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 Rep: 53 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

slashsfro wrote:

The Da Vinci Code


Tom Hanks, what a misstep. For Tom & Ron Howard, it makes Splash looks like Apollo 13.

Awful, awful film. Nearly Batman & Robin territory.

I saw this in the cinema when it came out in 2006.  This is the type of film that works if you don't think about the plot and are just looking two waste two hours away.  When I left the theater, I actually thought about the film and noticed a whole bunch of flaws I hadn't noticed.  The Tom Hanks character is never fully developed or explained.  They never discuss how he came into his field of study.  His function in the film is mainly as a companion to the Audrey Tatou character.  They could have gotten any other actor to play his character in the film  The Ian McKellen storyline was bad as was the Silas the albino monk thing.  Jean Reno was cast as the incompetent French bureacratic policeman which I found slightly offensive and a waste of his talent.

In short, you're correct and this thing should only be seen if you need stress relief or need some mindless fun to pass the time by.

 Rep: 231 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

-D- wrote:

Shooter "Great little action flick

Halloween mostly great, don't like the ending

 Rep: 13 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Mike wrote:

I just watched Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace because I remembered  ten years ago when it was released around this time which is hard to believe it's been that long ago already. While it's not my most favorite Star Wars, the anticipation for this movie was exciting and sure was a big event during that summer. I thought Qui-Gon Jinn played by Liam Neeson was an awesome Jedi (my favorite actually) and Darth Maul was a cool villain. Since it's obvious the SW prequels are inferior to the original trilogy, I think Episode I was the best of this trilogy, III the second best and II the worst.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

PaSnow wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

The Da Vinci Code


The book is awesome, a fast read too. But I agree, the movie was terrible. I couldn't even get past about 30 minutes before shutting it off.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:

Exactly what slashfro said was the problem.

The film is never developed, ever. You are basically thrown into the situation, you have NO CLUE who Tom Hanks is or any of the people around him, what he does other than he's taught in symbols. They then continue with all these little mysteries, that just spring up like they are afterthoughts in the film's plot, then when we get to the end of the film and the 'twist', it's a massive anti-climax, that just seems thrown in. The film NEVER develops itself. The amazing part is it's 149 minutes long... good God. The thing with Ian McKellan being in on the whole thing was something you could see from a mile away, and totally predictable.

Visually the film looks good. And I think that's the problem. They got bogged down in making the film look big and huge and beautiful, that they forgot how to develop a script.

All I can assume, as one who didn't read the book, is that The Da Vinci Code movie is one of those things that sounded and read great on paper, especially with Hanks as lead and Howard directing, and didn't turn out at all in post-production what they thought they'd end up with.

Once again, terrible film. I let the film run, but left it running as I went to the bathroom, got a snack, checked on scores in MLB, went outside, took the dogs to the bathroom, and finally came back in.

Sure enough Angels & Demons will probably get positive reviews all over the place, while Terminator: Salvation gets trashed. All I know, is at least with The Da Vinci Code, T4 looks like Gone With The Wind compared to it.

 Rep: 13 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

strat0 wrote:

Just watched Pet Semetary 1 and 2 for the first time. Gotta say the first was amazing. Second, not so much...

 Rep: 205 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

PaSnow wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

All I can assume, as one who didn't read the book, is that The Da Vinci Code movie is one of those things that sounded and read great on paper, especially with Hanks as lead and Howard directing, and didn't turn

The problem was the book gets right smack into it. The body's found, they call the girl, she call him. They escape the museum, & the chase is on. Twist & turns every 3 pages.

But Hollywood doesn't work that way. A hollywood movie needs to be 20% intro, 60% base, 205 wrap up. Plus, they added in crappy last second near car accidents, almost caughts, narrow escapes that took away from the twisting storylines.  Should have been more of a scene by scene adaptation of the book. Not taken any liberties.

Just mho at least.

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

I still love Star Wars IV, it's the second best one made in my opinion. Yeah, it's not as strong in the effects department but it lays some great groundwork for later in the series. Sometimes it feels standard but that's because so many movies thought they could be Star Wars. But there's something magical about it that all those others lack, even the others int he trilogy.

Having seen all six within the past 6 months, I'd go   V - IV - VI - III - II - I. I think Revenge of the Sith is the most overrated of all of them, even though it's miles ahead of ep I and II.

 Rep: 212 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

BLS-Pride wrote:

The Hangover and it was amazing.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

PaSnow wrote:
Communist China wrote:

Having seen all six within the past 6 months, I'd go   V - IV - VI - III - II - I. I think Revenge of the Sith is the most overrated of all of them, even though it's miles ahead of ep I and II.

Was Jedi really that good?  I haven't seen it in years (like 10) but I always felt sith was probably better than Jedi. I agree with your ranking, though I'd probably say V, IV, III, VI, II, I

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