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 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:

Knocked Up

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Public Enemies, was good overall, acting and the aesthetic were both great. But it dragged in spots and like axlin already said, the plot should've been refined a little more. But Bale and Depp were impressive and Mann delivered his usual excellence in the look of shots and characters.

Could've done with a few less scenes of people standing and looking at nothing, though. Slight SPOILER: The part where Dillinger went into Chicago's PD and walked through the Dillinger Squad, did that actually happen? Or did they make it up?

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:

I don't know. If it did, John Dillinger had the biggest balls of anyone ever.

SPOILER - the cat walks in to the Chicago PD, walks into the Dillinger Squad room, looks everything over, and walks up to the cops themselves surrounding the radio, and asks "What's the score?", the cop replies, "3-2 Cubs in 7th", and Dillinger smiles, and walks out.

That shit was fuckin' beautiful. 14

 Rep: 268 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Olorin wrote:

Che, Part One and Part Two.

 Rep: 268 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Olorin wrote:

Teen Wolf

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:

Donnie Brasco

You know, I used to revere this film, but after watching it more recently.... it's not as good as I remembered. The film fails to ever really get a good narrative going, and they spend too much time with Johnny Depp's "Donnie Brasco", when Al Pacino's "Lefty" is a far more intriguing performance, that's so rich, that it just begs for more backstory and screen time, that you NEVER get.

A good film, not a great film. And once again, a film that Depp could've shined in, but the material wasn't there.

I think it's a shame, because I think the ability is there, but he doesn't have that career defining role, short of maybe some critical props for Edward Scissorhands & Blow, and even then, it's mixed. Depp reminds me alot of Michael J. Fox in this sense. People aren't going to remember Fox for his terrific acting performances in "Bright Lights, Big City" & "Casualties of War". Hell be remembered for playing Marty McFly in the "Back To The Future Trilogy". Depp will be remembered for Capt. Jack Sparrow, and the "Pirates of the Carribean Trilogy". The commercial successes.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Smoking Guns wrote:

The Hangover - it was excellent.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

misterID wrote:


Fantastic. It actually got better the more the movie went on. There's going to be a huge comparison to Hostel, which I understand to a degree, but this film has a much larger plot, better chracters, a "deeper" story. And all round more twisted. Not that its more graphic, I've seen worse, but it's not so much the gore that's unsettling here, it's the "ewwwww" factor that's just as disturbing... When you see it you'll know what I'm talking about. Not to metion there are some moments that will make you say "God Damn!" The best comparison is Hostel meets Deliverance. But instead of a bunch psychotic, ass-raping hillbillies, its a bunch of psychotic, mass-murdering neo nazi's.

And I had no idea this was part of the After Dark film festival series. It's nothing like most of those films. This was A quality filmmaking.

WARNING:  This is not a spoiler so much, but a warning. But if you don't want the hint here to make the film more enjoyable then skip...

Hidden Text:

There will be several moments when a gun is available to the victims, even from the opening minutes, and they refuse to take them. I let this slide a couple times because I understood there would be no movie if they would have taken it... But it happens SEVERAL times. This will drive you crazy. Trust me. Just go in knowing this and you will be able to enjoy the film more.



4/5 stars.

I just watched Mirrors. It was okay. It could have been really good. And it would have been much better if the characters were better written and more well rounded. And not have Keifer Sutherland spontaneously yelling at people like he had terets. 16


2.5/5 stars

And also, not all horror movies need to have the bleak ending. Seriously. They try so hard now to give a dark conclusion that it seems forced, when an actual semi-happy, "they get away but will never be the same" type ending would fit better. There's nothing wrong with a happy ending when done right.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

James wrote:

I think thats the only After Dark film I haven't watched. I'll have to torrent that tomorrow.

Axlin08, while I do think Brasco is a great film, one thing that causes it to run in place are the scenes with his family. Heche isn't bad in the role, it just doesn't really advance the story one iota. We know he's invested his life into his work. We don't need to see his family bitch about it when there are other fish to fry.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

I think thats the only After Dark film I haven't watched. I'll have to torrent that tomorrow.

Axlin08, while I do think Brasco is a great film, one thing that causes it to run in place are the scenes with his family. Heche isn't bad in the role, it just doesn't really advance the story one iota. We know he's invested his life into his work. We don't need to see his family bitch about it when there are other fish to fry.

Precisely. I also have NEVER cared for Heche as an actress. She's exactly what she came from... a daytime soap opera actress. Nothing more.

Like you said, the family stuff, for me at least, buries the film. It's so pointless. I think the idea was to make the film more of a dramatic piece, and less on the crime drama. Well it's not that the dramatic stuff wouldn't work. We need SOME of Brasco's family life to make that connection. But it would've been far more entertaining to see the aspects of Lefty's life, his son, his woman, and their life, as he was a long-term "earner" and nothing more.

The bad guy side ended up being far more interesting, and it was never explored.

It's kind of like Heat. They gave all those great lines, and family interaction to Hanna (Pacino), but in an odd sense, it was McCauley's (DeNiro) relationship with Edie that was the riveting stuff in the film.

I think if Brasco had went that route, it would've been MUCH more entertaining.

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