sucking." (not an exact quote)

Seemed to me that Axl hit a nerve, and shook Niven's theorhetical hornet's nest a bit.

I'm sure Axl's lateness, and unpredicatability was a major factor, but Niven claimed to NOT try to get the band to fire Axl, yet two sentences later or so, practically admits to it. Niven basically said, i'll represent you when you find a new lead singer.

That's basically saying "fire this guy (Axl), and get someone new, and will talk". That's how Axl views it, and that's 100% right per Niven's own words. Somehow Niven doesn't think that's the same thing. 10

Niven also seemed to let Izzy's praises go to his head. Izzy was a fucking junkie, and Niven was an enabler. That whole "sixth member" shit and hanging out with Niven, was intentionally playing to Niven's ego, imo, on Izzy's part. Problem now is Niven has continued to view himself like this forever. The only sixth member of GN'R is Dizzy fuckin' Reed, pal. 22

Then Niven goes to on to backup Axl through his own dumb thoughts. He basically admits Slash, Izzy & Steven were reckless fuckups to begin with, and junkies. He presents it as "Axl knew what he was getting into with those guys"... so isn't it logical that Axl was manuvering to get as much control of the band as he could to ensure it's survival? And not just to be Hitler II? I see it as business. A young Axl probably looked at it as "this is my livelyhood, and I enjoy this band and GN'R. I'm not going to let these fucking guys ruin it all". Niven started out trying to bash Axl, and in turn actually made him a sympathetic character.

With Axl's consecutively same opinions, Slash's inconsistencies in stories & timelines over the years, and Niven just being a fuckin' buttsore douchebag... Mr. Rose looks better and better everyday.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

James wrote:

Niven speaking his mind and offering his view on the GNR saga doesn't make him a douche. If that's the litmus test for being a douche bag, I can think of a few others in the GNR camp(past and present) that would fall into that category as well.

Niven offers a perspective on the 87-93 era that NO ONE ELSE can provide.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

Axlin16 wrote:

Well other than Slash, Duff, Gilby, Izzy, Matt.... all of which have went back and forth.

Huh? It's the same old tired shit, that seemingly has NO empirical evidence to back it up from these guys.

Still smells like bullshit.

Niven's perspective is just a recycle of the "poor Axl" argument. Instead of actually refuting Axl's claims, he spends his time being bitter because he was fired.

 Rep: 231 

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

-D- wrote:

I'm not calling him a douche because of his version of the events of GNR. I am calling him that due to all the credit he tried to take and like Axlin08 said about how he was a 6th member and all this and that.

U almost would've thought the fucking guy wrote Welcome To The Jungle.

The biggest thing I find odd about Axl is, how back in the day he hated Niven managing another band, he hated Slash and CO playing with other artists but yet today, he couldn't play a gig tomorrow if he wanted to cause HIS band is out with every fucking body else.

Axl is a very fucking smart guy. He knew the ship was sinking and he did what he thought was best to save it. I can't begrudge him for that. Being sober and working with junkies is ridiculously impossible.

I liked Niven's line:

Slash never tried to run the band, he couldn't even run a bath! LOL!

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