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 Rep: 13 

Re: The Rant Thread

strat0 wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:
strat0 wrote:

Ugh....School...Why is it the last two weeks of school right before exams the teachers are piling on more and more work and projects. As of now I have an oral presentation in English on Monday, have to translate, answer, and study about 60 different questions in Spanish, and a project on WWII for World History thursday...Not to mention about 16 pages of Geometry to do...WTF.
Then they expect after all of this for us to have studied everything we've gone over this semester in 7 different classes so we can take a 2 and a half hour test in each class...That's bullshit to me.

Quit your bitchin' youngin. I got through it just fine and still made good grades (all AP level classes by the way). 16

Yeah but you probably weren't in AP and IB classes with half-assed teachers like I am who try to cram in 10 chapters in the last 2 weeks

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Rant Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Yeah I agree Strat.

That's too much work. I haven't seen a workload like that in fuckin' college, which is definitely more difficult than high school.

 Rep: 13 

Re: The Rant Thread

strat0 wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Yeah I agree Strat.

That's too much work. I haven't seen a workload like that in fuckin' college, which is definitely more difficult than high school.

Thats the way I feel. I mean If you can't pace a history text book out so that you can get through all 30 chapters in 8 months you shouldn't be a teacher IMO.

 Rep: 205 

Re: The Rant Thread

PaSnow wrote:

I hate planning shit. Especially for lazy people. Every year my brother comes into town, and wants things to do. Do them your fucking self. In his mid 30's he says things to my parents like "I wanna go to a Phillies game".  Go on the internet, and buy tickets your fucking self!!  Ask us if we want one. Geez.  One year, I was too frustrated with it all I just didn't call. Days went by of him sitting on their couch, watching TV for a week, he finally called on Thurs or Fri & asked if I wanted to go out somewhere. He just expects us to do things for him.

Anyway, now I'm turning it into an event with cousins, aunts, uncles etc. buuying up to 15 tickets for his ass. Next year I'm not bothering. My parents don't really know how to go online & order tickets either, plus their not the planning type. Nobody in my family is really.

I know it sounds like I'm being ungrateful in seeing him but it's been going on, year after year, for about 12 years now. I could get into stories of annoying shit he's done (yelling at a waitress who was a friend of mine at a cool bar we used to go to) but I won't.  If he wants to do something, take the initiative himself & do it.

 Rep: 661 

Re: The Rant Thread

monkeychow wrote:

^ yeah I hear that. the only thing worse is people who do the same and then bail on the event!

 Rep: 633 

Re: The Rant Thread

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 205 

Re: The Rant Thread

PaSnow wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

^ yeah I hear that. the only thing worse is people who do the same and then bail on the event!

Haha, dude, if he does that he's getting a punch in the face. No lie.

 Rep: 205 

Re: The Rant Thread

PaSnow wrote:
russtcb wrote:

...several hours later...

"So do you have any ideas for dinner yet?"

lol, I'm assuming that's with your significant other, yes?

 Rep: 633 

Re: The Rant Thread

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 768 

Re: The Rant Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Oh God Russ, that dinner argument drives me crazy.

"So what do you want for dinner?"

"I don't care, it's up to you"

"Okay, I want Mexican"

"No, I don't want that"

"Okay, what about Italian?"

"No, I don't want that either"

"I thought you said it was up to me?"

"Yeah, but I don't want that stuff"

"Okay, FINE, how about a burger or something?"

"Okay, where do you want to go?"

"I don't care, it's up to you"

"Here's McDonalds, i'm gonna pull in here"

"I don't like McDonalds"

And at that point, I see myself opening the car door, lifting my right leg, turning to the right, and following through at 70mph on the freeway.

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