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 Rep: 768 

Re: GNR Sued For Copying Songs

Axlin16 wrote:
Aussie wrote:

Personally I never liked this song, I always skip it along with Scraped.  Leaving that electronic shit out of it wouldn't have made a lick of difference to the song as a whole (it would still be a crap song to me with or without those sounds) and might have saved some hassle for em.

At the same time $1M compensation good fucken luck getting even a fraction of that!

What would have been embarassing if it was copyright for Axl's vocals "Oooohooo Oooohooo".    16  Those vocals are equivalent to dragging your fingernails down a blackboard.


There it is. Why rip off an already shitty song? Scraped & Riad are actually the ONLY low-points on the entire album for me.

 Rep: 11 

Re: GNR Sued For Copying Songs

maguire22 wrote:

I'm guessing it was an honest mix-up. When I was mucking about with music in my little fanboy home studio 10+ years ago, I remember samples used to be really hard to keep track of. Nothing I used stored them with the same facility to add a name etc like MP3 have now, embedded in the data.

I don't know how software's changed but I find it absolutely credible this sample got divorced from the info that it was copyrighted by anyone else, and just got chucked into the mix as something someone in the band had created.

Can you trace every single MP3 or jpg on your computer to the website that you got it from? I know I can't.

Like I said, been a while now, but it was the first possibility that came to mind. If I'm wrong and the contemporary stuff GnR were using won't let that happen, then I'm just wrong, so be it. 22

Really glad its not my problem, and I'm beginning to agree with the poster earlier who said it would be cool to get like an EP out soon, and just distance themselves from Chi Dem with some solid new material. 22

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: GNR Sued For Copying Songs

Axlin08 wrote:
Aussie wrote:

Personally I never liked this song, I always skip it along with Scraped.  Leaving that electronic shit out of it wouldn't have made a lick of difference to the song as a whole (it would still be a crap song to me with or without those sounds) and might have saved some hassle for em.

At the same time $1M compensation good fucken luck getting even a fraction of that!

What would have been embarassing if it was copyright for Axl's vocals "Oooohooo Oooohooo".    16  Those vocals are equivalent to dragging your fingernails down a blackboard.


There it is. Why rip off an already shitty song? Scraped & Riad are actually the ONLY low-points on the entire album for me.

Disagreed completely! Riad is possibly the best rocker on the album, and while some people hate Scraped, I think it's really fun. If I had to cut 5 songs off this album, these two would still both be on CD.

 Rep: 768 

Re: GNR Sued For Copying Songs

Axlin16 wrote:

Shackler's is the best rocker on the album.


 Rep: 341 

Re: GNR Sued For Copying Songs

bigbri wrote:

Axl will blame it on Bucket or Brain or someone else not in the band. If it's Brain, we'll finally get the unofficial official confirmation he's out of the band.

 Rep: 28 

Re: GNR Sued For Copying Songs

emcitymisfit wrote:

So you people hate the Riad vocals, but can stand the Scraped intro?

What the fuck kind of backwards forum is this?

 Rep: 212 

Re: GNR Sued For Copying Songs

BLS-Pride wrote:

I don't think he will blame any band members. Maybe a producer or 4 though. But that Brain theory bigbri could be right as well. Kinda good timing since they apparently are going to play on a stage for the third Chinese Democracy tour. For an album like this a mistake like ripping someone off is yet another nail in it's coffin. The media will have a field day with this one.

And I agree with Shackler being one of the best two rockers next to IRS. But for me I like the song but there are times I hit skip over it.

 Rep: 212 

Re: GNR Sued For Copying Songs

BLS-Pride wrote:
emcitymisfit wrote:

So you people hate the Riad vocals, but can stand the Scraped intro?

What the fuck kind of backwards forum is this?

I guess backwards means having different musical tastes?

And I am pretty sure you will find people here who dislike both or like one or both or hate the intro but like the song.

 Rep: 475 

Re: GNR Sued For Copying Songs

misterID wrote:
BLS-Pride wrote:

I don't think he will blame any band members. Maybe a producer or 4 though. But that Brain theory bigbri could be right as well. Kinda good timing since they apparently are going to play on a stage for the third Chinese Democracy tour. For an album like this a mistake like ripping someone off is yet another nail in it's coffin. The media will have a field day with this one.

I have to disagree with you there. I don't see anyone besides probably blabbermouth caring.

 Rep: 212 

Re: GNR Sued For Copying Songs

BLS-Pride wrote:
misterID wrote:
BLS-Pride wrote:

I don't think he will blame any band members. Maybe a producer or 4 though. But that Brain theory bigbri could be right as well. Kinda good timing since they apparently are going to play on a stage for the third Chinese Democracy tour. For an album like this a mistake like ripping someone off is yet another nail in it's coffin. The media will have a field day with this one.

I have to disagree with you there. I don't see anyone besides probably blabbermouth caring.

This also could be true. I was actually going to put "If anyone even cares" but left it out of my post. There is always that chance Rolling Stone mentions it or a magazine or music news site like that.

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