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 Rep: 5 

Re: Marc Canter Talks on MyGnR

PGER83 wrote:

From Pages 4-8 … 0893&st=45

This part stands out

"The last time Slash went there was because his wife made him. Just before he did that he called me for Axl's phone number and when I said that I couldn't do that he said I know I know and then I herd Perla saying things to him. He said that he was sorry for asking and I could tell in his voice that he was being pushed into it. Also at that time Perla hated Duff, and Slash was not getting along with Scott and Duff that well and was doing heavy drugs and lots of them that should have killed him. He was living in hell. He also started a big law suit about not getting paid for things from GNR and was drunk at the time of the visit. He could have easily said bad things about some of the guys in VR to Beta. At that point he would have fucked a snake to talk with Axl and if nothing else just to get Perla off his back. She was the one who wanted the reunion at that time. But then the whole thing backfired on Slash when Axl called the press. It could have cost him loosing VR and then he would have nothing."

So Axl did not lie about that afterall

its a good read till he gets run off by trolls

 Rep: 664 

Re: Marc Canter Talks on MyGnR

James wrote:
PGER83 wrote:

It could have cost him loosing VR and then he would have nothing."

Take away GNR and VR, and Slash has more than the members of both those bands combined.

Check out the emerging credits for his upcoming record for a reference.

its a good read till he gets run off by trolls

Thats the problem with hanging out at the big sites. You think they're the best because they're a bit bigger, but nuke the dipshit city entrenched at those sites, they're smaller than this one.

He should come check this place out.

 Rep: 58 

Re: Marc Canter Talks on MyGnR

Stepvhen wrote:
James Lofton wrote:
PGER83 wrote:

It could have cost him loosing VR and then he would have nothing."

Take away GNR and VR, and Slash has more than the members of both those bands combined.

Check out the emerging credits for his upcoming record for a reference.

its a good read till he gets run off by trolls

Thats the problem with hanging out at the big sites. You think they're the best because they're a bit bigger, but nuke the dipshit city entrenched at those sites, they're smaller than this one.

He should come check this place out.

Thos emerging credits now include our good friend Cornell

 Rep: 661 

Re: Marc Canter Talks on MyGnR

monkeychow wrote:

Interesting. I wouldn't be surprised if all the guys don't have moments when they reconsider what they've been doing.

I mean they can all live without GNR financially, and it caused a lot of problems, but it also gave them a lot too. So there would be times when you think you just need to build a bridge......

As for the stuff about perla, that sounds like speculation to me. The drug use, well, everyone knows slash and many other gnr people have a history with drugs and that relapses happen at times.

But i think there is perspective. It's no secret that VR had some issues with scott. Maybe he'd had a bad day, got nostalgic for GNR and decided to try to talk to Axl....but that also doesn't mean everything went down in quite the negative way it's portrayed.

My question is: If beta's version of events is true, why was slash removed from the house? If he was appoligising to Axl, and dislikes all the other former members of GNR - why wouldn't they hear that out?

 Rep: 58 

Re: Marc Canter Talks on MyGnR

Stepvhen wrote:

woops repost

 Rep: 58 

Re: Marc Canter Talks on MyGnR

Stepvhen wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

Interesting. I wouldn't be surprised if all the guys don't have moments when they reconsider what they've been doing.

I mean they can all live without GNR financially, and it caused a lot of problems, but it also gave them a lot too. So there would be times when you think you just need to build a bridge......

As for the stuff about perla, that sounds like speculation to me. The drug use, well, everyone knows slash and many other gnr people have a history with drugs and that relapses happen at times.

But i think there is perspective. It's no secret that VR had some issues with scott. Maybe he'd had a bad day, got nostalgic for GNR and decided to try to talk to Axl....but that also doesn't mean everything went down in quite the negative way it's portrayed.

My question is: If beta's version of events is true, why was slash removed from the house? If he was appoligising to Axl, and dislikes all the other former members of GNR - why wouldn't they hear that out?

My opinion. I think Axl took a psychological beating when Slash left. His best friend leaving him in the Lurch. He couldnt make a GnR record without him. The pressure was on Axl to deliver and Slash bailed when it got through. At least I think thats how Axl would see it. Being hyper-seneitive this probably left him "emotionally scarred" he preobably decided to cut Slash out. ((Note my use of words probably and possibly). Possibly he may harbour resentment towards Slash for that , he could ,maybe, never forgive Slash. Slash left hjim in his hour of need and the Media blasted Axl for it. Now Slash comes to him during his own personal hour of need. Axls prob thinking revenge. Leaves Slash in the Lurch and informs the Media so that he can see the shit Axl had to go through when Slash left him.

Thats what I get from it all anyway

 Rep: 205 

Re: Marc Canter Talks on MyGnR

PaSnow wrote:
PGER83 wrote:

"It could have cost him loosing VR and then he would have nothing."

There is no VR without Slash.. It'd be like saying 'Axl's constant refusal to move forward with Chinese Democracy almost cost him his spot in GnR'

 Rep: 53 

Re: Marc Canter Talks on MyGnR

slashsfro wrote:

My opinion. I think Axl took a psychological beating when Slash left. His best friend leaving him in the Lurch. He couldnt make a GnR record without him. The pressure was on Axl to deliver and Slash bailed when it got through. At least I think thats how Axl would see it. Being hyper-seneitive this probably left him "emotionally scarred" he preobably decided to cut Slash out. ((Note my use of words probably and possibly). Possibly he may harbour resentment towards Slash for that , he could ,maybe, never forgive Slash. Slash left hjim in his hour of need and the Media blasted Axl for it. Now Slash comes to him during his own personal hour of need. Axls prob thinking revenge. Leaves Slash in the Lurch and informs the Media so that he can see the shit Axl had to go through when Slash left him.

Thats what I get from it all anyway

I disagree with some of this.  At the time Slash left in 1996 their relationship had pretty much fallen apart.  The Michael Jackson and Slash collaboration in  Give it to Me clearly irked Axl.  They weren't best friends in 1996 and hadn't been for a long time.

I do agree that Axl is still pissed at Slash for blaming the GNR demise upon Axl's shoulders.  It takes two to tango here and Slash was just a big a factor as Axl in the band splitting up.  Axl gets most of the shit for breaking up the band while Slash (in Axl's eyes) is seen as a cool guy and all that other stuff.  The rants in the chats last year was Axl way of venting off steam that had been buiding up for a long time.

monkeychow--I think Slash was removed because he was drunk and Axl probably knows how unpredictable that Slash can get while he is drunk.

Re: Marc Canter Talks on MyGnR

Sky Dog wrote:

This is now basically a Slash board....Canter trashes Slash and things still are turned to Slash's favor by a few. Come on.....Slash is every bit to blame for the state of "Gnr" as Axl is. The whole Gnr, old and new, show is pathetic. However, James, no offense, but Soundgarden and a Soundgarden reunion aren't even remotely comparable to Gnr and a Gnr reunion. It's like comparing Terence Trent Darby to Prince or Michael Jackson. No where near the same size and worldwide appeal. I am not talking artistic merit, just mass appeal.:|

 Rep: 287 

Re: Marc Canter Talks on MyGnR

Aussie wrote:

I'm not surprised to hear that Perla was the one pushing Slash to call Axl.  Seems to me that she firmly wears the pants in that relationship and she is the one in the drivers seat of Slash's career.

Wasn't all this around the time also that Perla was poking her nose into VR's affairs and causing a lot of friction with the other guys i.e. Duff, Matt etc as a consequence - hence Marc's comment that Perla hated Duff.

Slash needs to be a man and stand on his own two feet instead of making phones calls to people that he apparently doesn't want to and making pussy whipped career choices.

People bag Axl for having Beta continually sticking her beak into everything and driving GNR's direction, well it appears that things aren't a lot different with Slash and Perla.  Perhaps Slash needs to take his balls out of his wifes purse.

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