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 Rep: 268 

Re: The Rant Thread

Olorin wrote:

Well done!

2 pounds a week is considered a healthy loss, thats what I was aiming for and achieved most weeks. But I was lifting weights and putting on a fair bit of muscle. I'm 6'3 as well and have been in exactly the same position as you. The weight your at just now was about as heavy as I got and where I started out aiming to get fit.
After I got in good shape I broke my leg, I thought I put on weight again when I was laid up, I definently put on some fat and was unhappy about it. When I got the cast off first thing I did was hop on the scales to see the damage, I was suprised to see I was much lighter than I had been in years. It was muscle wastage because I hadnt been using my legs.
Nowadays I'm more concerned with bodyfat percentage than weight, well actually I want to put on a stone of lean muscle but I'll wait until I get back into a routine.
I havnt stepped on the scales in a long time, I just use the mirror now.

Re: The Rant Thread

AtariLegend wrote:

Was going to the store about an hour ago, but I had to turn back.

A fly flew straight into my eye, took ages to get it out. Nightmare, it hurt, alot!.

 Rep: 205 

Re: The Rant Thread

PaSnow wrote:

^Ughhh, I hate that shit.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Rant Thread

Axlin16 wrote:
Handsome B. Wonderful wrote:
Olorin wrote:

Whats your goals?

To get down to about 198 pounds.

I'm at 227 now and I'm 6'3 feet tall.

I guess that what I'm worried about is if it's going too quickly?

On the other hand, I couldn't be happier.

As long as you are actively eating well, and exercising, be happy.

If you're doing nothing. Consult your local doctor, you might have diabetes. 18

 Rep: 281 

Re: The Rant Thread

faldor wrote:

I tape the Howard Stern show every day on my Sirius Stiletto and sometimes it gets a little choppy in parts.  You know, with satellites and everything, sometimes it just doesn't come in crystal clear.  Well it has been close to perfect for weeks until today.  The whole show appears to be garbled.  I mean I can hear some, enough to get the gist but it certainly isn't comfortable listening.  Anyway they discussed Slash and GNR on the show today, due to his appearance on American Idol.  So I was kind of pissed that I missed the "clear" discussion.  So I decided to try and tape it again from my car while I finished up work.  The first 45 minutes of the show came in crystal clear and I shit you not, just when they started the Slash/GNR discussion it got all choppy again.  And sure enough, right when they finished the discussion it got perfectly clear again. 

Seriously, what the hell!!!

I'm gonna try a 3rd time later tonight.  It's working fine now, but we'll see how it goes.

 Rep: 227 

Re: The Rant Thread

Will wrote:

Got posts updating to automatically. Great! Tried to use the exact same code on my personal site and nothing... no errors, no twitter updates, nothing sad Took two days to resolve and I'm yet to even install the code here on Evo. I hate it when shit just doesn't work first time round.

 Rep: 268 

Re: The Rant Thread

Olorin wrote:

My balls were aching all last night, kept me awake. I think my boxers were too tight. I'm still a bit sore now.  Gonna roll a joint, pour a drink and go commando for a while and see if it helps.

 Rep: 13 

Re: The Rant Thread

strat0 wrote:

Ugh....School...Why is it the last two weeks of school right before exams the teachers are piling on more and more work and projects. As of now I have an oral presentation in English on Monday, have to translate, answer, and study about 60 different questions in Spanish, and a project on WWII for World History thursday...Not to mention about 16 pages of Geometry to do...WTF.
Then they expect after all of this for us to have studied everything we've gone over this semester in 7 different classes so we can take a 2 and a half hour test in each class...That's bullshit to me.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Rant Thread

Axlin16 wrote:



 Rep: 194 

Re: The Rant Thread

tejastech08 wrote:
strat0 wrote:

Ugh....School...Why is it the last two weeks of school right before exams the teachers are piling on more and more work and projects. As of now I have an oral presentation in English on Monday, have to translate, answer, and study about 60 different questions in Spanish, and a project on WWII for World History thursday...Not to mention about 16 pages of Geometry to do...WTF.
Then they expect after all of this for us to have studied everything we've gone over this semester in 7 different classes so we can take a 2 and a half hour test in each class...That's bullshit to me.

Quit your bitchin' youngin. I got through it just fine and still made good grades (all AP level classes by the way). 16

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