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 Rep: 281 

Re: GNR Sued For Copying Songs

faldor wrote:

Rolling Stone already mentioned it, and said it was pretty much bogus.  Once again, the only place where the situation is getting bashed is in the forums.

 Rep: 475 

Re: GNR Sued For Copying Songs

misterID wrote:
James Lofton wrote:
misterID wrote:

It doesn't mean anyone copied anyone else.

Oh please. It was directly lifted from another track.

Are you Vanilla Ice?

Please what? The first part is a simple synth note. If that's ripping someone off someone needs to tip off Yanni about this prick ripping him off. The second is much closer and could be the same thing, but again, that's also a simple effect I've even heard in rides at Disney World. I still don't see the big deal.

If it is, just pay for the 4 second sample.

The Chili's blatantly ripped off Depeche Mode and Janes Addiction on Stadium Arcadium. The Stones wrote a song that sounded identical to KD Lang's Constant Craving and weren't aware of it, and instantly payed her when they realised it. This is nowhere close to those. 

Word to your mother.

 Rep: 287 

Re: GNR Sued For Copying Songs

Aussie wrote:

I can't imagine that they would have intentionally just lifted that bit of electronic stuff. 

It must be pretty hard to make a song these days without some aspect of it sounding like something that is already out there (even if you have never heard it).

 Rep: 50 

Re: GNR Sued For Copying Songs

Gagarin wrote:

Agree with misterID...

This does != bassline ripping, melody ripping, or riff ripping.

It is, however, possibly a pretty bad sampling "oops". Also pretty bad because both songs use it as introductions... 

Please don't poo poo it because it's a synth effect. It actually takes some work getting a computer to sound the way you want it to. I don't know if this is an out of the box deal and they did something similar, or they actually sampled it from their record. But it's pretty clearly there.

Unfortunately it's reported as if they ripped off the structure of the song or something really important, not just a transition/intro effect.

 Rep: 10 

Re: GNR Sued For Copying Songs

JIP wrote:

this is's the same sample....i'm sure they didn't make it on purpose...everyone can use these samples and make songs...that doesn't mean he owns them.

 Rep: 217 

Re: GNR Sued For Copying Songs

Mikkamakka wrote:

I think they (or Pitman) didn't necesserly 'stole' it. Some unknown, but good enough synth parts appear in various 'loops and samples' databases. I hope I worded it right.
The bigger problem is that they felt (probably in the last minute) that they needed some intro and didn't create one, but used a 'ready' loop. This is one of my main problems with the album. Axl wanted to be very contemporary, relevant and artistic, but sat on the material for decades without completing it, then in the big hurry stolen parts, old weak vocals, unfinished songs, Ooohs & NaNaNas and amateurish cut and paste job appeared on the final product. Not to mention how relevant it was when finally got released. Good ol' Axl, you tried so hard to be artistic, that I smell the sweat all over the record.

 Rep: 661 

Re: GNR Sued For Copying Songs

monkeychow wrote:

I think it will come out this is an error in Axl's legal team.

Using samples itself is pretty normal for guys like pittman and the normal procedure is to use what you want while experimenting making the tracks....then make a list of what was used and get the legal guys or managment to get the permissions and rights for the samples used so they can stay on the tracks.

It's quite possible it's just an oversight...and somehow everyone thought someone else had cleared it.

 Rep: 30 

Re: GNR Sued For Copying Songs

jimmythegent wrote:

interesting timing alright

reeks of a manufactured GN'R publicty stunt

has re-ignited by liking of the song mind - hadn't listened to it in months and have just checked it out again and must say it is pretty rockin'

 Rep: 30 

Re: GNR Sued For Copying Songs

jimmythegent wrote:
James Lofton wrote:
faldor wrote:

They "stole" about 10 to 15 seconds worth of sounds for the intro.  Bittersweet Symphony was completely based on the Stones song they sampled and played throughout the entire song.  It's a bit of a different case.  There's obviously a similarity, or a ripoff, what have you.  But it's nowhere near the severity of some of these other cases.

I never said this case was identical. Simply mentioned a couple other cases for reference.

plus of course the fact that Bittersweet Symphony is a well know hit that still gets tons of airplay throughout the world

Riad is not

 Rep: 268 

Re: GNR Sued For Copying Songs

Olorin wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:

I think they (or Pitman) didn't necesserly 'stole' it. Some unknown, but good enough synth parts appear in various 'loops and samples' databases. I hope I worded it right.
The bigger problem is that they felt (probably in the last minute) that they needed some intro and didn't create one, but used a 'ready' loop.

That was my thought months ago when this first emerged, but this guy Ulrich is a bit of an electronic whizz, could be he created them from scratch because his versions are part of a much larger melody.

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