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 Rep: 227 

Re: check this guy out...

Will wrote:

Why would Axl wanna promote MSLs board by posting there? Gotta be fake surely

 Rep: 287 

Re: check this guy out...

Aussie wrote:

^ Exactly!

 Rep: 281 

Re: check this guy out...

faldor wrote:
Aussie wrote:

From my understanding they have MSL's number anyhow given Beta's long conversations with him in the past.  I would have thought that they would phone him direct if they had an issue???

However, if they wanted to give him a public tongue lashing then perhaps they may do it this way, but unlikely.

Yeah, that's certainly not Axl.  You'd think the imposter would've put a LITTLE more effort into it though.  One post, asking to speak to mister?  Lame attempt.

 Rep: 13 

Re: check this guy out...

strat0 wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

Have songs but don't want to leak them? Shut the fuck up about it and listen to them privately.

I've about reached the end of my rope with this shit.

Welcome to the insane asylum, brianfantana. 5

Welcome to ALIVE as well. 9

edit: That dude saying his underage sister will strip on cam for leaks is crossing a line. Even if its a joke.

Half the people on these sites need psychiatric help. Pronto.

Except the members here of course. We all passed our psych evaluations with flying colors. wink

yeah welcome brianfantana. :beer:you're in for quite a ride here. 16

Regarding the songs:anyone too chicken enough to leak em, Mail em to me! I'll do the honors.

and that joke is in very bad taste

 Rep: 768 

Re: check this guy out...

Axlin16 wrote:
faldor wrote:
Aussie wrote:

From my understanding they have MSL's number anyhow given Beta's long conversations with him in the past.  I would have thought that they would phone him direct if they had an issue???

However, if they wanted to give him a public tongue lashing then perhaps they may do it this way, but unlikely.

Yeah, that's certainly not Axl.  You'd think the imposter would've put a LITTLE more effort into it though.  One post, asking to speak to mister?  Lame attempt.

Yes. Everyone in the community now knows Dexter = Axl.

If Axl wanted to do something, without promoting someone like MSL, he could easily come up with something like blackie4eva as a username, and no one would pay no mind.

 Rep: -1 

Re: check this guy out...

AL!VE wrote:

this guy apparently is mad with some hoarders and he says that he doesn't get a new song he will leak everything he's got almost 67mb of music

 Rep: 6 

Re: check this guy out...

Whazup wrote:
AL!VE wrote:

this guy apparently is mad with some hoarders and he says that he doesn't get a new song he will leak everything he's got almost 67mb of music

shit!!  well ill be waiting smile

 Rep: 1 

Re: check this guy out...

Baggio wrote:

Fuck, Whazup i'll be right beside you on that one. Bring that shit on.

 Rep: 6 

Re: check this guy out...

Whazup wrote:

hell yeah smile

 Rep: 13 

Re: check this guy out...

strat0 wrote:
AL!VE wrote:

this guy apparently is mad with some hoarders and he says that he doesn't get a new song he will leak everything he's got almost 67mb of music


That's another cd lol

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