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 Rep: 664 

Re: Chinese Democracy Trilogy?

James wrote:

Moby will always be a bit of a mystery figure to this saga even though he's a minor(and usually forgotten) footnote. He bailed due to no vocals and no activity early in the project(97-98), but Moby was on a roll in that time frame and I'll always wonder if it would have turned out differently had he just stuck it out for a couple years.

 Rep: 33 

Re: Chinese Democracy Trilogy?

skippy wrote:

I know I might be in the minority here, but I really don't want to hear anything else from this era.  It's been major letdown, after major letdown in almost every way.

That being said, I don't know what I would want to hear from Axl and the new guys or the old guys and Axl.

Maybe announce retirement, play one gig with the old band, and disappear forever.  Or not, maybe just retirement, without any fanfare.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Chinese Democracy Trilogy?

Aussie wrote:

^ I agree another CD tour wouldn't excite me a whole lot.  I would probably go, but after going to 3 concerts last time it would need to offer me something more to really grab my attention.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Chinese Democracy Trilogy?

Axlin16 wrote:

Yeah it's time to move on, and they know it. A trilogy or even a box set would only be bought by the hardest of hardcore fans (me).

I think it might happen one day, but as an afterthought. Maybe down the road for some cash, or as a closer for completists if a reunion ever happens.

Nothing is the next move for Guns N' Roses until Axl stops being a baby about Slash.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Chinese Democracy Trilogy?

James wrote:
skippy wrote:

I know I might be in the minority here, but I really don't want to hear anything else from this era.  It's been major letdown, after major letdown in almost every way.

I certainly understand that sentiment. I do want to hear the rest of the CD sessions. I just don't expect it to do any damage on the charts. It'll chart high out of curiosity, then drop like a ton of bricks. Second album will drop even worse. Its too bad he didn't unload it all in one shot and make a statement with it. First impressions are everything. A 3 disc box set would have caused an "OH, THATS what took so long' mentality to brew up instead of the decent reviews, indifference, and total lack of interest from the public that happened instead.

Its the only album to sell over a million copies that nobody owns. I still haven't come across someone who owns this album. Whether it sold one copy or five million worldwide, it was a total "non event".  Its why I started referring to the album as a "beer coaster". Only hardcores listen to this, and the casuals who bought it threw it out the window on their way home from Best Buy.

While I do want to hear what he's got, I wont be that disappointed if it never happens. Other artists I like continue to release music, and if the Soundgarden reunion materializes in the near future, GNR heads straight to the back burner for me.I don't listen to old GNR, and barely listen to new GNR anymore. I want new music, and if he's unable to provide that, my interest will continue to evaporate.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Chinese Democracy Trilogy?

Axlin16 wrote:


I also haven't come across a single person other than myself that owns the album.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Chinese Democracy Trilogy?

monkeychow wrote:
skippy wrote:

I know I might be in the minority here, but I really don't want to hear anything else from this era.  It's been major letdown, after major letdown in almost every way.

That being said, I don't know what I would want to hear from Axl and the new guys or the old guys and Axl.

Maybe announce retirement, play one gig with the old band, and disappear forever.  Or not, maybe just retirement, without any fanfare.

Wow...i'm sort of the opposite of this point of view.

To my mind Axl has such an unsual voice, both literally (vocally) and in an artistic sence (lyrically, composition etc) , that it's so wasteful to me that he's not used more.

Obviously he isn't a machine and doesn't live just to serve us, but when I think that one day he will die, and all posibility of new works or live experiences would be gone, just as they are for greats like Jimi Hendrix etc now, then it freaks me out and I hope we get to see more of him before that time.

I'm totally keen to go to any show where he performs, or listen to any other works that may exist from any era. To me the worst thing that could happen would be's such a waste of an artist who could yet do more with his gifts.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Chinese Democracy Trilogy?

misterID wrote:

I'm really not trying to offend anyone, and really, maybe I'm not as attached to this band to the extent some of you are where it illicits such... strange reactions... But if you're in the mindset that you don't want anything else from this band, that you just want them to fade away, or not have anything to with them unless Slash is involved... I don't know. If it causes such a depressing disposition for you... hmm

The whole reason I got back into the band/the new line up was the possibility of great music... Maybe I'm in the minority here, because I think they delievered on that. And I'm very interested in what else is out there.

Not only am I convinced the next album will happen, I think the album is finished and has been for a while. It's totally possible that its still waiting around to have Bumblefoot additions to it, and now, probably DJ whoever. But the way Axl is talking, unlike the whole CD mess, this album is basically being talked about as a finished project.

One way or another, on Geffen or another label, the second album will surface. Leaks or whatever, I'm still very interested in the CD sessions.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Chinese Democracy Trilogy?

Neemo wrote:

i'm with ya ID smile

at the end of the day i like quite a few songs on CD, i wanna hear what else he has in the vault

 Rep: 287 

Re: Chinese Democracy Trilogy?

Aussie wrote:

I wanna hear what else there is too - I just don't like me chances of it happening anytime soon unfortunately sad

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