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Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

Sky Dog wrote:

in the end D, lightning in a bottle....nothing more nothing less. A bunch of sociopaths who made three great records. I feel lucky to even get the Illusions. Personally, I lay the majority of blame at Axl's feet, but he certainly has some strong points and the other guys were not exactly Saints.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

Axlin16 wrote:
-D- wrote:

I'm not calling him a douche because of his version of the events of GNR. I am calling him that due to all the credit he tried to take and like Axlin08 said about how he was a 6th member and all this and that.

U almost would've thought the fucking guy wrote Welcome To The Jungle.

The biggest thing I find odd about Axl is, how back in the day he hated Niven managing another band, he hated Slash and CO playing with other artists but yet today, he couldn't play a gig tomorrow if he wanted to cause HIS band is out with every fucking body else.

Axl is a very fucking smart guy. He knew the ship was sinking and he did what he thought was best to save it. I can't begrudge him for that. Being sober and working with junkies is ridiculously impossible.

I liked Niven's line:

Slash never tried to run the band, he couldn't even run a bath! LOL!

Which is why I think it makes Axl even more sympathetic. Even if you read Slash's book, during the UYI days he was still a fuckup. The dude OD'ed on heroin, and then as soon as he gets out of the hospital, he gets drunk. "But I was in control" ( 14 spoken like a true junkie Slash) I'm not judging him on that as a human being... but if I was GNR's lead singer, and I saw all of this around me... i'd of done the EXACT same thing to protect MY interests, and the future of the entity Guns N' Roses. These guys took NO responsibility, and someone had to take the bull by the horns - Axl.

I don't begrudge him that at all. But he's gonna be the bad guy for the rest of his life because of it, which is a bit of a shame.

Like I said, Niven just comes across as a bitter douchebag. Even Tom Zutaut tried to present some arguments.

As for your comment about the new band, it is a bit ironic, isn't it? It goes to show that GN'R will always be a "when Axl's in the mood" type of band. That's probably my only regret of the "King Axl" era is the fact, he didn't capitalize on anything, only than one studio album and one live album in 15 years time, added with sporadic concerts, and a revolving lineup.

I wish GN'R would've come back in 2001 with that Rio III lineup, and just started kicking tons of ass, get on board or fuck off, and putting out album after album, and regularly been touring.

 Rep: 231 

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

-D- wrote:

For me, a lot of it has to do with GNR fans. I hate it when someone plays with Axl and just because he plays with Axl is automatically crowned The greatest this or greatest that.

Just like with the drummers. U hear people all the time how Brain is so much greater than Steven or Matt and I quite frankly just don't hear it. What does he do so superiorly? he didn't even write most of the fucking drums parts but yet he is superior? that just makes no sense.

Same with my guitar argument. Just because u play faster doesnt mean u are better. Slash and izzy's guitar writing is WAYYYYYY better than the new guys in my opinion even if they can't play as fast or technical. that is why I say they are better because for me it is what u can create and write and not how fast or technical u can play.  Fastest man isn't the greatest football player.

Axk gets most of the flack for continuing with the name Guns N Roses. It is seen as an Ego maniac thing *we know it isn't* but people get turned off thinking Axl feels he is GNR and the other guys were cardboard stand in props that had no bearing on the success.

I believe people have to earn their status and shouldn't be deemed icons or legends or great just because they join an iconic legendary band they had nothing to do with making that way.

that is what turned me negative. All the people who said "Robin or Bumble or whoever is better than Slash*

I just thought it was ridiculous and disrespectful to the old lineup.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

Axlin16 wrote:

I think it's perfectly fine for people to believe certain new band members are better and more valuable.

As long as they bring a good argument to the table to support the claim.

Not... $la$h $ux, Robin rulez, xoxoxoxox11111114va!

 Rep: 281 

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

faldor wrote:

Yeah, I'm not sure who you're referring to exactly.  I know it's just a broad statement.  But if someone is a fan of the new lineup and really didn't like or follow the band when Slash was around then they have every right to say Robin, Bumble, Bucket are better.  They have no affiliation with Slash.  If however, there are people who used to be huge fans of Slash and now put him down and say he sucks, well that's just not right.  You can't take away all he gave to the band and the mark he's left on rock and roll history.  I don't know if those people exist, but if they do, their personal feelings are getting in the way.  It's one thing to be upset with Slash out of respect to Axl but it's another to insult the guy and demean his extraordinary skills.

 Rep: 231 

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

-D- wrote:

If a guitar player is covering the original guitarist work, they cannot be BETTER cause they are playing music created by someone else.

So for someone to say those guys were better than Slash before CD came out is just lame and ridiculous.

Now, since CD is out, u can argue anything u want to argue. but I thought it was retarded for people to make those claims based on how guys covered his stuff.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

Axlin16 wrote:
-D- wrote:

If a guitar player is covering the original guitarist work, they cannot be BETTER cause they are playing music created by someone else.

So for someone to say those guys were better than Slash before CD came out is just lame and ridiculous.

Now, since CD is out, u can argue anything u want to argue. but I thought it was retarded for people to make those claims based on how guys covered his stuff.

Untrue. Many covers surpass their originals, and although i'd normally agree with you, there's quite a few people that would argue that GNR's Live and Let Die, Knockin' On Heaven's Door, and Sympathy For The Devil surpass their originals. Alot of people like those songs.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

faldor wrote:

Yeah, again, if someone had never seen Slash play live and the first time they saw GNR live Robin, Bucket, Bumble whoever was playing the classics.  That's all they have to go on.  So they can say they're better, even if they're playing parts that Slash wrote himself. 

I never got to see Slash play himself.  I saw GNR for the first time in 2002 and again in 2006.  I won't go so far to say any of the new guys play Slash's parts better than him.  I don't really think that's the point.  All have their own interpretations and play it in their own styles.  So while it may not be correct for people to say Slash sucks, the new guys are better, it might not make much sense the other way around either.

 Rep: 231 

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

-D- wrote:

How can u play something better that was written by someone else?

if he hadn't written them, those guys wouldn't have anything to play

Let me tell u, Its much easier to improve on something already written, THEN to write those parts from scratch.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

Axlin16 wrote:

Well that may be true, but the world doesn't view it that way.

Many people prefer covers over originals. Just the way people see music.

I've just never bought into the whole "the original is best, because it's original". It's simply not true. If it's good, it's good. But it's not good, SOLELY because it's the original.

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