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 Rep: 281 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

faldor wrote:
FlashFlood wrote:

But see what made the defense passable in 07 was the offense. The offense put up so many points that it forced opposing offenses to give up on the run and go with the air attack, enable the pats to focus much more on rushing the passer. Thus, an old Vrabel  gets his sacks and Asante (always a playmaker though) gets better chances for picks.

if this offense is 80 percent of the 07 offense, the defense should be able to have a phenomenal year.

I agree, BUT that caught up to them in the Super Bowl that year.  They faced a defense that was up to the task of limiting their offense.  Their defense actually played pretty well in that game but they let some things slip in that final drive.

So I agree a dominant offense can make a average defense look a lot better but in the end it just might not get the job done.  Same thing could be said for the first Pats Super Bowl win against the Rams.  The "Greatest Show on Turf" was the best offense in the NFL by far that year and their defense was ranked #4 overall I believe.  But their defense was "average", it's ranking was only that high because they played from ahead so often.

 Rep: 633 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 14 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

alexh0618 wrote:
russtcb wrote:

Just wanted to stop by and say I still live in Detroit so I will be contributing nothing to this thread yet again this year. wink

hahahahaha!! touche

 Rep: 205 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

PaSnow wrote:

Breaking News:  Eagles just signed Michael Vick.

I can't say I'm too excited. Not on a personal level, for that I do feel he did his time (2 years & a 6 game suspension I think). But the Eagles have AJ Feeley & Kevin Kolb as backups... and Vick is NOT a West Coast QB. I Guess if McNabb gets hurt it still keeps us alive for this season, as just put Vick in & let him run around & do whatever.. but my thing is this, if McNabb gets hurt again, move on. Put Kolb in, and if he isn't good enough look to move on to someone else. BUt Vick's style of play doesn't fit into Andy Reids, and Reid never changes his system. So it's nothing more than a 1 year backup solution and even then it's just a worst case scenario throw him in & hope it works out kinda deal.

Surprised no other teams wanted him. Lions should have taken him.

 Rep: 664 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

James wrote:

I'm surprised anybody wanted him. He's the most overrated athlete of the decade.

 Rep: 205 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

PaSnow wrote:

True. I think "wanted" may be the wrong word we're using. "Took" is prob a better term.

 Rep: 485 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

Neemo wrote:

i wouldnt be surprised if they use vick as a receiver .... they could even impliment a wildcat offense

 Rep: 205 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

PaSnow wrote:

Andys big with trick plays, so I think Vick will be udes a little. But mostly he'll be the backup.

 Rep: 67 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

Tommie wrote:
PaSnow wrote:

Breaking News:  Eagles just signed Michael Vick.

Still not sure how I feel about this.  I'm definitely torn.

 Rep: 205 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

PaSnow wrote:
CrashDiet wrote:
PaSnow wrote:

Breaking News:  Eagles just signed Michael Vick.

Still not sure how I feel about this.  I'm definitely torn.

I'm just indifferent. I'm not "excited", I don't think he as a player fills a void we had (ie. WR, TE, LB), and he won't be a true impact player.. He'll be on the bench most of the game, & prob come in for 5 or 6 plays. So it's a peculiar signing. To be honest, the only reason I'd get it is if absolutely no other team was signing him, or interested, and then the Eagles said "Well heck let's just sign him". Then I get it. But to go out of their way, recruit him, sign him, jeapordize your city & franchise's rep, well then that just doesn't make much sense for a backup QB when you already have some backups.

On the other hand I believe he paid his dues for his crime. He spent 2 years in prison, basically lost all his fortune, and is now asking for a second chance. There was a witchhunt after him at the time with the media frenzy, while Ray Lewis was involved in a murder, Donte Stallworth was convicted of manslaughter while DUI, and neihter of those crimes did the time or the media frenzy Vick got. I'd like to see his first interview or press conference, to see if he truely seems reformed & asking for forgiveness, or if it's just an act. A guy I used to know would always say "We all have skeletons in our closet".

It does bug me about the Kevin Kolb 2007 pick. We gave up our 1st rd pick to Dallas for that guy & he has yet to do anything!!

BTW- Great line I heard on the radio this morning:  "This guy comes with more baggage than an old lady going on a 10 day cruise"

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