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 Rep: 268 

Re: This I Love

Olorin wrote:

The solo just stutters to an end, its like he ran out of ideas and didnt know how to wrap it up. I cant get into it, I find it utterly uninspiring. I dont mind the cheesy lyrics and I like the emotion of the guitarless mix, it seems more heartfelt and the songs flows so much better.

Re: This I Love

I think that the song is good, but it's not one of my favorites.

I also have a hard time listening to it nowadays.

Maybe it has something to do with the state of mind I was in when I first listened to it.

I don't know but I've had a tough time with it ever since, though.

 Rep: 633 

Re: This I Love

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 768 

Re: This I Love

Axlin16 wrote:

I never understood the hangup on Prostitute. I guess it was because it was described wrong. People were expecting a rocker like Nightrain, and they got another ballad.

I thought Prostitute was the great fire & ice song, as soon as I heard it. That outro is still heavenly.

Sorry was the one I was a bit miffed at. Great song, but I was expecting Coma or at least "doom metal" like Baz described, and all I found out was that Baz is the idiot he's reputed to be. There's nothing metal about Sorry.

Re: This I Love

Prostitute is actually one of my favorites...

It's quite the opposite there to be honest. I didn't like it when I first heard it but it just grew bigger and bigger until I loved it.

I remember listening to the original leak last year (I didn't even know that it was If The World and Prostitute the first time I heard them since I just grabbed them without reading as soon as I saw that there was "new leaks") and the outro gave me chills up my friggin' spine.

Fucking beautiful.

I tried HARD not to listen to them beforehand, though.

 Rep: 485 

Re: This I Love

Neemo wrote:

Hey! lets keep this thread to one sucky song at a time 14

 Rep: 33 

Re: This I Love

skippy wrote:

LOL, Neemo. smile

 Rep: 194 

Re: This I Love

metallex78 wrote:

I haven't listened to CD in a long time and I had a listen yesterday, and This I Love really stood out this time. I think I dig it a lot more than I did originally.
Hell, I even like the solo now, and I've been humming the melody in my head since then!

I still love the line "I've searched the universe and found myself within her eyes"
If that line didn't get Axl laid, then there's no hope for him! haha

 Rep: 268 

Re: This I Love

Olorin wrote:

This song has grown on me quite a bit recently, I'm even enjoying Robins solo now 18

I'm telling you, this song would do great in the charts during the Christmas season. But the video needs snow!

 Rep: 118 

Re: This I Love

mickronson wrote:

After hearing the other versions, I am certain in my opinion of Robins solo.  It was made up on the spot, or it sounds like it, and it goes nowhere, and ends nowhere.  He`s just copying a sound, a sound that people expect to hear on a "gnr" ballad of this kind.  Its full of repetative crap, and not in the slightest the Estranged buster it should be..
He (and Axl) had long enough to work on it, yet he came up with cheesy lyrics that all rhyme with "eye" and a thrown together solo that people like when they forget they`ve heard better.

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