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Itchy GTR
 Rep: 5 

Re: So where does GN'R stand right now and what is the current news?

Itchy GTR wrote:

Ahhhh o.k.
For a second there I thought it had something to do with Ginger on Gilligans Island   14

 Rep: 1 

Re: So where does GN'R stand right now and what is the current news?

st@rfucker wrote:

personally I enjoy Ron's contributions to the album,and not being facetious what's not to like? He is an awesome virtuoso in the class of satriani,vai and petrucchi.Not mentioning malmsteen, because he is a dick imo.

 Rep: 661 

Re: So where does GN'R stand right now and what is the current news?

monkeychow wrote:
st@rfucker wrote:

personally I enjoy Ron's contributions to the album,and not being facetious what's not to like? He is an awesome virtuoso in the class of satriani,vai and petrucchi.Not mentioning malmsteen, because he is a dick imo.

People didn't like robin because he wasn't slash, but he made it worse by playing the old songs strangley.

I think people just dislike bumble cos he isn't bucket - but he does a pretty good job of handling those parts - TWAT from spain was nearly note perfect in the solo and it's only the 2nd ever live peformance.

He's friendly, and he can play like an absolute freak I really don't understand why more people arn't fans of his. I know I am.

 Rep: 207 

Re: So where does GN'R stand right now and what is the current news?

DCK wrote:

I ain't a big fan of Ron music-wise because the GNR solos produced in 2006 took an absolute plunge because Bucket wasn't there anymore. He could produce memorable solos to Nightrain, KOHD among others. Ron doesn't come close to them. It's not all about those weird solos. It's also with feel and understanding of what works with the song and Bucket was an absolute master in re-inventing the songs solos to something new and completely independent from what Slash did.

Haven't heard one Ron solo that touched me the same way a Bucket solo did.

 Rep: 1 

Re: So where does GN'R stand right now and what is the current news?

st@rfucker wrote:

No,absolutely correct but Bucket isn't in the band anymore.Trying to compare Bucket's and Ron's styles are  like apples and oranges.
I think Ron's contributions have added to CD in many ways,and his   personality (public persona) is an asset for GNR.His solos and fills are on the mark and the guy can shred,So why all the  Ron-hating?

 Rep: 268 

Re: So where does GN'R stand right now and what is the current news?

Olorin wrote:

I like Ron in a live environment but I was disapointed by his contributions on the album overall. Some nice licks here and there, but his solos dont inspire me. I like the Scraped one best, but Shacklers and Riad grate on my ears. The outro on Catcher In The Rye I'm still unsure about, I know I dont love it, but I also know I dont dislike it as much as before hmm
Its definently the low point on one of my favourite songs.

 Rep: 633 

Re: So where does GN'R stand right now and what is the current news?

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 268 

Re: So where does GN'R stand right now and what is the current news?

Olorin wrote:

Some of his playing is just a bit far out for my taste thats all. I'm glad he is in the band though, most of what he has done for the band I've enjoyed, especially seeing him live.
Scraped is one of my favourite songs on the album and I think his solo is pretty damn good, I cant wait to hear it live. The Shacklers solo is pretty far out but it fits the song, I like it more than I did actually, even with the heffalumps. Riad and Catcher are really my only gripes I think.
I wonder if he has ever wrote original music with Axl, has he ever confirmed?

 Rep: 207 

Re: So where does GN'R stand right now and what is the current news?

DCK wrote:

Trying to compare Bucket's and Ron's styles are  like apples and oranges.

Of course you compare.

Artifact A and B have both a chance at creating solo X to song Y.

And you're telling me A and B can't be compared in regards to taste, opinion, technical abilities or talent?


 Rep: 13 

Re: So where does GN'R stand right now and what is the current news?

strat0 wrote:
Olorin wrote:

I like Ron in a live environment but I was disapointed by his contributions on the album overall. Some nice licks here and there, but his solos dont inspire me. I like the Scraped one best, but Shacklers and Riad grate on my ears. The outro on Catcher In The Rye I'm still unsure about, I know I dont love it, but I also know I dont dislike it as much as before hmm
Its definently the low point on one of my favourite songs.

Bucket did the solo on Scraped, if I'm not mistaken...

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