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 Rep: 227 

Re: New Izzy Album (in mixing stages)

Will wrote:

Thanks to Ed at for the following update:

Appearantly Izzy has recorded a new album this year

Friday, March 20, 2009
JT Longoria is in the process of mixing new tracks for Izzy Stradlin (Guns and Roses)

Source: Nomad Recording Studios

 Rep: 59 

Re: New Izzy Album (in mixing stages)

jorge76 wrote:

Izzy seems to work fast, hopefully we see this pretty soon.

If it comes out half as good as Concrete it'll still be pretty good.

 Rep: 768 

Re: New Izzy Album (in mixing stages)

Axlin16 wrote:

Nice, looking forward to it.

 Rep: 43 

Re: New Izzy Album (in mixing stages)

gnfnraxl wrote:

This I will buy.  To me Izzy is the one that released the best music post GNR out of all of them including one Axl Rose.

 Rep: 768 

Re: New Izzy Album (in mixing stages)

Axlin16 wrote:

Considering what Izzy's made on the budget and time he's had, versus Axl's 15 years and $13+ million... Izzy puts Axl to shame.

 Rep: 212 

Re: New Izzy Album (in mixing stages)

BLS-Pride wrote:

Izzy is and continues to be the man.

 Rep: 664 

Re: New Izzy Album (in mixing stages)

James wrote:

I'm hoping for more "quality control". Concrete had some good songs, but too much filler. I would prefer a short album if it means the album as a whole is strong.

 Rep: 0 

Re: New Izzy Album (in mixing stages)

Pitu wrote:

Great news !!!

 Rep: 227 

Re: New Izzy Album (in mixing stages)

Will wrote:

Another update from Ed who has Nomad Recording Studios as a myspace friend:

9th June - Nomad Recording Studios, Myspace: New projects starting up. Pre production for new Benzley CD. Silver Loves Mercury CD coming soon. Rivethead mixes nearly finished. New Izzy Stradlin on the way.

No info on this album at all, looks like Izzys taking the Concrete route again and dumping this on iTunes without promotion. Hopefully turn up in a couple of weeks or so

 Rep: 664 

Re: New Izzy Album (in mixing stages)

James wrote:

Like I mentioned before, I'm not against low key, below the radar releases, but I wish he would offer it on something other than Itunes.

Next time you're in contact with him, you could dangle a carrot of offering various audio formats for sale on chopaway.

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