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 Rep: 194 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

tejastech08 wrote:

oops, double post.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

tejastech08 wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

The third Godfather would have been so much better had Winona Ryder taken the role like originally planned.

Yeah, but it still wouldn't have been able to match the first two. Perhaps if it had been made a few years after part II they could have re-captured the magic but the third one just felt forced. That said, it's still a damn good movie in its own right and it was kinda nice to see Michael later in life.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:

Miami Vice 2006

This really is an underrated film. With that said, it's only a 'good' film. Visually and stylistically, Mann puts it right up there with Heat & Collateral in the "cool" factor, and the visuals being eye candy. The cast isn't bad either. Even though it took some adjusting to a Colin Farrell as Sonny Crockett, Mann goes for an entirely different Crockett than that of the series, yet an identical one at the same time. Crockett is a womanizing, self absorbed, quick tempered, asshole... but he looks cool doing it. Basically the same thing Farrell does, but Farrell plays the role as the strong and silent type, something that in the long run helps drive a film that's virtually story-less. Foxx is perfect for Tubbs, no more no less, and the supporting cast for the old series roles of Switek, Zito, Gina, Trudy & Castillo work as well. It's all the more interesting in that Mann offered Edward James Olmos to reprise an older Castillo in the film, but Olmos turned it down.

The film has just enough of a basic story to move it along. In a nutshell, it's your typical Vice episode. Crockett & Tubbs go deep undercover as Burnett & Cooper to nab a high stakes drug dealer, but things go complicated when Trudy is taken hostage as collateral for the deal, and Crockett falls for the woman who organized the deal. Bam, that's the movie. Seems like something right out of the series.

I think where this film turned off almost all audiences, is the fact... it doesn't appeal to any niche, which is what Vice was in a way. Diehard fans of the TV series aren't going to like it, because it's not revisit to Miami 1986, ala video games like GTA: Vice City. Michael Mann fans aren't going to like it, because it's too 'summer blockbuster action film' for those fans to enjoy the drama appeal. And summer action blockbuster fans aren't going to like it, because it's too Michael Mann adult drama and subtext, to enjoy it on that respect.

In a weird way the film was stuck in it's own purgatory. Not enough old Vice for those fans, not simple enough for the stupid viewers, and too simple for the complex viewers.

But in terms of attitude, and a reinvention to the modern day, it works perfectly. The film is ultra-style, everybody looks 'cool', the hardware is the best including the Ferrari and 'Go Fast' boats, and Miami is shot in a perfect context for the film, with an actual approaching hurricane outside during most shots that creates a really cool 'stormy' vibe.

In terms of atmosphere and presentation, Vice is right up there with Heat & Collateral. In terms of story, not a chance. But I don't think that was Mann's intent. In a way, I think Mann targeted a simpler action film (in his eyes), to an audience, that doesn't like his films at all. People that would be into Lethal Weapon/Rush Hour-type buddy cop films.

Still an underrated good film. And in terms of the films made off of old TV shows... Miami Vice is the Citizen Kane of those films.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:

Rush Hour 3

Not great, not bad, just kinda there. Seems "tacked on" to a franchise that probably should've never seen a sequel to begin with. At least with Rush Hour 2, they obviously were trying to make something special out of it, but RH3 just seems like something done for the paycheck by all involved. The irony is, Chris Tucker seems to put 150% into his performance (especially with his lack of work over the last decade), but his jokes and sense of humor come across as bored and tired to a cast and film, that even Jackie Chan seemed to want to roll his eyes at. Chan also phones it in big time through most of the film, and the old chemistry between Chan & Tucker isn't there at all. Maybe because Chan resented Tucker at that point for holding out on the franchise for $20 million dollar paychecks, when they could've been on Rush Hour 7 at that point? Who knows.

Let's just say... stop. RH3 has that feeling in it. That feeling of, just stop, before you regret it. A Rush Hour 4 will probably be the Batman & Robin of the franchise.

It's weird with these buddy cop films. Studios want to sequelize them, but at the same time, rarely are the sequels to these any good. Rush Hour 2 & 3 are mediocre, and films like Another 48 Hrs. just are retreads of the original. Only in the case of Lethal Weapon, did the sequels actually turn out better than the original. Bad Boys II was another I thought was significantly better than the first. Beverly Hills Cop II (if it counts) was much better than the original, but III stunk.

 Rep: 107 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Furbush wrote:

funny people....great movie...
finally... a movie with adam sandler that doesn't reek of "family entertainment"
..i've waited soooo long

A Private Eye
 Rep: 77 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Taking of Pelham 123 - Pretty enjoyable, good performances from both Washington and Travolta.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axl S wrote:


 Rep: 13 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

strat0 wrote:

Wanted- Cool movie I liked it. Over the top kills, some humor, and lots of beating the hell out of Wesley.

Hellboy 2- Ok movie. not too much to say about it

Lucky Number Slevin- Very very very good movie. Nice twists at the end.

Fixin to watch Push

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:

Beverly Hills Cop II

...they just don't make 'em like this anymore.

 Rep: 207 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

DCK wrote:

Yes Man...

I'm working night shifts so I need some movies.

However, tonight Im watching MASH seas 3

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