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 Rep: 664 

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

James wrote:
madagas wrote:

Another odd comment...people didn't notice that Axl said Duff could play "guitar", not bass. Odd...that's what they need 6-7 different people playing guitar on tracks. Insane.

Since Duff has a decent resume which he also plays guitar on, maybe Axl really digs some of that guitar work.

Besides, GNR doesn't need two bassists buried in the mix. 19

To those saying the public WANTS to hear this Slash garbage, not true. Its being bashed on every site that picked the story up. Its ancient history. This spat should have taken place years ago. He harped on Chinese Democracy and let the hype build up for 10 years. When you unveil the album regardless of its sales or casual interest, that's what the people interested want to hear about.

Anyone who wants to read/hear his thoughts on Slash has a treasure trove of soundbites from 1996, 1999, 2002, and 2006.

When Smile was released, was Brian Wilson obsessed with Mike Love? No. He marketed that record to the people who wanted to know about it. Anyone who wanted to masturbate to Beach Boys drama could look towards the past. When John Fogerty released Blue Moon Swamp, did he whine about how the guys in Creedence Clearwater Revisited fucked him over 20 years ago? No, he talked about......drum roll please.......Blue Moon Swamp.

Just because casual fans buy AFD in droves and show up at a show wanting to hear Jungle doesn't mean they are interested in what Slash did in 1996. The ONLY people who EVER cared about that tripe are the extreme hard cores, and they all moved on from that YEARS ago. Even Axl suggested people move on from it, yet here we are in 2009 and he's the only person(besides his inner circle) that cares about it.

Before one note was recorded for Chinese Democracy, he should have learned how to take his own advice.

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

Sky Dog wrote:

that is the problem, he simply hasn't learned from his mistakes....kinda sad actually.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

faldor wrote:

Regardless if its being bashed, its being talked about.  If he talked about CD in depth I don't think it wouldn't have gotten as much coverage.  Obviously I can't prove that, but that's how I feel.  I know people care and take notice when Axl speaks because he doesn't do it often so anything he would've said would've gotten some attention.  But people still care about the Slash/Axl relationship, for better or worse.

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

Sky Dog wrote:
Intercourse wrote:

Our band died THREE times on us; 1993, 2002 and 2008.

That is a record of some type!!

The band died in Nov 1991....everything since has been an Axl Rose solo project.:|

 Rep: 664 

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

James wrote:
faldor wrote:

Regardless if its being bashed, its being talked about.  If he talked about CD in depth I don't think it wouldn't have gotten as much coverage.  Obviously I can't prove that, but that's how I feel.  I know people care and take notice when Axl speaks because he doesn't do it often so anything he would've said would've gotten some attention.  But people still care about the Slash/Axl relationship, for better or worse.

Every time something newsworthy related to CD happened, it got more coverage than these Slash diatribes. Fact.

The only reason his last "CD coverage" got little outside interest is because he only said it to a few thousand nerds on the internet who already bought the record.

The band died in Nov 1991....everything since has been an Axl Rose solo project.

No truer words have ever been spoken.

 Rep: 268 

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

Olorin wrote:

I thought it was old news and largely uninteresting to joe public even by the time Celebrity Death Match featured them.

The hostility shown by Axl, and the incessant demonising of Slash on the forums by his hangers on, paints a clear picture of where his heads been at over the years. Its such a waste of his talent.
If he has such a problem why has he not picked up the phone or went to his house and said straight  "what the fuck is this shit you have said about me?!" I dont think any of the alumini stretched the truth too much when speaking in public about him or he would have called them out on it instantly and in private.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

Axlin16 wrote:
DCK wrote:

To say the band is dead is to neglect how GNR works. What history has taught us. For some reason, not know to us, it always rises again. From 93 and from 02. Died in 2008? Ah come on. Way to early to tell. Suddenly a tour pops up. History has taught us JUST that. I'm not claiming GNR to be dead as long as Axl lives

Rise again? GN'R never has risen again. It's been dead since 1993, and has NEVER returned.

I'm sorry, I see your point, but I simply do not call two one-off tours and one album in 15 years time, a resurrection.

James Lofton wrote:
madagas wrote:

Another odd comment...people didn't notice that Axl said Duff could play "guitar", not bass. Odd...that's what they need 6-7 different people playing guitar on tracks. Insane.

Since Duff has a decent resume which he also plays guitar on, maybe Axl really digs some of that guitar work.

Besides, GNR doesn't need two bassists buried in the mix. 19

Actually GN'R doesn't need THREE bassists buried in the mix. Pitman did sub-bass on all the tracks, except Catcher.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 664 

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

James wrote:

You don't need an extra bass player for sub bass, and the sub bass definitely wasn't buried in the mix.

Sub bass is mainly just to enhance the overall sound/feel of the music.

Not saying you don't know what sub bass is, but I have a feeling some fans see those liner notes and picture Pitman holding a bass guitar and kicking Tommy out of the way.

 Rep: 0 

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

madagas wrote:
gnfnraxl wrote:
madagas wrote:

no Izzy bashing...he was talking about the 2006 tour and how it was cool because he didn't have to depend on Izzy...he could just come in when he wanted. They were going to do the show anyway so if he didn't show or remember a song, it didn't matter. He was not complaining about Izzy.

"The Izzy bit was fun -- and also fun because we didn't have to rely on him in any way, which is how he prefers things and works better for everyone. That said, you never knew if Izzy would be there or not or if he'd remember the song or decide to leave early. It didn't cause any problems, because we were doing our show regardless and didn't have to depend on anything, but it did open everyone's eyes a bit and blow minds.

He called, asked to come out and negotiated a deal with management that it's probably best that none of us knew about or the fun would've seemed a bit more like being used or taken advantage of spoiling the moment. As it was, we had a great time."

Ok.  I misread that part madagas.  Sorry.  It's an interesting piece nonetheless and like I said.  To Del's credit, he asked a few tough questions.  Not reassuring as far as another record goes though.  Also interesting to see that Brain is still considered a part of his band.

sounds to me like anyone who is on the record is still considered a part of the band....:haha:

as for the next record, I think there is another record there

"You got that? What I can say is if you don't like this, then you probably won't like that. Same people, lots more approaches, bit meaner in places and darker in some. Robin does a really great Stevie Ray Vaughan-type solo on one track."

I don't think there is a trilogy though. Remember, he said in the chats that he thought of Chinese as a double album...said that way back in 99 to Kurt Loder as well. I don't think anything is guaranteed with this guy going forward....outside of a reunion of course. It's guaranteed to NOT happen.

Well, hasn't Axl funded the Chinese Democracy sessions since he was cut off years ago for any funding?

Does he even have the $$$$ to fund more recording sessions for another album?

I would think he would have to tour first to get that money.

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