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 Rep: 268 

Re: i'm back

Olorin wrote:
James Lofton wrote:
Olorin wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

You must have been happy as a pig in shit when George Lucas rereleased that version of Star Wars in the 90s that had a few nanoseconds of Jabba the Hut added in. Must have felt like a brand new movie. 16

I like CD, so what? Are you calling me stupid?

That's what you got from that comment? Seriously?

I think 99.9% of the fans still hanging in like at least some aspects of CD. It just isn't a brand new record to long time fans, and I'm pretty sure you knew thats what I meant. You can shine it all you want and add a couple bonus tracks to it, doesn't change the fact its Star Wars with the added Jabba the Hut footage.

Amazing that you cant see why people would want to hear new songs. It would be like listening to The Downward Spiral since 1994, Trent finally releases it in 2004, a fan wants to hear a new song, and you think they're crazy.

The album just came out and its apparantly first of a double album, I'm happy to wait, especially after such an insignificant period of time.
Its not even really waiting, cause I have a life. Whatever comes will come. Its none of my or anyone elses business when GNR does or doesnt release their music, its theirs to do whatever they want with.

Nobody's waiting. My girlfriend gets fucked, my job gets done, and drugs get swallowed whether or not CD vol. II ever comes out. Just because people like posting on web sites doesn't mean they're "waiting".

The only people not living life are the forum users who unfortunately died during the wait.

If there's one album I'm truly waiting for, its M.I.A.'s next album, and if that doesn't come out, there's other things to float my boat.

If he doesnt care about anything its the people on the forums, and I cant say I blame him.

He name dropped forum users at Rio, and his yes men brigade hang out at forums. When the 2006 tour was underway, only thing addressed on the official site was how forum users weren't blown away by the setlist. If there's anything he cares about, its the couple thousand hanging at these sites(to an extent).

The vast majority of people who attend concerts and bought the cd dont come near these forums.

The forums are actually the best place to gauge interest/reaction to anything the band does or doesn't do. Its like taking a poll during an election.

Fans initially soured on the record= a fast tanking on the charts

Fans not supporting the singles= low chart positioning, quick tank, and nothing on Itunes

Low fan interest in a tour= no tour

That's not a coincidence, and neither is the fact you cant find anyone who actually owns or listens to this record, yet its at gold status here. That's unheard of.

As far as CD being a double album goes, it used to be a trilogy. By the time a CD rerelease comes down the pike, songs will be missing and CD will be an EP.

I thought you were mocking me.

I dont think there is wrong with people wanting to hear new music and choosing to listen to any leaks that might occur. However actively persuing unreleased music or encouraging people to do so and creating a demand for it is not something I've ever been a fan of, even less so since I got CD and discovered those "rough demos" I thought were from throw away sessions, were no such thing.
But this thread took a nasty twist when people started stating that Axl is getting his comeuppance and deserves to be robbed of his unreleased music. What the fuck is that shit about?
That makes me even more embarressed to be part of this community than those little punks on the boards who, in recent months, have been deriding almost every member of the band.

Regarding the forums, I honestly really doubt he gives a fuck about them, once upon a time mabye, but they have hit rock bottom imo and if he is still actively paying attention he will probably know our opinions off by heart, cause there aint many of us left.
I'm thankful this place exists because in general it is a great wee community and simply stands head and shoulders above the rest 22
The big 2 are pretty damn woeful and completely predictable these days, I have been giving them another go recently and honestly all I've got out of it is a genuine thumping headache.
Pick a random thread in the GNR section on those sites and before you open it you already know whats going on inside.
I must be doing something wrong at mygnr however cause I have no opinion whatsoever on this Madison character and find these  supposed trigger happy mods to be anonymous, the banish stick needs to weilded more readily imo tongue

Ever considered Axls yes brigade use the forums purely out of ego and not on missions from Axl?
I have and still do. I didnt think fernando was a bad guy nor did he deserve most of the abuse he got, but the way he would appear online claiming on the one hand just to be just another fan, and on the other making cryptic statements and hint dropping, made me wonder if he just liked the attention and having people fawing over him because he was in the know. Same goes for the other GNR pseudo celebrities who popped up time and again in recent years.
Its funny Fernandos last act was dropping that clanger about Lars holding up the Better video and GNR being forced into a public retractment. Me thinks Mr Azoff might have curtailed his hapless wonderings onto fan forums.

I can find plenty of people who have the album, you want me to introduce you to a couple? One of them is pretty cute smile But if I was to suggest to any of these folk to start using a forum cause they quite like GNR I can already imagine the funny looks I would get.
I honestly dont know anyone who owns a U2 record or even likes them, I guess I've met a few over the years who had an album in their collection or something, but my lack of meeting U2 fans doesnt mean they dont exist.

I still think there will be one follow up album at least, imo CD was released to take the flack and all the "15 years for this" crap - then GNR are going start afresh with a new album and hopefully the weight of expectation will be less and people minds a lot more open to the music instead of the circumstances surrounding it.

 Rep: 423 

Re: i'm back

buzzsaw wrote:

Damn...I was right again.  One of these times I'd like to be wrong and have something actually interesting come out of these efforts.

Re: i'm back

Eh, what have I missed?

 Rep: 281 

Re: i'm back

faldor wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

Damn...I was right again.  One of these times I'd like to be wrong and have something actually interesting come out of these efforts.

Well in fairness, some people were really looking forward to those rock band files.  I'm not one of them, so this batch doesn't do much for me.  But I'm sure some people are excited about this.

Re: i'm back

Well, There Was a Time is the 2006 leak with a fanmade intro.

I haven't listened to the others yet.

 Rep: 287 

Re: i'm back

Aussie wrote:
Neemo wrote:

yawn ... all the build up for the 10th version of twat and some files that nobody can open?

thanks for the effort MSL but for me its not very exciting

Yeah my thoughts exactly.

I don't know how to open Mogg's or Clogs or whatever the hell the files are, but from what I understand is in them, even if I could, I wouldn't bother.

As for another version of TWAT, it's bad enough knowing that Axl remixed this thing umpteen bloody times, let alone slowly getting the said versions leaked over the next 100 years. 

TWAT is a great song but hearing yet another version that is only subtely different from the other 67 million leaked versions of it doesn't really float my boat.

Thanks for trying though MSL.

Re: i'm back


There is LOTS of things going on in Prostitute that isn't even audible in the demo or the final version.

There's four or five different layers of drums alone!

When listening to the piano, orchestra and the background guitar it's like listening to a new song.

 Rep: 281 

Re: i'm back

faldor wrote:

If that's all that's out there that MSL can dig up, the leak well might have run dry.  Or people may be scared off by the whole Kevin Cogill case and are keeping that stuff to themselves.  Regardless, we may not hear anything of true substance until Axl decides it's time.  Honestly, that's the way I'd rather it be.  As long as it's released sometime in my lifetime of course.

 Rep: 423 

Re: i'm back

buzzsaw wrote:
faldor wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

Damn...I was right again.  One of these times I'd like to be wrong and have something actually interesting come out of these efforts.

Well in fairness, some people were really looking forward to those rock band files.  I'm not one of them, so this batch doesn't do much for me.  But I'm sure some people are excited about this.

I know some people are excited and that's great.  But even those people would be much more excited to hear something new rather than the 13th version of TWAT.  I really, really like the song, but I'm not at all interested in another version of it.  That's what I meant.  Even I would be excited to hear something new.  I may or may not like it, but I'd be excited about hearing it.

 Rep: 633 

Re: i'm back

RussTCB wrote:


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