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 Rep: 485 

Re: Lost: Season 5

Neemo wrote:
redarmy76 wrote:

I'm hoping we get some more answers than questions with the finale.

good luck with that one 16

 Rep: 205 

Re: Lost: Season 5

PaSnow wrote:

My cousin was telling me the writers/producers had always known how it will unravel, but could always putt off explaining things & revealing things until future episodes. However they said they're at the point where it's really cutting it close, and they don't have that luxury anymore. Which is why the end of this season had alot of big events going on, back to back to back. I imagine next year will be similar.

Neemo, I may be wrong, but I think next season does have more episodes. Something like 25 whereas the last 2 had only 18 or something like that. Wouldn't surprise me it the air a few in the fall, most likely November something like 4-6 episodes.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Lost: Season 5

Neemo wrote:

well sonofabitch

 Rep: 59 

Re: Lost: Season 5

jorge76 wrote:

2010.  Damn.

 Rep: 5 

Re: Lost: Season 5

redarmy76 wrote:

well, we got some answers

But we got a hell of a lot of questions. 
That was one great episode.

Neemo, sonofabitch is right

 Rep: 485 

Re: Lost: Season 5

Neemo wrote:

fuck i'm jsut trying to think about where to even begin?

so Locke isnt locke, he's Jacob's arch enemy who we never saw before except masquerading as Christian, Charlie, Alex and Walt? (and whoever else)

did richard come to the island on that boat way back when? i assume that the bomb went off and teleported everyone back to the present...and who are these clowns talking about what lies in the shadow of the statue

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