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 Rep: 664 

Re: When All Is Said And Done...

James wrote:
chicken_dinner wrote:

luckily hes not a prostitute like that...yeah listen to that song again and u has ur answer to this topic :3

He admitted in the chats he had promo plans but things got fucked up. Other than TSI and GH, he heavily promoted those old records.

So NO, it isn't the answer. He "prostitutes himself for fortune and shame" and whatever other nonsense you(or anyone) want to pull out of a lyric sheet or interview.

The guy sold out in 1987, so no need in trying to think he has ten tons of indie street cred.

In the 90s, you could buy GNR/Axl keychains, condoms, lighters, pins, necklaces, glasses, patches, etc. Fuck, you could even buy spaghetti sauce in certain countries. He makes Gene Simmons look like a hack, but since in 2009 he sits in his mansion instead of doing an interview, he supposedly has indie cred.

Don't make me laugh.

Oh wait, I forgot. Slash is a media whore!

I can see clearly now the rain is gone....

 Rep: 633 

Re: When All Is Said And Done...

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 664 

Re: When All Is Said And Done...

James wrote:
russtcb wrote:

I'm even starting to doubt how big of a deal it would be if they did reunite with any version involving Slash, Duff & Axl.

While I don't want to hijack this thread, I am  leaning in this direction as well. While he does get attention on major media outlets for almost anything and the old albums continue to sell, a reunion isn't going to shake the foundations like it would have years ago. The name has simply been run into the ground for far too long.

While I would NEVER compare GNR to Warrant, you can look at that band as a very small scale example of what could easily happen. When Warrant reunited, even their hardcore fans didn't care because various members had toured under the name for years but weren't really doing anything with it. By the time Jani jumped onboard, they were reduced to playing empty clubs and the tour and band imploded within a couple months.

A GNR reunion would probably be closer to the level of a potential Soundgarden reunion than a Pink Floyd/Zeppelin reunion. Best case scenario it pulls in Van Halen numbers.

 Rep: 281 

Re: When All Is Said And Done...

faldor wrote:
James Lofton wrote:
russtcb wrote:

I'm even starting to doubt how big of a deal it would be if they did reunite with any version involving Slash, Duff & Axl.

While I don't want to hijack this thread, I am  leaning in this direction as well. While he does get attention on major media outlets for almost anything and the old albums continue to sell, a reunion isn't going to shake the foundations like it would have years ago. The name has simply been run into the ground for far too long.

While I would NEVER compare GNR to Warrant, you can look at that band as a very small scale example of what could easily happen. When Warrant reunited, even their hardcore fans didn't care because various members had toured under the name for years but weren't really doing anything with it. By the time Jani jumped onboard, they were reduced to playing empty clubs and the tour and band imploded within a couple months.

A GNR reunion would probably be closer to the level of a potential Soundgarden reunion than a Pink Floyd/Zeppelin reunion. Best case scenario it pulls in Van Halen numbers.

I agree and have been saying for some time that a reunion wouldn't be AS big a deal as some people seem to think.  First off the only one who really wants a reunion right now is Steven.  Axl certainly doesn't.  Slash and Duff are off doing their own things and Izzy hasn't been interested in 15 years.  So if there was a reunion it'd be forced and I think people could sense that.  It would be a disaster and probably wouldn't stand a chance at working.  Not to mention the fact that a good portion of the fanbase either hates Slash or Axl.  And casual rock fans just don't care that much about GNR anymore, that's part of the reason Chinese Democracy didn't take off and Velvet Revolver self imploded after 2 albums.  It was fun while it lasted but people have moved on.

 Rep: 661 

Re: When All Is Said And Done...

monkeychow wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

There is no demand for this band.  We know it, the promoters know it, and now Axl knows it.  It's VR all over again.

I agree it's like VR but I don't see that as making it over. I think VR was a successful band until scott's drug issues.

It's just not UYI style world domination.

Maybe it's different here in Melbourne Austalia, but both VR, and new-GNR have played here in recent years at our Rod Laver Arena that olds around 14,000. GNR did a second show because the first sold out.

I think there's a following of hard rock fans that would follow both VR and GNR and will always be interested in tours and albums from both bands.

 Rep: 287 

Re: When All Is Said And Done...

Aussie wrote:
russtcb wrote:

I'm even starting to doubt how big of a deal it would be if they did reunite with any version involving Slash, Duff & Axl.

That's actually a really good point!  The whole stupid thing has gone on for so long with some much bullshit from everywhere that the name and the characters involved from both sides are really just caricatures of their former selves.

Consequently while interest would be there in a reunion it's sad to say that as each day passes and more bullshit or deafening silence sourrounds us, any geniune interest gets smaller and smaller.

Sure there will always be some tragic interest in them as an 80's nostalgia act, but unfortauntely they may only ever be seen as that - old guys cashing their last pay check, rather than a legendary band getting together again with a corresponding level of genuine excitment and expectation from a plethora of fans.

I think you have said it before James, that there is about a 5 year window these guys have to get their shit together and potentially have an impact again.  After that ,the window is pretty much shut and the only opening to them is on the "Seniors Tour".   Given whats been happening (or not happening) that gap in the window is almost shut...

Bucket, Finck et al have been wise to move on from the saga, perhaps Axl, Slash and co. should also let the GNR dog continue to sleep - or maybe they have already decided to anyhow.

 Rep: 768 

Re: When All Is Said And Done...

Axlin16 wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

I think he may have put feelers out there, promotors came back and said you don't even have a full band, and DJ was hired.  He put out feelers again and didn't like what he heard either financially or in the scope of the tour, so *poof* the tour isn't brought up any more.

And see i've thought for awhile, a different variation of that same theory.

The difference is, I think the new band is being blacklisted. I think the record execs realize they don't need Axl anymore, and neither do promoters, and they are sitting back saying "reunite or fuck off".

So... Axl fucked off.

To me, that's part of what he didn't like.  There is no demand for this band.  We know it, the promoters know it, and now Axl knows it.  It's VR all over again.  The curiosity is gone, so is the only thing keeping people interested.  No second album, CD re-release, or tour is going to change that.  The world wanted to see what Axl could do, saw it, and said no thanks.  The only hope for Axl is a reunion - he can't even really do a solo album to gain interest because he just released one.  Since he isn't interested in a reunion, it's over on any major scale until he is or he dies.

Agreed. It's over.

faldor wrote:
James Lofton wrote:
russtcb wrote:

I'm even starting to doubt how big of a deal it would be if they did reunite with any version involving Slash, Duff & Axl.

While I don't want to hijack this thread, I am  leaning in this direction as well. While he does get attention on major media outlets for almost anything and the old albums continue to sell, a reunion isn't going to shake the foundations like it would have years ago. The name has simply been run into the ground for far too long.

While I would NEVER compare GNR to Warrant, you can look at that band as a very small scale example of what could easily happen. When Warrant reunited, even their hardcore fans didn't care because various members had toured under the name for years but weren't really doing anything with it. By the time Jani jumped onboard, they were reduced to playing empty clubs and the tour and band imploded within a couple months.

A GNR reunion would probably be closer to the level of a potential Soundgarden reunion than a Pink Floyd/Zeppelin reunion. Best case scenario it pulls in Van Halen numbers.

I agree and have been saying for some time that a reunion wouldn't be AS big a deal as some people seem to think.  First off the only one who really wants a reunion right now is Steven.  Axl certainly doesn't.  Slash and Duff are off doing their own things and Izzy hasn't been interested in 15 years.  So if there was a reunion it'd be forced and I think people could sense that.  It would be a disaster and probably wouldn't stand a chance at working.  Not to mention the fact that a good portion of the fanbase either hates Slash or Axl.  And casual rock fans just don't care that much about GNR anymore, that's part of the reason Chinese Democracy didn't take off and Velvet Revolver self imploded after 2 albums.  It was fun while it lasted but people have moved on.

Steven might be actively pushing for it, but they all want it. And have said so in interviews, in their own way. Slash, Izzy & Duff have all remained very open to it, so far to butter up Axl more so than they used to, in order to lighten the emotional baggage involved.

They just know, what we all know. It's not going to happen until Axl wants it. Period, case closed. And Axl doesn't want it right now. But the next Lambo comes out, he'll get interested.

I know people hate the idea of them getting back together for money, but that's all it's going to be about regardless. And i'd rather see an active GN'R for money, rather than an inactive one for principle.

I think people have certaintly moved on from interest in new recordings. Even if they were to reunite, I think it'd be marketed as a 'final' album, just like The Eagles.

The absolute best, people get one more album, and a bunch of nostalgia tours. Nothing more than that in any universe was ever going to come out of a reunion.

 Rep: 96 

Re: When All Is Said And Done...

I reckon the endgame's in sight now - I think Velvet Revolver are almost certainly going to announce Franky Perez as their new frontman after the promo for Loaded and Slash's solo album is over and done with. In him, they've got a vocalist who can match Axl on the high notes (Scott's biggest weakness was that he just didn't have Axl's range). Hell, without Scott around, they might even get Izzy back in a songwriting capacity; IIRC it was Weiland who nixed most of the Izzy-written tracks on Contraband.

If Velvet Revolver has a frontman who can match Axl's vocal range, the reunion is, bluntly, never going to happen; they can concentrate on making their band into a brand that's as big as GN'R, rather than having to live with a vocalist who's less able than Axl, and deal with people wishing they had the Ginger Recluse back.

 Rep: 661 

Re: When All Is Said And Done...

monkeychow wrote:
elevendayempire wrote:

I reckon the endgame's in sight now - I think Velvet Revolver are almost certainly going to announce Franky Perez as their new frontman after the promo for Loaded and Slash's solo album is over and done with. In him, they've got a vocalist who can match Axl on the high notes (Scott's biggest weakness was that he just didn't have Axl's range). Hell, without Scott around, they might even get Izzy back in a songwriting capacity; IIRC it was Weiland who nixed most of the Izzy-written tracks on Contraband.

It's an interesting prospect. Although I think it would take more than just range - although range is certainly important.

While we often talk about Axl's shortcomings I think he brought the following positive things to classic GNR:

(a) Excellent Range
(b) Commanding Stage Presence
(c) Deep Lyrics
(d) Stong use of melody.
(e) Rock star drama/excitment/media attention to his antics (which is good and bad for the band overall)

Now if VR can find a singer who can deliver on A thru D above then i beleive they could make a pretty damn impressive line up. It's not impossible's just people who can do all those things are rare as hell.

 Rep: 661 

Re: When All Is Said And Done...

monkeychow wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

I know people hate the idea of them getting back together for money, but that's all it's going to be about regardless. And i'd rather see an active GN'R for money, rather than an inactive one for principle.

I actually disagree with this. In terms of money I think all of the members are comftorable enough to survive without having to put up with each other. I think if a reunion happens - it should be because the members finally recgonise each other's tallent and that fate put them together in the first place for a reason.

I wish axl could think "slash pisses me off, but damn his guitar parts capture an emotion that other people havn't found" and I want slash to think "I don't understand why axl is upset about things I don't find important, but god damn there's no one who writes and sings like that".

If a reunion happened i think it should be for those reasons. That they're basicly always going to be looking for copies of each other. Axl needs a guitarist who can do what Slash does but doesn't shit him off. And Slash needs a singer who can do what axl does but without the problems. But life doesn't give us perfect people. There is no other 'perfect' slash. There is no other 'perfect' axl. If they could recgonise that, they could work together again. But it seems for whatever reason they'd rather not. I can live with it because I enjoy VR and I enjoy new-gnr for what they are.

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