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 Rep: 664 

Re: If the Skwerl

James wrote:
AtariLegend wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

most people who download music, don't go out and buy it.

Got any statistics proving that? Or is this one of things we are supposed to believe because its GNR? … tml?cat=17

14 A 2 year old could have come to that conclusion. Of course they lose money. This isn't the 1980s where you have to pay 10 bucks just to sample a song you want to hear. If you want to get technical, they lose money every time I sample a clip on Itunes whether or not I buy the actual track.

Go find a real study on this subject and not some article generalizing the fact the industry loses money. We know they lose money. When you do track down the studies showing downloaders do buy music, you wont post the links because it proves my initial point on the subject.

I know not every single downloader buys music. Enough of them do for the industry to survive.

Pop quiz:

Which of these music sites is the most popular?

Pirate Bay

If you guessed the right one, are you surprised the premium service is number one? You and your link failed to point this out because facts don't serve the latest agenda.

monkeychow wrote:

But there only would have been one review if it hadn't leaked.  The reviews came from leaked material.

No more excuses. They sat on that material for almost 10 years. They're damn lucky it didn't leak and get reviewed in 2002.

Leaks and reviews create anticipation(insert another M.I.A. or a U2 reference here), but thats only if the public is interested.

I think the album was sucessful in the sence that other bands sell less and continue to make albums, so i reject the idea that's been put forward by some that this band is dead due to the sales figures of CD. However, I also think that this album would have sold higher if it wasn't for the leaks, in particualr the last leak that was virtually everything

The band is dead due to its own actions, not the fact it sold around 80% of its total sales figures in one week and had a massive descent on the charts. The band could have easily moved forward no matter what the sales charts indicate. They like excuses instead of action instead, unfortunately for us fans.

you don't come under my definition of a fan.

14 Thats lame. The guy has followed the band forever, bought the old records, merch, traveled to shows, but because he didn't buy one album he isn't a fan to you?? 17

I'm a fan of Led Zeppelin. Bought all their albums as a teen, bought a Physical graffiti shirt, and had that Swan Song poster on my wall. In the 90s, I didn't buy that Page and Plant shit.

You telling me I'm not a Led Zeppelin fan?

I also never bought GNR's Greatest Hits cd. downliner, we gotta shut this site down right now. You and I aren't fans. 14

I do agree that everyone who followed this saga should have bought CD. However, people choosing not to doesn't make them not a fan. People have different reasons for not doing so, and that horrific booklet was literally begging people not to buy it.

 Rep: 485 

Re: If the Skwerl

Neemo wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

I also never bought GNR's Greatest Hits cd. downliner, we gotta shut this site down right now. You and I aren't fans. 14

i will never buy the GH lump me in as well 16

i personally bought CD...but i'm not holding it against anyone who didnt...there is alot of baggage that comes with that cd and i wanted a phyical copy to shut the door on that chapter in my life...i also enjoy the album as well, but even if i didnt i still wouldve bought it...i;'ve supported this band for a long time and i always purchase albums from bands i support smile

 Rep: 231 

Re: If the Skwerl

-D- wrote:

U ever feel sometimes like Axl is the Matt Millen *NFL reference, Detroit Lions former GM* of rock n roll?

I mean, he has had the band for over 10 years and what has he done with it?

 Rep: 664 

Re: If the Skwerl

James wrote:

I thought you bought GH, which is why I didn't lump you into the "not a fan" category.

One point on this debate regarding mysteron's comment I do agree with is how high priced merch and ticket sales are affected by this stuff. Artists quickly assume downloaders play a huge role in less sales, so they up the price of other things. M.I.A.'s merch is outrageous.

However, things balance themselves out. For each person who only downloaded her album, there's some rich kid who bought the album because he thought he would be a part of the "in crowd" by doing so.

 Rep: 231 

Re: If the Skwerl

-D- wrote:

DL haven't killed the music business. I've been saying for the last year or so that its Itunes and just bad music that is killing the music business.

For Nickelback to sell 6 million albums..... I mean why aren't people DL their album? Daughtry sold 4 million........

With Itunes, people know most albums have 3 or 4 good songs and the rest shit

so why spend 15 bucks on A CD when u can go to Itunes and buy the 2 or 3 good songs for 2 or 3 bucks?

Flo Rida sold 2 million copies of 2 different singles and his album sold 50k first week

what if the song wasn't on Itunes for 99 cents? maybe he'd sell 2 million albums.

 Rep: 423 

Re: If the Skwerl

buzzsaw wrote:
faldor wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

The only way you can be a GnR fan is if you like them no matter how shitty the product is.  That is some people's definition of being a fan.

Who said the product was shitty?  Isn't that a matter of opinion?

You're a fan of the old lineup, isn't that fair to say?  You like ONE song from the new lineup, so I'd hardly consider you a fan of "new" GNR.

A lot of people said it's shitty.  It is their opinion that it is a shitty product.  That doesn't make them less of a GnR fan.

By liking ONE song, I'm ahead of a lot of people.

 Rep: 485 

Re: If the Skwerl

Neemo wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

I thought you bought GH, which is why I didn't lump you into the "not a fan" category.

nope once Axl, Duff and Slash agreed that it shouldnt be released i respsected their opinions...especially if they can agree on something then that is good enough for me, i support the band and its former members, i dont support corporate money matter the circumstances surrounding it smile

 Rep: 281 

Re: If the Skwerl

faldor wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
faldor wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

The only way you can be a GnR fan is if you like them no matter how shitty the product is.  That is some people's definition of being a fan.

Who said the product was shitty?  Isn't that a matter of opinion?

You're a fan of the old lineup, isn't that fair to say?  You like ONE song from the new lineup, so I'd hardly consider you a fan of "new" GNR.

A lot of people said it's shitty.  It is their opinion that it is a shitty product.  That doesn't make them less of a GnR fan.

By liking ONE song, I'm ahead of a lot of people.

You may be ahead of some who consider themselves fans, but in my opinion you and all the rest who don't care for CD are not fans of the CD era GNR.  You're fans of the previous lineups (aka - the Slash years). 

For people who liked Sammy Hagar in Van Halen, are they automatically fans of Chickenfoot since Sammy and Michael Anthony are in the band?  I'd say if they don't like the music, they're not.  People are constantly saying how this isn't GNR, it's not the same without Slash, yet those same people claim to still be fans.  You can't have it both ways.  If you're waiting for Slash to come back into Axl's life or if you're waiting for Axl to come up with something to pique your interest I think you're wasting your time.  If you honestly only like ONE song out of 14, and the fact that Axl says whatever music we get from here on out will be along the lines of CD, what in god's name makes you think you'll like anything more that a song or 2 on any potential future releases?  You're a fan of old school GNR.  We get it, that's great!  I loved them too, they were a great band.  Fortunately for me, I love the new stuff just as much.  So I'm happy.  Different strokes for different folks I guess.

 Rep: 43 

Re: If the Skwerl

gnfnraxl wrote:
faldor wrote:
Fat-Drunk wrote:
gnfnraxl wrote:

you wanna know where my copy of Chinese Democracy is?  I can't tell cause I can't remember where the fuck I put it.  And why I can't remember where it is?  Cause I stopped listening to the album a week or 2 after it was released.  And don't blame the leaks cause the leaks weren't on a regular rotation neither.  The album lacks something that is called good lasting music.  Not a bad album but not a memorable one.  So because of that CD is probably where my Libertad album is (another album I have no clue where I put it).

You might want to try alphabetizing your CDs or arranging them by year.
Another idea is to get some sort of display rack, that way you can keep all of your CDs in one place.

Try to remember the last place you saw them, and then re-trace your steps from there.

Let us know if you find it.


No kidding.  Dude, you gotta get more organized.  You seem to be losing shit all over the place.  That's not a good thing, no matter how much or how little you value them.

Ok I need to be more precise.  My cd's are entered alphabetically in my computer and are placed numerically.  Libertad and CD amongst others I do not know which number they are or like some of my fave albums, I do not know which number but can tell you approximately where they are.  CD and Libertad I can't.  If I look up their number in my pc I will find them.  But I can't bother.  So they are collecting dust on the shelf they are in.  And with the number of cd's I have I doubt CD or Libertad will ever find their way in my stereo ever again.  Although CD would be more likely than Libertad.  So people do not worry.  CD is safe in my house.  I just don't remember which shelf nor do I care to remember.

 Rep: 281 

Re: If the Skwerl

faldor wrote:

Well that's good to know, it's safe and sound,,,,,,,,, somewhere.

I go crazy when I misplace something, no matter how small or unimportant.  I'm neurotic like that.

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