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 Rep: 661 

Re: No Checkmate remains.

monkeychow wrote:
DCK wrote:

If this guy is a fraud, something needs to be done.

I think Uzi Suciede was closed in the 1990s, and that Black Frog is now GNR's publisher.

 Rep: 207 

Re: No Checkmate remains.

DCK wrote:

I think Uzi Suciede was closed in the 1990s, and that Black Frog is now GNR's publisher.

So why do they let him run around on YouTube dicking around?

 Rep: 485 

Re: No Checkmate remains.

Neemo wrote:

its uzi suicidAL LLC requesting music be taken down....make sure you get it right if are gonna email azoff

 Rep: 5 

Re: No Checkmate remains.

PGER83 wrote:

Post #8

I dont know if that is the same guy or not but...

 Rep: 268 

Re: No Checkmate remains.

Olorin wrote:

Apparantly thats that warchild character, had about 10 names in 10 weeks on mygnr someone said.

 Rep: 60 

Re: No Checkmate remains.

Gong wrote:
Olorin wrote:

Apparantly thats that warchild character, had about 10 names in 10 weeks on mygnr someone said.

Don't believe everything Madison tells you.

 Rep: 268 

Re: No Checkmate remains.

Olorin wrote:

Twas another poster wrote it, l've  never crossed patrhs with madison. kinda drunk, wow.

 Rep: 60 

Re: No Checkmate remains.

Gong wrote:

What are you drinking? I hope to be sippin' a Corona in about 2.25 hrs.

 Rep: -1 

Re: No Checkmate remains.

AL!VE wrote:
madagas wrote:

In 1814 we took a little trip
Along with Colonel Jackson down the mighty Mississip
We took a little bacon and we took a little beans
And we caught the bloody British in the town of New Orleans

We fired our guns and the British kept a'comin'
There wasn't nigh as many as there was a while ago
We fired once more and they began to runnin'
On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico

We looked down the river and we seed the British come
And there must have been a hundred of 'em beatin' on the drum
They stepped so high and they made their bugles ring
We stood behind our cotton bales and didn't say a thing

We fired our guns and the British kept a'comin'
There wasn't nigh as many as there was a while ago
We fired once more and they began to runnin'
On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico

Old Hickory said we could take 'em by surprise
If we didn't fire our muskets till we looked 'em in the eyes
We held our fire till we seed their faces well
Then we opened up our squirrel guns and gave 'em ..Well....we...

fired our guns and the British kept a'comin'
There wasn't nigh as many as there was a while ago
We fired once more and they began to runnin'
On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico

Yeah they ran through the briars and they ran through the brambles
And they ran through the bushes where a rabbit couldn't go
They ran so fast that the hounds couldn't catch 'em
On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico

We fired our cannon till the barrel melted down
So we grabbed an alligator and we fought another round
We filled his head with cannonballs 'n' powdered his behind
And when we touched the powder off, the gator lost his mind

We fired our guns and the British kept a'comin'
There wasn't nigh as many as there was a while ago
We fired once more and they began to runnin'
On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico

Yeah they ran through the briars and they ran through the brambles
And they ran through the bushes where a rabbit couldn't go
They ran so fast that the hounds couldn't catch 'em
On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico

Hut, hut, three, four
Sound off, three, four
Hut, hut, three, four
Sound off, three, four
Hut, hut, three, four

What's that?

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