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 Rep: 485 

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

Neemo wrote:

i agree jesse rose!  while i totally give props to the bands that created the orig tunes....gnr really turned it up a notch when they did the covers

 Rep: 768 

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

Axlin16 wrote:
misterID wrote:

The '91 version of KOHD was awful. The '02 GNR version was fantastic.

The '02 version is fuckin' gay. One of the lamest, limpest, boring, sleep-inducing, piss break, go get a beer, songs the band has ever done.

 Rep: 217 

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

Mikkamakka wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:
misterID wrote:

The '91 version of KOHD was awful. The '02 GNR version was fantastic.

The '02 version is fuckin' gay. One of the lamest, limpest, boring, sleep-inducing, piss break, go get a beer, songs the band has ever done.

A-G-R-E-E-D. I always hated the Nu-GN'R version of the song. A cheesy, boring, uninspired shit. The worst interpretation of the classic catalogue.

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

Sky Dog wrote:

they should drop all the cover songs...especially the generic two KOHD and LALD.

 Rep: 207 

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

DCK wrote:

02 version is the ONLY version I could ever listen to. Bucket's solo is ace. The rest of the covers they did of that song can be dropped.

 Rep: 341 

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

bigbri wrote:
-D- wrote:

If a guitar player is covering the original guitarist work, they cannot be BETTER cause they are playing music created by someone else.

So for someone to say those guys were better than Slash before CD came out is just lame and ridiculous.

Now, since CD is out, u can argue anything u want to argue. but I thought it was retarded for people to make those claims based on how guys covered his stuff. … 13#p109813

That logic doesn't work for many reasons. If Slash joined, say, Dragonforce, he couldn't be better than those no-talent hacks because he's not original? No.

 Rep: 231 

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

-D- wrote:
bigbri wrote:
-D- wrote:

If a guitar player is covering the original guitarist work, they cannot be BETTER cause they are playing music created by someone else.

So for someone to say those guys were better than Slash before CD came out is just lame and ridiculous.

Now, since CD is out, u can argue anything u want to argue. but I thought it was retarded for people to make those claims based on how guys covered his stuff. … 13#p109813

That logic doesn't work for many reasons. If Slash joined, say, Dragonforce, he couldn't be better than those no-talent hacks because he's not original? No.

Hold on, I can see some miscommunication rolling a long here.

Slash is a legend due to his amazing creative GNR skill, so he will always be a legend regardless of what he ever does.

My point is, Robin, Bumble, Richard and even Bucket had never created any stand the test of time iconic riffs or solos.

So, my point was, until those guys write a riff,solo etc etc that will be on the radio 20 years from now, U can't say they are "Better" simply cause u like the way they play Slash's stuff

Cause Slash writing it, is greater than another guitar player covering it and adding to it.

Slash joining Dragonforce, he'd own them, cause of his past credentials.

 Rep: 13 

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

strat0 wrote:
-D- wrote:
bigbri wrote:
-D- wrote:

If a guitar player is covering the original guitarist work, they cannot be BETTER cause they are playing music created by someone else.

So for someone to say those guys were better than Slash before CD came out is just lame and ridiculous.

Now, since CD is out, u can argue anything u want to argue. but I thought it was retarded for people to make those claims based on how guys covered his stuff. … 13#p109813

That logic doesn't work for many reasons. If Slash joined, say, Dragonforce, he couldn't be better than those no-talent hacks because he's not original? No.

Hold on, I can see some miscommunication rolling a long here.

Slash is a legend due to his amazing creative GNR skill, so he will always be a legend regardless of what he ever does.

My point is, Robin, Bumble, Richard and even Bucket had never created any stand the test of time iconic riffs or solos.

So, my point was, until those guys write a riff,solo etc etc that will be on the radio 20 years from now, U can't say they are "Better" simply cause u like the way they play Slash's stuff

Cause Slash writing it, is greater than another guitar player covering it and adding to it.

Slash joining Dragonforce, he'd own them, cause of his past credentials.

Buckethead has alot of songs that will stand the test of time. Will they be played on the radio? probably not.

 Rep: 341 

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

bigbri wrote:
-D- wrote:
bigbri wrote:
-D- wrote:

If a guitar player is covering the original guitarist work, they cannot be BETTER cause they are playing music created by someone else.

So for someone to say those guys were better than Slash before CD came out is just lame and ridiculous.

Now, since CD is out, u can argue anything u want to argue. but I thought it was retarded for people to make those claims based on how guys covered his stuff. … 13#p109813

That logic doesn't work for many reasons. If Slash joined, say, Dragonforce, he couldn't be better than those no-talent hacks because he's not original? No.

Hold on, I can see some miscommunication rolling a long here.

Slash is a legend due to his amazing creative GNR skill, so he will always be a legend regardless of what he ever does.

My point is, Robin, Bumble, Richard and even Bucket had never created any stand the test of time iconic riffs or solos.

So, my point was, until those guys write a riff,solo etc etc that will be on the radio 20 years from now, U can't say they are "Better" simply cause u like the way they play Slash's stuff

Cause Slash writing it, is greater than another guitar player covering it and adding to it.

Slash joining Dragonforce, he'd own them, cause of his past credentials.

OK, if that's what you meant, I'll buy it. But I thought Bucket was better than Slash before CD,  hopefully that's not lame and ridiculous as you said. I would never think he's better than Slash because of the way he plays Slash's stuff (although, none of them really played his solos, just riffs), I just think he's better--period.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Former GN'R Manager Alan Niven Counters Axl's Claims

misterID wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:
misterID wrote:

The '91 version of KOHD was awful. The '02 GNR version was fantastic.

The '02 version is fuckin' gay. One of the lamest, limpest, boring, sleep-inducing, piss break, go get a beer, songs the band has ever done.

A-G-R-E-E-D. I always hated the Nu-GN'R version of the song. A cheesy, boring, uninspired shit. The worst interpretation of the classic catalogue.

Bullshit... The best version since Dylan's.

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