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 Rep: 768 

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

Axlin16 wrote:

I think it shows an underlying contempt for the man...

 Rep: 268 

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

Olorin wrote:

I've been browsing the  Chinese Whispers section and revisited the "Earth shattering" and "Mind blowing" comments from Tommy, as well as Dizzy, Baz and Richard blowing it out of proportion. Thats just a few of the people still considered on-side by Axl who helped fuel the hype.
Theres a lot more people however, who Axl now calls detractors, "who pulled shit out their ass, if not the air" just for speaking highly of the material throughout the years.

This is classic as well:

(Axl, Docklands, 08/26/02)

"There's been some concern. That if we play five or six new songs, then there can't that many more on the album. Au contraire, mon frére. We're just playing the songs we're not considering putting out as singles or anything. So, you'll get 18 songs, and about 10 extra tracks. And when that, when the record company feels that has run its course, then you'll get it all over again. By that time, I should be done with the third album. So we'll see if all goes well boys and girls."

If thats not blowing things out of proportion I dont know what is.

Honestly this latest interview is fucked up, he sounds like such a desperate man, cornered and lashing out.
Now apparantly Beta has called the latest rumoured festival appearances fake, things just get brighter and brighter.

 Rep: 130 

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

mitchejw wrote:
madagas wrote:

this is quite a bash fest....impressive.

Huh? what the hell does that mean? Are you saying that you're fine and perfectl content...

 Rep: 130 

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

mitchejw wrote:
Neemo wrote:
mitchejw wrote:

Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please Axl stop doing this...please please please stop talking in circles...please please please quit living in the past...please please please quit sabatoging yourself...


^ Leaked lyrics to the Thyme?

Actually Neemo, yes they fact...not only can I let you in on the secret of the lyrics but I can also let you know that the track is actually...

62,367,212 minutes long...and the bridge is a silent period of exactly 11 months...

It's going to take me years to analyze the brilliance in this one!!!


 Rep: 768 

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

Axlin16 wrote:
Olorin wrote:

I've been browsing the  Chinese Whispers section and revisited the "Earth shattering" and "Mind blowing" comments from Tommy, as well as Dizzy, Baz and Richard blowing it out of proportion. Thats just a few of the people still considered on-side by Axl who helped fuel the hype.
Theres a lot more people however, who Axl now calls detractors, "who pulled shit out their ass, if not the air" just for speaking highly of the material throughout the years.

This is classic as well:

(Axl, Docklands, 08/26/02)

"There's been some concern. That if we play five or six new songs, then there can't that many more on the album. Au contraire, mon frére. We're just playing the songs we're not considering putting out as singles or anything. So, you'll get 18 songs, and about 10 extra tracks. And when that, when the record company feels that has run its course, then you'll get it all over again. By that time, I should be done with the third album. So we'll see if all goes well boys and girls."

If thats not blowing things out of proportion I dont know what is.

Honestly this latest interview is fucked up, he sounds like such a desperate man, cornered and lashing out.
Now apparantly Beta has called the latest rumoured festival appearances fake, things just get brighter and brighter.

Karma. Totally forgot about the Docklands performance. That's another place, like the Loder '99 interview, where Axl himself led to the speculation, and NO ONE ELSE.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

monkeychow wrote:

They say any PR is good PR...maybe Axl calling slash a cancer or whatever he said will make more people go listen to the new album to see if he is right or full of shit.

It can happen. My first boot of the new band, I watched it basicly to justiy to myself by pre-existing assumption that a GNR without Slash would not work - then they played Maddy - and I realised how much potential there still is for great songs with any line up involving Axl.

I stand by my comments in the other thread, that it seems unhealthy mentally for both "camps" to remain so hostile to each other (holding onto hate only hurts yourself) even if they never work together.

However, I must say, I'm glad Axl is doing interviews and talking. It's always been the silence that I hated. We always knew he was pissed off about this stuff, and we wanted him to talk, and so its not so surprising that he's talking like this now - and to be fair to him - the questions get asked - maybe he's trying to move past them by being as blunt as possible. I think the kind of dipolmatic 'never say never' answers that slash and duff give only encourage us all to keep asking.

So anyway, while as a fan of the old band it's sad that it went down like this, it's good to see Axl with some fire back, releasing a record, doing interviews, plotting a beats him vanishing again! I'll take this!

 Rep: 768 

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

Axlin16 wrote:

I'll take this too, over silence. There was someone that mentioned "rubbernecking the car wreck"...

I think that's pretty accurate for all of us.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

James wrote:
madagas wrote:

this is quite a bash fest....impressive.

Whats funny about that statement is if members here were turning a CD thread into a Slash thread, you'd be yelling "thread jack".

Axl does it and its peaches and cream.

Chinese Democracy starts now......

but Slash is a cancer, cant play guitar very well anymore, and should have left after Lies?


Its starting to look like the 'Slash-ites' were actually playing into his agenda all along, which is comical. At certain sites they were banned for bringing him up and had half their posts deleted. Now that Axl has given the "A-ok" for another round of Slash bashing, the Slash posts get to flow like wine so the Axl-ites will have something to talk about and get enraged over. Anything to keep the discussion away from the album.

In a nutshell, personally I consider him a cancer and better removed, avoided -- and the less anyone heard of him or his supporters, the better.

If you really feel that way, then quit talking about him year after year and making Slash the focal point of everything.

It seems that it never really was about the music. Everything is always a series of events(or non events) that leads straight into Axl vs Slash round -- with a series of 'yes men' as the cyber referee.

 Rep: 231 

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

-D- wrote:

I sort of question the timing in all this.

Is it a coincidence that he waits till CD is dead in the water to start bashing Slash thus grabbing headlines and publicity?

 Rep: 287 

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

Aussie wrote:

^ The ironic thing D is that Slash was bashed repeatedly for leveraging off the GNR name even though he was no longer in the band.  But, it now seems that Axl needs to throw some Slash dirt around now whenever he speaks just to get noticed.

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