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 Rep: 205 

Re: Lost: Season 5

PaSnow wrote:
supaplex wrote:

i stopped watching in the beginning of season 4. but they drag it along with no purpose whatsoever in these last seasons.

It's really hit & miss, some weeks are awesome, some weeks are dull. It's just how the show pans out. For me at least.

supaplex wrote:

starting from season 2 they brought out many characters and didn't bother with back-stories and started killing them off.

Oddly enough, Anna Lucia made a brief return last week. And I'm sure Charlie will reappear for sure (In fact, I now have a theory as to why he died due to the new time travel plotline).

Neemo, it was a great episode. THanks for starting the thread, I think we start it every year & it fizzles out. I'm not big on reading the sites boards & other fans theories (people at work do & are usually wrong), but I'd like some small chat about it. The time travel plotline will make it interesting. Wierd about Hurley turning himself in but I'm sure something will come of it. Remember, he's always lucky too.

oliver feng
 Rep: 0 

Re: Lost: Season 5

oliver feng wrote:

I have just finished Lost 1-4, wow, thanks.

Note: This user has been banned. His first four posts were all linking to the same DVD site which has now been added to our websites "word filter" list.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Lost: Season 5

Neemo wrote:

can you say holy shit balls batman?!

the end last night was the biggest mindfuck yet! I wonder if thats why ben was sick at the beginning of the season

i totally did not expect that, i thought sayid was going to turn ben into the asshole that he became, teaching him tricks of the trade and what not, boy was i wrong

 Rep: 205 

Re: Lost: Season 5

PaSnow wrote:

That was an interesting theory you had.

Oddly enough just yesterday I was talking with someone at work, and he thought in last weeks preview when Sayid said "I now know why I had to come back" was to save Ben. Then he said, well save him or kill him I guess. I said how maybe that's the next plotline, them on the island without Ben. Both in 1974 & 2004, because ostensibly he never grew up & was alive when they later crash.

However, they showed the kid get shot, but I'm not sure he actually died. A big twist though. I think he lives but all hell breaks loose with the Dharma people on a manhunt for Sayid.

 Rep: 59 

Re: Lost: Season 5

jorge76 wrote:
PaSnow wrote:

However, they showed the kid get shot, but I'm not sure he actually died. A big twist though. I think he lives but all hell breaks loose with the Dharma people on a manhunt for Sayid.

That's exactly what I was thinking.

They've said a couple times, "If it happened, it happened.  You can't change anything."  But Sayid wasn't there to get told any of that. 

I think it's going to turn out that he keeps doing things trying to change the future (present, I guess) but something always goes wrong.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Lost: Season 5

PaSnow wrote:

Well, this thread kinda fell by the wayside, but I wanted to revive it before the finale. Alot of big developments in recent weeks and last weeks was huge, with the bomb, and Locke looking to kill Jacob. Not sure what that was about. Definitely gonna be a huge cliffhanger this year, wouldn't surprise me if the 1970's version of them died, likely by the bomb going off. Although, I think Jacob (if he's real) will be a central character to next years final season. He may even explain everything about the island. We'll see. Anyone else been watching/have thoughts??

 Rep: 485 

Re: Lost: Season 5

Neemo wrote:

oh yeah i've been watching

I have no idea what or who Jacob may be, i thought for a while he may be Jack's dad, but i think i'm wrong seems that the island can even cure death..which may make them other others haha

if i was on the island i'd be hurley (except smaller) ...hey maybe Jacob is the chinese dude who runs the show...ghost whisperer's dad

when is the finale anyway?

 Rep: 205 

Re: Lost: Season 5

PaSnow wrote:

This week. Wednesday here in the US. Should be a 2 hour episode too!!

 Rep: 485 

Re: Lost: Season 5

Neemo wrote: the episodes...the seasons are done before you know it 4

 Rep: 5 

Re: Lost: Season 5

redarmy76 wrote:

I'm hoping we get some more answers than questions with the finale.  They seem to be feeding us little tidbits here and there, and I know there will be a cliff-hanger finish, but I would like it to be set up for a killer season 6.  With it being the last season, I hope that all the loose ends are tied up.
And it better not be a Dark Tower-esque time loop at the end, that would be really cheesy.

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