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 Rep: 485 

Re: Please Play TWAT more when a tour happens

Neemo wrote:

and james reminded me of another point...its not that the album isnt good or that peopel think it sucks....joe public just doesnt care...the overblown crybaby rockstar thing died with grunge

 Rep: 268 

Re: Please Play TWAT more when a tour happens

Olorin wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
Olorin wrote:

Whats that mean?

FTFU = fixed that for you

I edited the rest of it for clarification purposes.

You should end all your points with something like,  "because I think it is", just for clarification.
For a while I thought you were trying to pass your opinions off as gospel truth.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Please Play TWAT more when a tour happens

faldor wrote:
mickronson wrote:
Neemo wrote:

are Velvet Revolver a failure compared to Slash's GnR when Slash was there?

how about Contraband vs CD? or even Libertad vs CD?

Slash isnt callin it GNR.  The only reason the singles and the album got any airplay is from anticipation from the name GNR

I'm sure if it was the "Axl Rose Project" it would've been played plenty.  In fact, like Axl said himself, it might have been even MORE accepted.  Keeping the GNR name going hasn't exactly helped him as much as some people like to think.  It may open some doors, but it also slams quite a few shut.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Please Play TWAT more when a tour happens

faldor wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

It's not me mad, it's the general public.  That's what you guys keep missing.  Everybody knows I don't like it, but some people are clinging to this theory that the music is good.  It isn't.  That doesn't mean you can't like it or other people can't like it, but the masses (right or wrong) don't like it, thus making it not good. 

So you can keep making this about me all you want.  All I'm doing is representing Joe Public.  We don't like it.  It's not what we want to hear Guns N' Roses sound like.  Take that for what it's worth.

I'm not making any predictions here, but you do realize that some albums take some time to get noticed or pick up steam.  There've been a number of albums that sold poorly, then won a grammy, and sales all of a sudden skyrocket.  People see something win an award and think, "oh that must be worth purchasing".  AFD was a "failure" by your rationale until it finally caught on.  And more recently Kid Rock's latest album was a failure and total shit until he released "All Summer Long".  Then sales picked up and it went from total shit to massive success. 

Again, I'm not saying these things will happen for CD, but there are plenty examples of other CD's taking awhile to pick up steam.  YOU keep stating that the public could care less and it doesn't matter how much promotion, publice appearances, touring the band does.  Nothing could've helped it.  Obviously you have nothing to back that point up since none of those things ever happened, and in the same breath I can't prove that it would've helped or by how much.  We simply won't be able to tell until it happens, which it just might never happen.  How many other bands have been given so many chances?  Van Halen maybe?  This may be their last chance (without a reunion at least), so they better make it count.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Please Play TWAT more when a tour happens

James wrote:
faldor wrote:

AFD was a "failure" by your rationale until it finally caught on.

I agree with your stance on "second winds", but this myth about AFD needs to be destroyed. Its nothing but revisionist history. I'm not even aiming that at you. The myth has been around for years.

People were all over that like flies on shit. I was 12 years old and literally ran to the mall after hearing Jungle. If one 12 year old did that before the SCOM craze happened, you don't think others did?

That album had a steady climb and once SCOM hit, they simply destroyed everything in their path, including Def leppard who were massive at the time.

AFD was NOT dead until 1988 when SCOM hit. They were already all over magazine covers before that single was released.

Welcome to the Jungle single

Released: October 3rd, 1987

chart peak: #7 on the Billboard Top 100

video: In spite of the early morning airtime, the song's music video caught viewers' attention and quickly became MTV's most requested video.

The song also appeared in the movie The Dead Pool, which GNR fans(including me) flocked to because the song was in it and the band had a small cameo in the film.

The Dead Pool was released July 13, 1988, five weeks before SCOM was released as a single.

This discussion reminds me that the Evo sidebar needs to be updated with info on these singles. Only way these types of myths will ever die is when new and/or casual fans get to see the real statistics and not Chinese Democracy related spin and revisionist history.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Please Play TWAT more when a tour happens

faldor wrote:

Didn't it take awhile for WTTJ to catch on though?  I thought it was out for awhile but MTV refused to play it, then agreed to play it at 4am, THEN it caught fire.  I knew it didn't take until SCOM, I just thought even the initial push took awhile.

And "dead" was obviously an unecessary term but I was just trying to prove a point.  Kid Rock's album was obviously not dead or complete shit either as it debuted at #1 (though it did sell less copies than CD in its debut week), but it was obviously given a second wind by "All Summer Long".

 Rep: 475 

Re: Please Play TWAT more when a tour happens

misterID wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

Is that what I said?  No.  But again, you want to make this about me since you can't argue with the lack of success for the album or the singles.  You can like anything you want.  That doesn't make it good, that makes it something you like.  Good music that gets out to the public sells.  Bad music that gets out to the public doesn't.  You may think something that sells sucks, but the general opinion is that it's good.  You may think something that doesn't sell is great, but the general opinion is that it isn't good.

In YOUR opinion, CD is great.  The public has spoken loudly and clearly and said it sucks.  You can argue with me all you want, that is the reality of the situation.  People heard it.  They didn't like it.  The public says it isn't good.  Don't tell me about it - you're not going to change my mind.  Go tell the public in general that they are nuts and that CD is a great album.  Get ready to be lauged at. 5

Well, that is what you're saying. You're saying CD is a flop so the music sucks. So by that logic, if something sells massively well, its great music. If it doesn't sell well, it sucks. And to think, all this time I was making fun of Britney Spears, and she's been a genius!

My point stands firm which you cannot counter. CD sold 3 million copies. No "yeah, but...". It sold 3 million copies. Over half a million in the US. It was not a flop. You're argument is that it can't be a success because old GNR albums sold more. That is something you pulled out of your ass and stated as fact. Sorry.

Hahaha, holy shit your logic is hysterical.

I've never said CD was great. I know its a good album. A very good album. Some people here think its great. Only you and your little disgruntled buddies are saying it sucks.

The irony is that you don't like CD or this line up, yet you're here every day, on message boards aimed at the new line up, trying to convince people who dig the line up and album that the new line up and album sucks...  If it does suck, why are you trying to convince people of it?

Where are all the message boards dedicated to the old line up?..... Oh yeah.... There aren't any.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Please Play TWAT more when a tour happens

misterID wrote:

Also... we're only five months into CD.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Please Play TWAT more when a tour happens

monkeychow wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

Good music that gets out to the public sells.  Bad music that gets out to the public doesn't.  You may think something that sells sucks, but the general opinion is that it's good.  You may think something that doesn't sell is great, but the general opinion is that it isn't good.

In YOUR opinion, CD is great.  The public has spoken loudly and clearly and said it sucks.  You can argue with me all you want, that is the reality of the situation.  People heard it.  They didn't like it.  The public says it isn't good.

Why then was it the 14th best selling album worldwide last year? In terms of record sales last year, the album did well, it's in the top 20 albums released.

The test where you can say it sucked is when compared to GNR history. But let me ask you buz - if you set up critera for success in that any artist has to outsell or match their works from the height of their fame then 95% of bands will fail that test. U2's last few albums didn't do the numbers of their earlier works. fail. You could do that forever....hell on your assessment UYI was a failure because it didn't sell as many copies as AFD.

Does estranged suck musically because it didn't sell as many copies as Sweet Child? The quality of the music is not the issue here.

Axl's been out of the spotlight for a LONG time, the band its like 13 years since the band was huge, a lot of people know the old band is not there and don't support it on principle, the album was droped with no promo, no tours and basicly no support of any kind,  - despite these factors, it still sold to be #14th worldwide last year - and you are saying the fact that it doesn't equal AFD in record sales means that it's musically crap? Keep believing that if you want, but I'm sick of reading about the 'truth' when there isn't anything logical to what you are arguing, you keep just saying "you all don't like it because it's true" but what you are arguing is not based on any reasonable or fair minded assessment of the situation.

 Rep: 59 

Re: Please Play TWAT more when a tour happens

IRISH OS1R1S wrote:

Lets all be like sheep then and follow what the flock do.
The majority here could care less if the masses don't like CD. If it did'nt sell as much as some people wanted or it did'nt go mainstream who really cares, sure it would have been nice but whatever. Most of us are here because we are GN'R FANS we like it and thats what should matter. If it was sales etc thats important we would all be on different bands forums but we are here on a Guns forum. In most of the threads we have the same people dissing the album, GN'R, Axl, sales etc etc. We all know your stance, you don't need to bang on about it again and again and again. Here's an idea, lets discuss what the title of the threads are and if you want you can start up your owns threads to say how crap everything is.

Rant over mad19

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