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Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

AtariLegend wrote:


Either awesome or really, really silly.

The last Wii game I think was too short and the last few boss fights, minus the final boss fight were lame.

Having the evil Zant dance around like a monkey really lowered the tone for me too.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Axl S wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

One of these days they're gonna get knocked out of the console business and will be like Sega and just develop games. You can only fuck over gamers so many times before they smell the coffee.

Unlikely. They've got a strategy and it's working. They're rolling in it by focusing on casual gamers and it works. Even if they lose ALL the hardcore which won't happen because there's always some Nintendo diehards they've still got virtually all of this new casual market. The notion that Nintendo are getting knocked out of the console business is absurd. Also they're showing at E3 wasn't too bad.

 Rep: 13 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Mike wrote:

Here's gameplay footage of Assassin's Creed II 9

 Rep: 664 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

James wrote:
Axl S wrote:

Unlikely. They've got a strategy and it's working. They're rolling in it by focusing on casual gamers and it works. Even if they lose ALL the hardcore which won't happen because there's always some Nintendo diehards they've still got virtually all of this new casual market. The notion that Nintendo are getting knocked out of the console business is absurd. Also they're showing at E3 wasn't too bad.

You could have said the same exact thing about Sega in 2000.

Nintendo is lucky they survived the Gamecube disaster. It was basically the "Sega Saturn" era in their company.

 Rep: 67 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Tommie wrote:

I remember ages ago they actually talked about just doing software... I'm with James on this one.  I mean sure now they are kicking ass with the casual market.  But they will get bored and nintendo will be SOL b/c their original bread and butter will be long gone.

 Rep: 664 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

James wrote:

I'm not denying that the Wii was a success. It was pretty cutting edge, and grabbed a huge chunk of gamers curious about it.

Guess which other system was cutting edge early this decade?

The Sega Dreamcast.

Nintendo will not survive continually marketing kiddie games to its base. Seems like they would have learned that lesson with Gamecube, but obviously they didn't. The kiddies grow up and then they want an XBOX or a PS, JUST like they did in the last console war.

 Rep: 664 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

James wrote:
CrashDiet wrote:

I remember ages ago they actually talked about just doing software... I'm with James on this one.  I mean sure now they are kicking ass with the casual market.  But they will get bored and nintendo will be SOL b/c their original bread and butter will be long gone.

If Nintendo does lose the console war(not if but when), they will make a KILLING in the software business. They have some nice exclusives that would go over well on other platforms, specifically Mario, Metroid, Donkey Kong, and Zelda.

I can see why they considered going in that direction at one point.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Axl S wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

You could have said the same exact thing about Sega in 2000.

Sega weren't making record profits. During the Gamecube era Nintendo were still turning a profit and they've been making loads of money from day one with DS and the Wii actually making a profit on the consoles, something which initially from launch Sony and Microsoft haven't done. Furthermore the reason Sega failed was because they had just suffered a good 3-4 years of useless add-ons and the failure that was the Sega Saturn. They were already in the red and whilst the Dreamcast was initially a success for them, once the PS2 hit the scene they couldn't do anything.

Now Nintendo are in a completely different situation. For one they've not been in the red. Two they are the current market leader. Three the Wii is still flying of shelves and with the holiday season approaching in about six months and them ready to unleash Wii Fit Plus and Wii Sports Resort along with a slew of other casual titles this is gonna be another very profitable year for the Big N. Unless the casual market suddenly switches off and decides they don't want to play games anymore, Nintendo are here to stay. AND even if that does happen luckily they have enough money to be safe for a while and take a hit and reinvent themselves as a company again. If they wanted to they could easily put out a power house of a machine and pump out hardcore titles for it like the competition but they haven't and it's paid off.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Axl S wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

The kiddies grow up and then they want an XBOX or a PS, JUST like they did in the last console war.

Well luckily theres a lot of kiddies who grew up on Nintendo and now have kids of their own wink

Nintendo have been in this game since the eighties. They're veterans in the video game market. Some of their recent decisions has definetly hurt the loyalty of their hardcore fanbase but right now they are the Apple of video games. I don't like it but they easily could just abandon the hardcore fanbase and still make more than Microsoft and Sony are in this market. Microsoft's original Xbox was a critical success but financially not fantastic. The XBox 360 has faired better but it's still nowhere near a huge financial success. If it wasn't for the truckloads of money Microsoft had the XBox would be in a far weaker position.

Nintendo only have one market where they need to up their game right now and that's at home in Japan where recently they've been outsold by the PS3 in the charts (although a good part of this could be due to recent Final Fantasy Bundles). Nintendo just need to release the new Wii Fit or Wii Sports and they'll fix that problem pronto.

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