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 Rep: 664 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

James wrote:

Wow, Dallas lost. Now I wish I had watched that game. That puts the Packers back in the hunt for home field advantage.

 Rep: 485 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

Neemo wrote:

crazy day yesterday

eagle win was a shocker, giants are fucked with Shockey gone, pats looked average against jets

Dolphins finally fuicking won! yikes

 Rep: 88 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

Gunslinger wrote:

I had the feeling that the Eagles may win.  They almost upset the Patriots and so beating the Cowboys was definitely plausable.  There was definitely a certain amount of joy that came along with watching Romo try to impress Jessica in the crowds only to throw for three interceptions!  16  Kind of nice to see the "real T.O." make a comeback as well.   Isn't it great to watch his "new" attitude start to slither away after just having his second loss of the season?  Romo had a crap game but TO definitely did his part to serve Dallas up a loss.  When Dallas gets thumped in the playoffs (let's go Green Bay!) it will be interesting to see who he starts running his mouth off to.  We all know it won't be HIS fault.  Expect the same thing to happen with the suddenly "team-oriented" Moss.   Yeah, he's definitely a talent but I'm sorry I can't stomach anyone who pulls the shit he did last year making the cash these guys get.  He should have been suspended or at the least heavily fined for his actions.

 Rep: 205 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

PaSnow wrote:
Gunslinger wrote:

Expect the same thing to happen with the suddenly "team-oriented" Moss.   Yeah, he's definitely a talent but I'm sorry I can't stomach anyone who pulls the shit he did last year making the cash these guys get.  He should have been suspended or at the least heavily fined for his actions.

I forget, what did he do?? I remember he "mooned" some fans, but I thought that was a couple years ago... when he was with Minn. And I thought Vick gave the finger, not Moss. Just curious.

 Rep: 88 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

Gunslinger wrote:

My problem with Moss was his attitude.  He made frequent public comments that basically said "he didn't care" about his team's struggles or his level of play.  This is a paraphrase but it was close to this "If they [the Raiders] don't care, then why should I?"  Several people were outraged and Mike Ditka even said he has no place in the NFL with that kind of attitude.  He should care because he was PAID to care.  Now he is on a winning team and is "Mr Team-oriented Guy"....bullshit.  Let's see how team oriented he is if they lose in the playoffs, which I really believe they will.

NY Giants82
 Rep: 26 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

NY Giants82 wrote:

Well I go from being happy watching Dallas get beat, to my team forgeting there was a game last night. Horrible playcalling, at LEAST 8 drops... Err! Suddenly next week's game against Buffalo has meaning.

 Rep: 205 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

PaSnow wrote:
Gunslinger wrote:

This is a paraphrase but it was close to this "If they [the Raiders] don't care, then why should I?"  Several people were outraged and Mike Ditka even said he has no place in the NFL with that kind of attitude.  He should care because he was PAID to care.  Now he is on a winning team and is "Mr Team-oriented Guy"....bullshit.  Let's see how team oriented he is if they lose in the playoffs, which I really believe they will.

Ok, yeah I think I do remember that. That is bad. TO's bad too but I think he's slightly better than Moss as for team oriented. TO just hates losing, Moss just detaches himself when they lose. In Philly there were other things TO was upset about (contract renegotiation, which was BS, but Philly hasn't fared well without him so he did have a point in hindsight). I agree that NE's home field advantage might hurt them, in the cold, wind & snow Moss, Brady & Co will be ineffective, as they will need to rely on short passes & RB's. They still might be good in these conditions, but certainly beatable. Also, if they DO lose in the playoffs, no doubt a controversy ensues that Belicheck emphasized too much focus on going undefeated & not resting players that their focus was taken off making the playoffs & going for the SB. 

NY Giants82 wrote:

Well I go from being happy watching Dallas get beat, to my team forgeting there was a game last night. Horrible playcalling, at LEAST 8 drops... Err! Suddenly next week's game against Buffalo has meaning.

Yes & No. The only teams capable of catching NYG are MINN & WASH, but they play each other next week. I think Minn would have to win tonight, lose to Wash, & win the final game, and Wash beat Minn & Dallas, and Giants lose out for NYG to be out of the playoffs. Although, I guess it's possible. Dallas could be resting their players in week 17, but I think they might need the win for Home field adv. Anything can happen. Buff will be tough, it doesn't help to have NE in the final game, isn't much of a cushion, especially being a Thursday game, they won't know how Wash & Minn will do. If it was a Sunday night game, everything would be answered as to whether they need to win or not. Should be interesting. Although, I don't think it matters a whole lot which wildcard spot they get. TB & Seattle are about equal, although I think I'd rather play Seattle. But then GB & Dallas seem about equal too. Always try to finish as best you can though.

Eagles sure surprised even me. Dallas is good, but I think them & GB are just on a roll this year, I don't think either are really 'that great'. McNabb looked good, although I was kinda hoping to see our rookie in the final 2 games. That isn't going to happen since "mathmatically" we're still in the playoffs. Maybe week 17.

NY Giants82
 Rep: 26 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

NY Giants82 wrote:

^^ Yeah its very unlikely we dont make the playoffs, but I dont want another season of backing into the playoffs. We gotta beat Buffalo Sunday because, if NE is still undefeated going into Week 17, they are going to throw everything but the kitchen sink at us.

Jim Johnson is just an abosolute genius when it comes to defensive playcalling. He was the first one to "test" the Pats this year, and now he goes and calls a game that just totally confuses the Cowboys. Kudos to him. Our Defensive Coordinator, Steve Spagnuolo, learned from the best! I hope we can keep him around for years to come like you all have kept Johnson around.

 Rep: 485 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

Neemo wrote:
NY Giants82 wrote:

We gotta beat Buffalo Sunday because, if NE is still undefeated going into Week 17, they are going to throw everything but the kitchen sink at us.

especially if Brady doesnt get 5 td's against Miami to surpas peyton's record

 Rep: 205 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

PaSnow wrote:

^^ On second thought, I didn't realize the Saints were still alive at 7-7-. Throwing a 3rd team into the mix does shake it up a bit, especially one that's on a roll like NO & Minn have been recently. This Buff game is important.

Oh yeah, JJ is a great defensive coordinator. I've said for years PHI has been good because of the defense, and Andy being an 'offensive' head coach, takes away from his legacy. I think Spagnolo will stick around for another year or two, then get a coaching job. Maybe with NYG suceeding Coughlin in a few years, or elsewhere. I don't think he'll get one this off-season, but we'll see. For some reason, owners don't feel JJ is "head-coaching material'. It sounds wierd, but they feel he's a perennial defensive coodinator. He interviewed somewhere a few years ago, and didn't get the job. Then he signed a pretty big (over $1 mil/year) asst coaching contract. It was one of the biggest ever for a coordinator. I think he accepted he will never get a head coaching job after that, and doesn't even go thru the process of it. The defensive coordinator for Tampa Bay is the same way, very similar in age & agressive play calling, and he did the same thing around the same time. Signed a really big contract for an asst coach.

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