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 Rep: 1 

Re: Chinese Democracy Trilogy?

drewsmith wrote:

whats up with this... is there any word on whats happining

 Rep: 485 

Re: Chinese Democracy Trilogy?

Neemo wrote:

yeah didnt you read it? 16 j/k these are the alst comment from Axl regarding the "trilogy" makes it sound more like a pair of albums then a trilogy...its pretty touch and go at the moment, i suggest jsut be happy with what we got...cuz it may be all we get hmm

Q: Axl do you really have 2 or 3 other albums of material?

A: For now we'll concentrate and keep our focus on this album but I will  say I've always thought of it as a double.
And no offence but no one's trying to talk in parables. The issues are  a bit more complex than anyone would like.

Q: -When's the next album coming?  Are you still planning the multiyear thing?

A: No idea and that was someone else’s thoughts.

Re: Chinese Democracy Trilogy?

If it comes, great. If it doesn't, too bad.

It's in their hands and I'm not going to sit and wait for something that might not happen.

But when or if it does happen I'll be there in support.

I'm getting déjà vu here but that's the way it is.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Chinese Democracy Trilogy?

Aussie wrote:
Neemo wrote:

Q: Axl do you really have 2 or 3 other albums of material?

A: For now we'll concentrate and keep our focus on this album but I will  say I've always thought of it as a double.
And no offence but no one's trying to talk in parables. The issues are  a bit more complex than anyone would like.

I've still never really understood what can be so "complex" about this whole thing and how everything at every turn is supposed to be so difficult and almost insurmountable???

 Rep: 6 

Re: Chinese Democracy Trilogy?

drborken wrote:

in my opinion, the complexity probably mostly comes from the length of time its taken to record this material. if they started in 1994, there must have been a hell of a lot of money put into it for one. we know stuff has been recorded in a lot of different places across the world, which could mean they have to license different parts of the album in different ways because of conflicting copyright laws or something. we also know there has been a lot of people working on the album for various different reasons. if gnr recorded 10 tracks over 10 years with 10 different producers at 10 different places, then thats gonna be a lot of stuff that needs to be sorted before the track can be used. plus on top of that it all needs to be mastered etc, and we know axl is a perfectionist, so its likely to be mastered several times so he gets it exactly how he wants it. then on top of all of that, theres still things like sample clearance that would need to be done for things like on maddy. i can see it could be very complex.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Chinese Democracy Trilogy?

James wrote:
Aussie wrote:
Neemo wrote:

Q: Axl do you really have 2 or 3 other albums of material?

A: For now we'll concentrate and keep our focus on this album but I will  say I've always thought of it as a double.
And no offence but no one's trying to talk in parables. The issues are  a bit more complex than anyone would like.

I've still never really understood what can be so "complex" about this whole thing and how everything at every turn is supposed to be so difficult and almost insurmountable???

No shit. Whatever it is, I don't buy it. He may be talented as hell, but he sure as shit aint prolific. Look at Cornell. Since Axl uttered the words 'Chinese Democracy', he's released 3 solo albums and 3 albums with Audioslave.

If he ever wanted to release a double or a trilogy, he could.

Axl will always be the most talented person with the least amount of work.

 Rep: 118 

Re: Chinese Democracy Trilogy?

mickronson wrote:

With the least amount of work comes the least amount of criticism.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Chinese Democracy Trilogy?

James wrote:
drborken wrote:

in my opinion, the complexity probably mostly comes from the length of time its taken to record this material. if they started in 1994, there must have been a hell of a lot of money put into it for one. we know stuff has been recorded in a lot of different places across the world, which could mean they have to license different parts of the album in different ways because of conflicting copyright laws or something. we also know there has been a lot of people working on the album for various different reasons. if gnr recorded 10 tracks over 10 years with 10 different producers at 10 different places, then thats gonna be a lot of stuff that needs to be sorted before the track can be used. plus on top of that it all needs to be mastered etc, and we know axl is a perfectionist, so its likely to be mastered several times so he gets it exactly how he wants it. then on top of all of that, theres still things like sample clearance that would need to be done for things like on maddy. i can see it could be very complex.

Here's an idea.....use one producer that you like instead of hopping from one producer to the next with the same batch of songs hoping for a different result.

Other artists release album after album, and before Izzy and Slash bailed, so did GNR. I see no reason to hold Axl to a different standard that you would hold other artists.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: Chinese Democracy Trilogy?

Axl S wrote:
mickronson wrote:

With the least amount of work comes the least amount of criticism.

Well Axl gets ton of that.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Chinese Democracy Trilogy?

Aussie wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

Here's an idea.....use one producer that you like instead of hopping from one producer to the next with the same batch of songs hoping for a different result.

Other artists release album after album, and before Izzy and Slash bailed, so did GNR. I see no reason to hold Axl to a different standard that you would hold other artists.

Yeah it's tough to have any sympathy for the guy when most of the problems seem to be self inflicted.  I have a novel idea, try picking one band, one producer, one studio etc etc.  Then try releasing the material in a timely manner.  I am sure that would eliminate a tonne of problems.

Unfortunately I think CD is going to be the last new music we hear from Axl for a loooong time.  It's a shame but I don't see the "complexities" being dealt with any time soon.  A tour is probably the best thing we can hope for but even that seems like only a slim possibility to me.

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