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 Rep: 664 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

James wrote:

Pack lose 37-27. In reality, it wasn't even that close. Dallas dominated in all aspects of the game. Favre never returned, and I think they would have lost by even more had he never been injured. He was having a bad night, and I think he knew it. Will be interesting to see what type of injury he does have and how bad it is.

I hate Dallas, but they are definitely THE team of the NFC. If they don't get any key injuries or suffer some catastrophic losses, this team is going to the SB. Only possible playoff team I can imagine beating them is Minnesota, and they might not even go to the playoffs. Tampa would have a chance, but the chance is slim.

 Rep: 341 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

bigbri wrote:

Just saw Favre talking after the game. He basically said he'll be fine to go next week.

 Rep: 88 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

Gunslinger wrote:

Dallas did look good (I only got to see the Sportscenter stuff, thanks for giving updates James).  I'm not convinced that Green Bay can't hang with them however.  At one point they pulled within 3 and this was with Favre throwing a couple of interceptions (correct me if I'm wrong James I'm going strictly on memory of a 2 min or so postgame show on Sportscenter) and having an off night. To me that says Dallas are VERY beatable if Green Bay plays just a little better.  If T.O. gets hurt they are done period I think.  Romo's stats sound good (and are of course) but take away the T.O. receptions and TDs and you will see it becomes much more ordinary.  Not saying Dallas isn't a solid team (I hate them too but fair is fair) I just don't think they are better than Green Bay on a night that Green Bay plays like Green Bay...maybe we will find out soon.   

NY Giants82 wrote:

BTW, Slinger, what'd I tell you about Kolby Smith? Too bad he couldnt get that first down though...

You wasn't lying man.  He and Brody Croyle may be the key to success next season.  In reality KC are better than there record this year.  They were competitive with Green Bay and the Colts and several of their games was lost by less than a touchdown.  Our biggest problem right now is the O-line.  Gonna have to fix that a.s.a.p.

 Rep: 664 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

James wrote:
Gunslinger wrote:

Dallas did look good (I only got to see the Sportscenter stuff, thanks for giving updates James).  I'm not convinced that Green Bay can't hang with them however.  At one point they pulled within 3 and this was with Favre throwing a couple of interceptions (correct me if I'm wrong James I'm going strictly on memory of a 2 min or so postgame show on Sportscenter) and having an off night. To me that says Dallas are VERY beatable if Green Bay plays just a little better.  If T.O. gets hurt they are done period I think.  Romo's stats sound good (and are of course) but take away the T.O. receptions and TDs and you will see it becomes much more ordinary.  Not saying Dallas isn't a solid team (I hate them too but fair is fair) I just don't think they are better than Green Bay on a night that Green Bay plays like Green Bay...maybe we will find out soon.

Dallas is beatable, but not by Green Bay. That GB team is not very good at all. Like Detroit, they lucked into an easy schedule and it gives them a false image of being a really good team. The main thing that is going to kill GB is the lack of a running game. The only team in the league that can get away without a running game is the Pats.

Green Bay played as good as they could. The team actually looked better during Rodgers time in the game.

Yeah, Dallas is fucked without TO, but that is seriously a good team, and it pains me to say that. I do hope they can lose a couple more games, but it really looks like the road to the Superbowl is going through Dallas.

The Green Bay balloon has just been deflated. I would not be shocked in the least bit if they go on a losing streak headed towards the playoffs.

NY Giants82
 Rep: 26 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

NY Giants82 wrote:

I think the game was as close as the score said. What killed Green Bay was missing two starters on defense (Charles Woodson, and Aaron Roushe), and most importantly they got away from what made them 10-1. Instead of a lot of quick slants, which I was sure we would see a ton of, they went down field way too much too often. If you notice, the game tightened up when Rodgers came in. It wasnt because he is better than Favre or anything, it is because they went back to playing how they played all season. I guess they thought they saw something in Dallas that they could attack immediatly downfield, but they messed up. They could have ran more on Dallas too if they would have stuck with their gameplan for the year. If they meet again this year, I bet Green Bay attacks alot different.

Dallas offensive line deserves a ton of credit. They give Romo all friggin day to throw and when he does, he has TO wide open. It happens every game. TO, and his other recievers get GREAT seperation. Not taking anything away from Romo, but everything around him is in place to make him look great. Jason Garret does a great job with getting TO in motion creating mismatches. Did anyone see TO motion to where he attacked the middle and had AJ Hawk defending him. Mismatch everytime.

Slinger, yep it all starts up front. Win the battle of the line of scrimmage, you win the game.

 Rep: 664 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

James wrote:

I'm not a fan of the injury excuse. All teams deal with that aspect. Its part of the game. I really think Green Bay has been exposed as a weak team., regardless of a couple players not being out there.

You're definitely right about the Dallas line. Romo was starting to look like Brady where he gets to take a nap before passing the ball.

I need to go look at GB's remaining schedule. They could be in trouble.

NY Giants82
 Rep: 26 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

NY Giants82 wrote:

I dont think Green Bay has not been exposed as a week team. They just lost to the conference's top team. If the game had been in Green Bay, it may have been different. Once they went back to what brought them to the game, they caught back up with Dallas, with the backup QB. A few bounces here or there, and the game could have been different. Take nothing away from Dallas, they did what they had to do, but Green Bay is still team 1B in the conference. They probably end up 14-2. I saw their schedule earlier today, and they should win the rest of their games.

NY Giants82
 Rep: 26 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

NY Giants82 wrote:

Last nights game reminded me of a game of two 10-1 teams meeting in 1990. I remember it like it was yesterday. My Giants went to San Fransisco and lost to the Niners pretty convicingly. People said the Giants were in trouble, they lost their starting QB, they had now lost two in a row. The Giants and 49ers met again in the NFC Championship game, again in San Fran. This time, we knocked Montana out of the game and won. We won the Super Bowl that year. Pretty similar.

 Rep: 664 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

James wrote:
NY Giants82 wrote:

Last nights game reminded me of a game of two 10-1 teams meeting in 1990. I remember it like it was yesterday. My Giants went to San Fransisco and lost to the Niners pretty convicingly. People said the Giants were in trouble, they lost their starting QB, they had now lost two in a row. The Giants and 49ers met again in the NFC Championship game, again in San Fran. This time, we knocked Montana out of the game and won. We won the Super Bowl that year. Pretty similar.

That was two historic teams playing in what many consider the last golden era of football.

Neither team last night is historic.

Nice story though.:haha:

 Rep: 664 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

James wrote:

Yeah I just checked their schedule. They should be thanking the NFL for giving them a cake walk. Raiders, Rams, Bears, and Lions. Only game they might lose is against the Bears. So they either go 14-2 or 13-3.

I still think they lose their first game in the playoffs regardless of what the final record is.

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