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Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

I hate football.

 Rep: 205 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

PaSnow wrote:
CrashDiet wrote:

I agree.  But all this tells me is that his injury is a lot worse than is being let on.

Nahh, they needed to sign someone. Anyone. AJ Feeley signed with Carolina, likely because it's prob a full year signing, as opposed to just a few weeks. Wouldn't surprise me if AJ is a little bitter & "Tough luck guys, you decided to keep Vick & only 2 QB's the first 2 weeks, not me". But I don't think Garcia is in any way indicitive of McNabbs injury. 2-4 weeks & there's a bye week in there too.

 Rep: 205 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

PaSnow wrote:
Communist China wrote:

I hate football.

Dude, THAT sucked!!

On the (small) positive side, the Bills looked great for a while there, and their offense could really move the ball at will. Did I hear them say they fired their Offensive Coordinator 10 days ago??  Also, they lost to the Pat's at NE, so they still have their chance at home. Still sucks though.

Anyway, yeah, terrible decision to fight for 2 or 3 extra yards. I get running the ball out to run the clock down to 2:00's, but he should have slid at the first sign of contact.

 Rep: 108 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

war wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

The Urlacher injury is devastating. Even if just symbolically. He's pretty much the face/leader of the team. Will be interesting to see if they can recover from this. If they start losing a few games, season is over and its time to just jockey for draft position.

Chances of a Vikings run has just increased.

how do you increase from 100 percent? wink

 Rep: 281 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

faldor wrote:

That Pats/Bills game was an exciting game to be at for sure.  The Pats really had no right winning that game but they were given an opportunity and they took it.  Down 11 with 2:30 minutes to go, you just don't win faced with that scenario too often.  After they went down 11 I had to excuse myself to go to the bathroom and many fans were headed to the exits and getting booed, I kind of got lumped into that.  I almost felt like I had to defend myself and assure everyone I was coming back.  Luckily it was a quick trip and I didn't miss anything important.  The crowd went nuts after the fumble on the kickoff and the 2 TD's to Watson.  A side story, I have a Ben Watson jersey that I've worn on gameday the last 3 seasons.  I had to defend him prior to and during the game since he's been a vast underachiever over the years and barely made the team this season.  It certainly paid off, at least for one night.  I was getting props from the people in our section, being the resident Ben Watson fan.  Good stuff.

As for the overall ramifications of the game.  It would've been a horrific loss for the Pats.  I was trying to rationalize and make excuses for it when it looked like that was likely going to happen, luckily they pulled it out because the excuses I came up with weren't all that strong.  It was a great comeback win.  And a win is a win in the NFL.  Obviously the game was a lot closer than I, or anyone expected.  I expected a blowout and more points to be scored.  The Pats offense gained a lot of yards through the air but they didn't have that same quick strike, big play offense like they had 2 seasons ago.  Brady took a little while to get going.  The last 2 scoring drives he was great, but prior to that he and they were inconsistent.  I guess that's to be expected after a year off, I forget sometimes that Tom Brady is indeed human.  It took Manning awhile to come back from his injury last year and Carson Palmer still isn't the same 3 years later, so I guess it'll be a work in progress.  Welker and Moss were the only reliable WR's, both catching 12 balls a piece.  And Watson caugt 6 balls, so it seemed Tom went to who he was most comfortable with.  The new guys in the offense didn't contribute much of anything (Joey Galloway).  Hopefully that will change soon.

The running game wasn't good, and that wasn't a surprise.  I don't expect many big games from the RB's, at least not early on in the season while the weather isn't a factor.  When the New England winter and cold weather hits they're gonna need to find a way to at least be respectable in that area.

I thought the defense played okay, and well at times.  I have huge questions about the defense so for me they met and possibly exceeded my expectations.  But that's not necessarily a good thing, because I didn't expect much at all from them.  Mayo went down early and didn't return.  That didn't help considering he's one of, if not THE best defensive player on the team.  The secondary actually played pretty well, holding TO and Lee Evans in check.  But the LB corps was victimized by screen passes to Fred Jackson time and again.  They didn't get consistent pressure on Edwards either, but they did get a few key sacks down the stretch when it mattered most.  So all in all, the defense remains a work in progress and will continue to for the remainder of the season.  I just hope they progress as the season moves along.  Hopefully the Mayo injury isn't too serious, and it doesn't sound like it is, though they've given very little information on it.  His loss for any amount of time would be difficult to overcome.

I was expecting to breeze through the regular season and win the AFC East handily, but now I've got to bring my expectations back a little bit.  The Jets looked real good in week 1 and the two teams meet this week in NY.  That could be a dogfight now.  They're playing with great confidence and they're gonna be convinced that they can take the Patriots down.  So we'll just have to see what happens.  Regardless, the regular season just took on a much greater importance.

 Rep: 633 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 205 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

PaSnow wrote:
russtcb wrote:

Why does no one in this thread have anything nice to say about Detroit???


I don't think they've even been mentioned since 2006 at the old roses of velvet site 16

NY Giants82
 Rep: 26 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

NY Giants82 wrote:
russtcb wrote:

Why does no one in this thread have anything nice to say about Detroit???


Their new logos are nice!

 Rep: 485 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

Neemo wrote:
faldor wrote:

As for the overall ramifications of the game.  It would've been a horrific loss for the Pats.  I was trying to rationalize and make excuses for it when it looked like that was likely going to happen, luckily they pulled it out because the excuses I came up with weren't all that strong.  It was a great comeback win.  And a win is a win in the NFL.

Brady was rusty for sure but as the game wore on he started gaining confidence and at the end he moved the chains at will as he started connecting with welker, moss and watson...i seem to recall faulk a couple times as well

anyway he hasnt played in a year he needs to get timing back in real game action, he's among the elite if not THE elite at QB he wont have much of a relearnign curve...he even rushed a couple times, it'll be all good

 Rep: 194 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

tejastech08 wrote:
russtcb wrote:

Why does no one in this thread have anything nice to say about Detroit???


Ahem...Barry Sanders is the best running back ever. Does that count? 16

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