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 Rep: 77 

Re: The Rant Thread

TheMole wrote:
luckylittlelady wrote:

I just feel like I've allowed him to get closer to me than I'd have liked.  I think it might be me I don't understand rather than men!

You're in love. It might sound cheesy and cliché, but you're just in love. You like him more than you're willing to admit to yourself so you're having difficulties explaining your feelings.

Admitting it to yourself is the first step you have to take, it frees you up to start thinking about how you're going to act on it. I might be the wrong guy to (try and) give advice about this sort of thing, but as far as I'm concerned you can't have any scruples about this shit. Act on your feelings, it's too important and you will end up wondering what could've been...

Ugh, maybe I'm just feeling a tad too melancholic right now. Might have to post my own rant later on wink.

 Rep: 205 

Re: The Rant Thread

PaSnow wrote:
luckylittlelady wrote:

Kind of makes sense I guess.  He hasn't been in touch at all today, the first day in over a month I haven't heard anything from him and I feel really lost without him.  Probably better to let it go now.  Shame though, it's rare I connect with someone as much I did him.

Just one day?  Give it time, guys like to think things thru, not talk about their feelings. I'm assuming something happened between you two. A girl will want a phone call the next morning to discuss how he's feeling, what he things about what happened, talk about their future (whether to continue dating) etc etc. A guy will sit there & think about it, and not want to talk about his feelings. A freind may call him up, ask what he's doing & he'll respond "Not much".

That's just how guys are wired, we don't like talking about our feelings. It goes back to caveman days when men would go out & hunt, and woman would stay home, care for the kids, and talk with other woman. At night, the men would come home, sit in front of the campfire, and stare into it, only nowadays we stare into the TV.

Give it a few days, if he doesn't call just call him on Thursday & leave a messege. Besides, he might be playing the old "Call her in 3 days" or whatever routine, he may want to call, just doesn't want to look too anxious or desperate.

 Rep: 20 

Re: The Rant Thread

TheMole wrote:
luckylittlelady wrote:

I just feel like I've allowed him to get closer to me than I'd have liked.  I think it might be me I don't understand rather than men!

You're in love.

I know hmm

I probably will call or text towards the end of the week.  Regardless of what may or may not happen, I don't want to leave it like this.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Rant Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Snow brings up a good point. I've known quite a few guys (me included) that have did the whole "don't call too quickly, because you don't want to come across as desperate", and then find a girl who's pissed.

Unless it's a girl with commitment issues themselves, many find it charming, reassuring, and an esteem boost when a guy quickly calls back.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: The Rant Thread

Don't get involved with this guy.  He's going to do 12 months in Afghanistan and if you stay with him, he's going to depend on you for support.  The last thing he'll need is for you to realize this isn't what you want 4 months into his deployment because it's too hard on you and for you to send a dear John letter saying let's be friends.  I've seen it first hand far more than I'd like to admit.  Enjoy your time together, but remember that you're going to end up fucking with his head far more than he could ever fuck with yours.

 Rep: 20 

Re: The Rant Thread

I don't think he's doing the playing it cool thing, there's no need.  It's not the first time we've spent together but it was the longest.  I'm inclined to think he's detaching due to going away etc.  Which is fair enough, I'd rather get over it now than get too involved and then hear he's been blown to bits.  Plus I've got too many plans myself and falling head over heels for someone wasn't one of them.

But fuck, I just want to know if it was something I did or said.  I really can't think of anything but I'll never know cos I've decided I'm not getting in touch.  Shame though, at the least I feel a good friend has gone.

 Rep: 205 

Re: The Rant Thread

PaSnow wrote:

Tried filing my taxes back in late Feb thru Turbo Tax website. Was all proud of myself, it said I'll recv it in 7-10 days. So time goes by, I'm planning on getting it etc. Still haven't gotten it. I go thru my email & see one titled "Your File has been recv'd" So I open it, and it says "Click here to check the status" So I click it, and it was rejected!  The next day!! Couldn't they send followup emails with "Your taxes were rejected" in the subject line??  Or couldn't it catch the error while I was filing??

Turns out for some reason it was checked that I did NOT rec'v the $300 stimulus last year, and I did, of course. I'm not sure if I misread it or what, but I fixed it, checked YES this time, and got some wierd message saying "Congratulations, you may be eligible for the $300 this year" I dunno wtf they're talking about but I'll be sure to double check my status tomorrow! To make sure it's approved.

 Rep: 77 

Re: The Rant Thread

TheMole wrote:

Heh, we just received notice that we'll be receiving around €7000 in tax refunds this year. Hurray for home ownership! wink

Re: The Rant Thread

Why do I always dream about Japanese girls and wake up when something good is about to happen?


Re: The Rant Thread

AtariLegend wrote:
Handsome B. Wonderful wrote:

Why do I always dream about Japanese girls and wake up when something good is about to happen?


Guessing you haven't progressed from Anime to Hentai yet...

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