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 Rep: 664 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

James wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Then what are they selling? They're still in business.

And if they aren't moving product, they sure as shit shouldn't be doing these exclusives every fuckin' month almost with various artists or films.

I'm not sure what they are selling. 14 I haven't been in there in months. I assume they still enough gadgets(Ipods, cell phones,etc.) to stay afloat.

Any artist that would agree to a Best Buy Exclusive after the GNR fiasco needs a new agent and label. All an exclusive with them accomplishes is money upfront. You don't actually move much product. Even Best Buy doesn't want to move product or it would have went on sale long ago.

They should open up a new business selling water to drowning victims. Or sell salt to snails.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 53 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

slashsfro wrote:

I was there a month ago and can add an observation or two.  The DVDs they have on sale in the circular sell well, especially if its $10 or less.  They usually have this upfront and most of the DVDs are gone in a few days or so.  The CD section is a ghost town.  There are usually more people playing the guitar hero game then there are people in the cd section.  I've always seen people either purchasing computers and the related equipment.  I'm pretty sure they make some money off HD tv sales as well.  Their bluray section is limited though.

All in All, I'd say that the CD section of the store is the least populated.  I remember going there last December to pick up Dark Knight and looked at the GNR chinese democracy display, I'd say at most 10 cds were sold--there was still a majority left in the display rack.

You have to wonder about BB business sense if they still refuse to cut the prices to move Chinese Democracy.  It was still selling at $11.99 when I went there in April.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Axl S wrote:
Neemo wrote:

i think the sales ratings on the BB website are all time figures

so of all the titles they've ever sold, CD sold the most for the best buy franchise

Unlikely. All the titles apart from CD are recent. i.e. last month or so. There's no way that's their all time sales figures. Currently on Chinese Democracy is the No.1 album.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Neemo wrote:
slashsfro wrote:

You have to wonder about BB business sense if they still refuse to cut the prices to move Chinese Democracy.  It was still selling at $11.99 when I went there in April.

from what we knew, didnt it work out to almost $10 a CD for their purchase price from Uni?

@ $12 a pop they are only makin $2 back on their purchase price...but again if they paid $10 for a CD then where is their buisness sense 16

 Rep: 60 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Gong wrote:
slashsfro wrote:

I remember going there last December to pick up Dark Knight and looked at the GNR chinese democracy display, I'd say at most 10 cds were sold--there was still a majority left in the display rack.

I'm gonna guess you've never worked in retail.
Most stores try to keep the display racks looking "full."

 Rep: 281 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

faldor wrote:
Neemo wrote:
slashsfro wrote:

You have to wonder about BB business sense if they still refuse to cut the prices to move Chinese Democracy.  It was still selling at $11.99 when I went there in April.

from what we knew, didnt it work out to almost $10 a CD for their purchase price from Uni?

@ $12 a pop they are only makin $2 back on their purchase price...but again if they paid $10 for a CD then where is their buisness sense 16

Yeah, I'd find that hard to believe that they'd pay $10 per CD.  No retailer would agree to something as ridiculous as that.  I'm not sure what the actual cost is for CD's, but it's got to be far less than $10.  I know they "hoped" the exclusive would garner extra foot traffic and lead to sales of larger items, but still that wouldn't be worth paying $10 a pop.  That information can't be correct, otherwise whoever agreed to that should be fired immediately if that hasn't been taken care of already.

Whatever the case though, it works for me.  I got the album, FINALLY.  And in the end, that's all that really matters.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Neemo wrote:

i think it was madagas who posted the rumored final take by Azoff/Uni/Axl and when you divided it by the amout of units which they reportedly puirchased it was a high number per unit that they paid...i looked for that convo but i couldnt find it for the life of me hmm

 Rep: 287 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Aussie wrote:
Neemo wrote:

i think it was madagas who posted the rumored final take by Azoff/Uni/Axl and when you divided it by the amout of units which they reportedly puirchased it was a high number per unit that they paid...i looked for that convo but i couldnt find it for the life of me hmm

I believe that of the funds Best Buy paid for CD.  Azoff got $2M, Axl got $1M and Universal received the rest as reimbursement of it's costs etc.

Not a bad pick up for Azoff for doing not much at all - although he did manage to prise the CD out of Axl's hands so credit for that.  Unfortunately it appears it was then run into the ground with a shithouse promo, release strategy etc etc.  Although you could probably point the finger at a few people for that (Axl included) not just Azoff.

I wouldn't be surprised if Azoff was on the outer now after how everything has gone down.

 Rep: 43 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

gnfnraxl wrote:
faldor wrote:
Neemo wrote:
slashsfro wrote:

You have to wonder about BB business sense if they still refuse to cut the prices to move Chinese Democracy.  It was still selling at $11.99 when I went there in April.

from what we knew, didnt it work out to almost $10 a CD for their purchase price from Uni?

@ $12 a pop they are only makin $2 back on their purchase price...but again if they paid $10 for a CD then where is their buisness sense 16

Yeah, I'd find that hard to believe that they'd pay $10 per CD.  No retailer would agree to something as ridiculous as that.  I'm not sure what the actual cost is for CD's, but it's got to be far less than $10.  I know they "hoped" the exclusive would garner extra foot traffic and lead to sales of larger items, but still that wouldn't be worth paying $10 a pop.  That information can't be correct, otherwise whoever agreed to that should be fired immediately if that hasn't been taken care of already.

Whatever the case though, it works for me.  I got the album, FINALLY.  And in the end, that's all that really matters.

When I owned a record store and mind you that I wasn't nearly as big as Best Buy.  If a new release was sold at say 12,99$  I'd pay it 11$  And I know for a fact that a store like Best Buy would get it for about 10$.  Maybe it has changed since then.  But cost is way more than people think it is.  Money was not made on new releases, it was made on older cd's, t-shirts, posters and stuff like that.

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