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 Rep: 268 

Re: Eddie Trunk: What's Up With Guns N Roses?

Olorin wrote:

Oh dont feel bad petal, it'll be alright in the end.

Its amazing how good lots of fresh air and lack of internet is for the soul. When I'm outside in the sun working in gardens all day, all the doom, gloom and end of Axl Roses career internet talk is like a memory from a dream. It all seems like OTT dramatics and sillyness.
The internet forums has turned GN'R and Axl into our own little soap opera and we are all old desperate women, gossiping and whispering about shit we imagine we know.
This soap opera has unfortunatly even given rise to pseudo celebrities, there is millions of GN'R fans out there who wouldnt know what the fuck a jarmo or a fernando was, nor would they care. I think I'd be happier that way, my friends like GnR and liked the album, but can live their life without checking the internet for news everyday. When somethings happens, like a tour, I'm sure they wont miss it.
I think I'll try once more to follow other peoples lead, and give the GN'R section a wide berth until something actually happens.

Bring on GNREvo Movie Madness!

 Rep: 268 

Re: Eddie Trunk: What's Up With Guns N Roses?

Olorin wrote:
Axl S wrote:
Olorin wrote:

2001, 2002 or 2003. It was the year all the street parties were cancelled because of the storms, except Glasgow. Actually they announced Edinburgh and Aberdeen had been cancelled and this was the only one still going, this got a huge cheer, and Sweet Child came on. The dj played it, not the band showed up lol!! The Proclaimers and Snow Patrol were playing that night.


That makes more sense. I thought you meant GNR played.

Sorry lol, when I said "they" I was talking about the folk running the event. 14

 Rep: 281 

Re: Eddie Trunk: What's Up With Guns N Roses?

faldor wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
faldor wrote:

Thanks for trying to tell me how to live my life, but I'm plenty happy with my beliefs.  Did I SAY the current lineup released or played on CD?  I don't remember ever pointing that out.  I simply said they HAVE a lineup, with which hopefully they will move forward, tour, and release more music.  And I could care less if they play Giants Stadium, Madison Square Garden, the Beacon Theatre, or my backyard.  If they play, I'LL be there.  I could care less if 60,000 people come with me.

Do what you want, I didn't tell you to do anything, I merely made a suggestion.

Did I SAY that you said they were on CD?  I don't remember ever pointing THAT out.  By your definition, I have a lineup too.  Nobody wants to see me play CD songs either.

The point is that unless people want to go see them, there will be no show anywhere.  You seem to be missing the point.  YOU may want to go, but without a lot of others that feel the same, there won't be a show.  So you better start caring if others want to go.

Let me clarify then.  Thanks for making a suggestion on how to live my life, but I'm happy with the way things are going.  When I want your advice or any suggestions on what I should come to grips with I'll be sure and ask you. 

There are plenty of people who would be interested in seeing Guns N' Roses live again.  What would help the situation, as has been discussed before, is if they limited the number of shows to the major markets, instead of playing 4 shows in Florida, California, etc.  And maybe they should scrape Maine off the list, or some other smaller markets that didn't sell too well.  If they had ONE show in Boston, they'd draw from all of New England.  Some of those who got snubbed in Maine would make the trip down.  And that goes for the rest of the country.  Even in that scenario, they could probably schedule more than one show in major markets like Boston, NY, etc.  A viable opening act would also help.  There are people interested.  As much as you like to say CD flopped, it did sell 560,000 copies here in the US.  I wouldn't classify that as "nobody cares".  It's obvious we have a different way of looking at things though.  That goes without saying.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Eddie Trunk: What's Up With Guns N Roses?

buzzsaw wrote:

Define plenty of people.  I think if you actually look into it, you'll be disappointed, but humor me.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Eddie Trunk: What's Up With Guns N Roses?

faldor wrote:
Fat-Drunk wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

A reunion would sell out stadiums across the US in a day...

I don't even know if that's the case anymore.

I don't buy that theory either.  GNR has been out of the limelight for so long, I don't think a reunion would be as huge as some people think it would.  People hate Axl, people who support Axl to no end hate Slash.  There's not enough interest where it'd be an overwhelming success, in my opinion.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Eddie Trunk: What's Up With Guns N Roses?

faldor wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

Define plenty of people.  I think if you actually look into it, you'll be disappointed, but humor me.

I explained, look at the 560k albums sold.  Bands that sell much less than that have plenty of people go see them on tour so why should it be any different in this case?

I've gone and seen Def Leppard every year the last 3 years and they always have solid crowds and their latest album didn't sell half as well as Chinese Democracy.

And let me clarify, I'm not necessarily comparing GNR to DL.  I'm just going off of what I know.  Def tours EVERY year and their latest album didn't sell well at all and they still fill seats so why couldn't GNR?  They're bigger in a historical sense and more relevant at this time.

 Rep: 212 

Re: Eddie Trunk: What's Up With Guns N Roses?

Intercourse wrote:

the Axl V Slash thing is strictly on the boards.
The rest of the world with a life couldn't give a toss.
People will go to a reunion in their hundreds of thousands to re-live their glory days of youth.
Nobody will give a fuck about the sad, dreary little dramas that a few millionaire divas wish to get into.
Most people want to forget about the bills for a day, drink some beer and hear songs that remind them of when their abs were as hard as their erections and they didn't have a morgage..

 Rep: 281 

Re: Eddie Trunk: What's Up With Guns N Roses?

faldor wrote:
Intercourse wrote:

the Axl V Slash thing is strictly on the boards.
The rest of the world with a life couldn't give a toss.
People will go to a reunion in their hundreds of thousands to re-live their glory days of youth.
Nobody will give a fuck about the sad, dreary little dramas that a few millionaire divas wish to get into.
Most people want to forget about the bills for a day, drink some beer and hear songs that remind them of when their abs were as hard as their erections and they didn't have a morgage..

I'll agree that the Axl vs. Slash thing is basically limited to the hardcore fanbase.  But most everyone without a vested interest hates Axl and for the same reasons they wouldn't go see newGNR they wouldn't go see a reunion (fear of no-shows, late starts, riots).  I'm not arguing that attendance numbers wouldn't be better than newGNR's, I'm just not sold that they'd be as good as some are making it out to be.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Eddie Trunk: What's Up With Guns N Roses?

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 423 

Re: Eddie Trunk: What's Up With Guns N Roses?

buzzsaw wrote:
faldor wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

Define plenty of people.  I think if you actually look into it, you'll be disappointed, but humor me.

I explained, look at the 560k albums sold.  Bands that sell much less than that have plenty of people go see them on tour so why should it be any different in this case?

I've gone and seen Def Leppard every year the last 3 years and they always have solid crowds and their latest album didn't sell half as well as Chinese Democracy.

And let me clarify, I'm not necessarily comparing GNR to DL.  I'm just going off of what I know.  Def tours EVERY year and their latest album didn't sell well at all and they still fill seats so why couldn't GNR?  They're bigger in a historical sense and more relevant at this time.

Well, Def Leppard is actually Def Leppard, so that might have something to do with why people will go see them.  Real GnR would outsell Def Leppard with their eyes closed.  Fake GnR doesn't even have an audience interested in seeing them outside of a few people on internet boards.

The album sold 560k in the US, correct?  How many of those sold the first 2-3 weeks when there was a curiosity factor?  How many sold after that?  Are you really going to use the album sales to justify a tour?  I hope not.

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