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Arcade Roses
 Rep: 5 

Re: Tommy in Bass Player Mag

Arcade Roses wrote:
madagas wrote:

Are you insane....Paul has no resume and Tommy has a very large one. The biggest one out of any new band member. For God's sake. They are polar opposites in regards to credibility in the music industry. 17

That is true, but, no offence, the best thing, certainly in Europe, that Tommy did was play bass in Soul Asylum - and believe me probably even only the hardcore Soul Asylum fans will know that.  Whereas Huge just for being a friend of Axl Rose's alone - never mind a long-time contributor who, more recently, helped get the CD era off the ground(!) (perhaps we even have him to thank for the band even existing today, based on some of the things Axl's said) - and working on some of 'old' GN'R's latter hits, will be a bigger name - hence resume, as per that industry.

Take out Axl Rose, and neither have majorly outstanding (even though Stinson's is still substantial and respected - let me just clarify), world-known resumes anyway: whereas, again no offence, Finck will, because of NIN.

Re: Tommy in Bass Player Mag

Sky Dog wrote:

Finck can't hold Tommy's offense. Robin is the true definition of a hired, contracted musician. Paul has one writing credit prior to Chinese and it isn't exactly one of the better Gnr songs. In fact, it is one of the worst Gnr songs ever (Back Off Bitch). Now, on the flip side, I love the songs he got writing credits for on Chinese. Catcher, Prostitute, and TWAT are my three favorite tracks on the album.

Arcade Roses
 Rep: 5 

Re: Tommy in Bass Player Mag

Arcade Roses wrote:

Hmmm.  I didn't know Paul only had credits on 'Back Off Bitch' (TBH not my favourite song either) - I thought he had like two or three songs.  Remember that he also knew Axl from his pre-GN'R days, or at least the early 80s.

'I.R.S.' and parts of 'Oh My God' rocked too (didn't he also do one other 'rocker'? - I forget) - so for me he has contributed a lot in particular to the new era of GN'R.  In general, I am glad he is still(?) working on the proejct - and hopefully will return to tour if needed.


 Rep: 664 

Re: Tommy in Bass Player Mag

James wrote:
Arcade Roses wrote:

Also - Huge's resume always struck me as slightly similar to Stinson's own.

14 Oh man....

Comparing Huge and Finck to Stinson is comical.

Here's Stinson's resume...

Here's Finck's...

Here's Huge's...

Do the math. Bucket and Tommy have the most credentials(and respect) of anyone who has walked into this band since the initial implosion.

Arcade Roses
 Rep: 5 

Re: Tommy in Bass Player Mag

Arcade Roses wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

Comparing Huge and Finck to Stinson is comical.

Again, I meant in Europe/my part of the world.  Maybe in the US he is more well known - but most people here would just say, "Who?".  Maybe a few more may know of him now that Chinese Democracy has come out.:laugh:

GN'R had/have more hits playing on the radio stations (albeit old GN'R as opposed to new GN'R now - even now, as the dust is starting to settle on the release of CD) here in the UK/Europe, so maybe it's only logical that Huge's work with Rose in the latter stages of 'old' GN'R will be more well known - esp. in regards to 'Sympathy For The Devil'.  "Please allow (Huge) to introduce himself...."


 Rep: 341 

Re: Tommy in Bass Player Mag

bigbri wrote:

Fortus pwns them all.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Tommy in Bass Player Mag

Axlin16 wrote:
bigbri wrote:

Fortus pwns them all.

Yeah, let's not forget "the secret weapon". 14

GOD, i'm glad those days are over. roll

 Rep: 475 

Re: Tommy in Bass Player Mag

misterID wrote:

The 'Axl being left to his own devices' sticks out the most. There's no doubt Axl had a lot of ideas, but it seems that no one was really there to help, not flesh them out, but create some kind of structure. As is CD suffers from too many ideas being thrown on a single song. It's really what stops the album from being great. CD the song is the prime example. What made the song cool was Tommy's bass, Axl's punkish vocals and Bucket's guitar noise. Now you can't hear any of it.

The sad thing is there is probably a ton of good producers who would have loved to work on CD.

 Rep: 5 

Re: Tommy in Bass Player Mag

Paxcow wrote:
Neemo wrote:
Paxcow wrote:

tommy used to be in a band called the dum dums with my friend, john.

when was that? he joined hte replacements in 1980 at 13 and he left them in 91, and helped form bash and pop who he was with until 93, then later in 93 he formed Perfect and they stayed together until 98 he joined guns...but if you know more it'd be cool cuz we have a smal bio of him here smile

it was around ten-eleven years ago. must have been right before he joined guns. ask him. i'm not lying.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Tommy in Bass Player Mag

Aussie wrote:

Ok I finally decided to read the Tommy article since there is not much else going on in GNR land  (is is just me, I have had next to zero interest in what these guys have to say, probably because they usually can't say anything??).

Anyhow, kind of off topic but I'm curious, the first post in the thread links to the article as it was posted on HTGTH.  Now they have obviously breached copyright to post scans of the article, which in itself is funny given their propaganda about not posting leaks because it's not our material and it deprives the artist of $$'s etc etc.  Seems artists are entitled to make money out of their own material but magazines aren't.

But, that issue aside, the bit that got me was that they then even had the hide to put a HTGTH watermark over it, when it's not even their material in the first place???? WTF  18

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