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 Rep: 768 

Re: Please Play TWAT more when a tour happens

Axlin16 wrote:

It's pretty much an agreement, at least in the fanbase, that TWAT is the best song on this album.

I would agree with that, I also would say it's in the Top-5 of GNR's catalog, and it's a MUST on the upcoming tour.

 Rep: 13 

Re: Please Play TWAT more when a tour happens

strat0 wrote:

Woah! Ron was Awesome on that solo. Kinda stuck to what Bucket played witch is pretty cool. Then he branches out and throws some of his stuff in it. And I notice Axl can't hit that SUPER high note. If they do play this they should play it within the first 5 or 6 songs i think.

 Rep: 217 

Re: Please Play TWAT more when a tour happens

Mikkamakka wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

Nobody would show up if they didn't play the classics.  10% might show up to hear CD, the rest don't care.

I wasn't talking about others, just said that I'm not interested in hearing WTTJ or SCOM with the 57th guitarist. I'd accept a CD heavy setlist with a few old Axl songs here and there though. It's another question if they could fill even a club with that.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Please Play TWAT more when a tour happens

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 661 

Re: Please Play TWAT more when a tour happens

monkeychow wrote:

Even if he didnt nail it 100% I like that axl went for those high notes's my fav bit of the song so its wierd if they skip it. Sounded cool to me anyway....really like what bumble did with the solo too....

 Rep: 423 

Re: Please Play TWAT more when a tour happens

buzzsaw wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

Nobody would show up if they didn't play the classics.  10% might show up to hear CD, the rest don't care.

I wasn't talking about others, just said that I'm not interested in hearing WTTJ or SCOM with the 57th guitarist. I'd accept a CD heavy setlist with a few old Axl songs here and there though. It's another question if they could fill even a club with that.

If you're the only one that's going to show up, add that show to the list of shows that have been cancelled post 2000.  It doesn't matter what you want to hear when referring to a tour unless you're going to pay for a private show.  What matters is what the people going want to hear, and that's going to be the classics (even if it's with the 20th guitarist).

There is no market for a CD tour right now.  The success of the singles proves that if nothing else.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Please Play TWAT more when a tour happens

faldor wrote:

I agree that most people going to see GNR these days go to see the classics.  But it's hard to support the theory that the public obviously doesn't care about CD because of their poor charting.  The first single actually did pretty well.  Granted a lot of that had to do with the anticipation.  We all know the singles were released with little to no fanfare.  Show me one single that was released in such a manner that charted well, or as well for that matter.  I don't think one exists.

There would still be a chance to give the album a 2nd push prior to touring.  Whether they choose to do that is another story.  If they don't, that would speak volumes.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Please Play TWAT more when a tour happens

buzzsaw wrote:
faldor wrote:

I agree that most people going to see GNR these days go to see the classics.  But it's hard to support the theory that the public obviously doesn't care about CD because of their poor charting.  The first single actually did pretty well.  Granted a lot of that had to do with the anticipation.  We all know the singles were released with little to no fanfare.  Show me one single that was released in such a manner that charted well, or as well for that matter.  I don't think one exists.

There would still be a chance to give the album a 2nd push prior to touring.  Whether they choose to do that is another story.  If they don't, that would speak volumes.

Known brands aren't always out promoting their songs.  Yes,  they usually promote them more than Axl does (meaning they do something), but not every popular song charted because the artist or label promoted it.  Some (a lot even) actually chart just because people like the song from hearing it on the radio.  People want to hear the song, the station keep playing it.  People don't want to hear the song, they stop playing it.  Yes, sometimes financial concessions are made to play certain songs, but it's going to take a lot of money to get a station to play a song over and over that has people changing the channel.

For whatever reason, there was a very, very, very brief time that CD got airplay.  That ended very quickly.  Better comes out and doesn't even register.  Sorry, that is a reflection of the interest in the music, not the promotion of it.  The name Guns N' Roses was enough to get the songs a chance without promotion.  The complete lack of interest sealed the fate.

I believe they could try to promote the hell out of it and nothing would change.  The interest just isn't there.  Even something that isn't promoted can make it big if it's good.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Please Play TWAT more when a tour happens

faldor wrote:

You may be right, but without any examples I find it hard to believe.  Even if a song comes out of nowhere and gets a big following without any initial promotion, the artist would come forth and do promotion afterward to keep the ball rolling.  I can't remember any single being successful with as little promotion as GNR has given.  I think the public, radio, etc. gave up on the album because they viewed it as Axl just didn't care.  He wasn't working to promote the album, so why should they play it.  Chinese Democracy and Better got pretty heavy airplay on Sirius/XM Octane for a couple months, and a handful of other songs from the CD were played as well.  However lately I'll hear Chinese Democracy once a week, if that, and none of the other songs.  I think they were willing to give it a chance and maybe you're right, the public wasn't receptive enough to warrant them to give it continued heavy airplay. 

In my wildest dreams I couldn't have imagined that there'd be this little promotion, interest, what have you in this album nearly 6 months after it was released.  I think Angel Down was promoted more and drummed up more long lasting interest.  I'm still not ready to pronounce it dead, though it's certainly on life support at this time.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Please Play TWAT more when a tour happens

buzzsaw wrote:

Well, there is nothing to compare it to because Axl is somewhat different.  tongue

Even the songs that come out of nowhere typically will get promotion at some point.  Keep in mind that the record company also chose not to promote the album.  They got their money, yes, but do you really think if they believed in the songs that they wouldn't have done something to promote it even if Axl wasn't willing?  They didn't need Axl to promote it.

There's surely way more to the story than we know.  I don't think there will be any blitz or promotion coming up.  If there was, they would have started the buzz already (which is easy enough to do via the internet for little to no money) so that it would be poised to take off when the 6 month period ended.  I think it's safe to assume it is dead.

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